Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/289

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_. Ill QOXGBIQSS. 1,, Cup,-_132,_l33.:;,1Q26. 249 All that-certain; _ 0 ,191:,,0 _1p,nd,,si·t ate lyin ,d,be' e?··¤**¤¤<>¤ ~**·¤¤· Lo1§‘ Beach is the tdivhiship of glnion, ccilifntjd of andtgtge u' of ¤w.·I¢r¤¤y» by ef the mst <>f1¤¤d!<a<>¤v<—y§d,by smb D- »Hv¤¤g ¤¤4 V ., I, 1812121 ’¤?;¤·=¤§é<Y ¢§*2@.»1¤¤d?¤‘ ***11;, ¤%¤ds and A ated·_the.2d,9f__A$gril, gnno lQRm1m,,;8%,_and‘reeordeu in the erk's 65ee of the o_, . at ver, in boolr 2 of deeds, page 108, to Joseph town in fee, and by the said flosegh §xjown and wivfeponveyedlvtohghe said John Ashley Brownjin fee y ‘ eed duly executed nndert l1·:‘hands·ancf iseals,tbeering,i,d»zt)e'the 16th day of April, anno Domim, 1857, reference isaid deeds as will _more fullgl appear and isebounded ai:d‘des§cri%>ed as follows: Begmnmg at e southwest corner of a lot of land belon - ing to the United States, runnin@`south two degrees east eiggt hundred and fiitifeet in estskenr .St¤;1¤,.thence north eightsneight degrees ea$ tive undred ,a.nd»»twent5{+e1ght feet,éb0·—a€ stakgetf stone, U ¢h¤¤¤6 smith;l"'$i’d¢%*°°8 ·"‘§$°t¢l€,f¥lf Ql¤‘¤¤d¤??l. *96.5%%; Q, Ste the s¤utlreaist_eprnerl ofht é_l¤€$b6lQI1§¤& tbumeellisitedi , ‘_tes,;#the¤c<= alongétbe luxe- ofthe-sud t£§¥ei undred aqd,;twenty1exght<feet,to the place of begmnmg, containing te? acres xgirore or less, together with `the`= right, of neg over thelsaide ohn_As ey Brownpremises, andthe f persouisib and from epid preiniseéconzveyed hy these presents, with any and alHti1idsFof ¤·a1+ia‘Ees,ja§ons, or othe1··yeh1c1ee¥,ciz~om anyflendiug ‘plaee now need or: ereafter to be eusedkither ·t,he·t:a·y,,~in1et,_or*ocean’,s{de, with the of said lantdmgs- upon Ins, s#1dfpm,nnses;5suB;ect to the following conditions; that is to ssyythe said party o!,‘thelseeondlpart=sha11 1~estb1;ict*the keeperslof ghetlighiihoiise im _fvemf;1;ts;mut to `erecd uponsai prem` `ises; ori any ptrd I ° mp p- ing a grocery store tavern or bOlI‘d1Dg· ph d_ eieo":`Pi·6 d, '°’°""°*· ,,,,0, That the United Stattes resetves the right»foi· dm Sggice rwlfrvuéldteum mm to maintain a light in the tower or at such other place on the reserva- tion as the needs of navigati5ii`“iiiii,$*`i·eq¤1ire, and the right to enter E¥°£;l?£?§é'2?°3r3§5£¤%‘r?°ég°?»§‘Z?“p-a.J6t’“‘··’ °‘??t.s.»"*°‘ ,,,;·,,··,;·,g·#,,,,,.,·¤·*¤=»*;=,;<;,1 c¤e¤e¢¤» i¤ ·¤¢h¤rg¤¤·w webs we ¤¤~¥¢e,¤f,N¤w‘: é*e~v:¢es¤>e¤»ei¤ this rreeervstiou ¤r h¤¤¤>¤<=¤l tD¤1;¥°¤¢¤·¤¤d ll\°.P¥`?2°FY¤ll9“,.. M me of the lighthouse tower, and that 1 the State ould not continue um, to use the reseuvation for §>ti;rposes~,— the said tower ebnllrevertxtelthe United, tes. » » wv. ~ \ . -

     l   'A`' It ‘MlZi‘<:   .*.

t ,4;Z it ·¤ A V ll . 1 *.,,? I-;  ; · *·, ¥ ;_ *& {nfl §*_=,‘·i _'· .. » ,·» A i 13,l9%. Mis,tt.,.%é’.?,.,t*£e¢e°f.t%riT§r?%‘¥,i?‘x$¤st'2§¤£2f *·‘u¤:*—":r¤i?m18i)<°}.is.¤ y -,344:-enacted byftlw »S»ma¢e$end>H”ouu 94 Mgvwwivut efwic s r United,-Stgztea of Anmioazin Gongvvu _ <iThat the times ·K2‘§’,$““,,’{,{§‘$‘,;d ,0, ., for eomlnencinfgandeompleting the~construetion ra bridge author- }_>_g‘*%,¤*g _{¤i,¤;g>g ized by! A.ct=o Oongrhss#ap&;oved· Febma(;·iy#.i13} ·1¤25,»to be built ¤¤%»,“r¤e,m umm

 tlqeigate Q£‘_1u1|h(llE!1d_°y   otrln ma=ae:e¤•<€heiV’:Tt;p•;h ,d_ ‘ ·"‘ ·

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·»subje¤t-to-ithe ee p tions-and 1lmitsti¢mej¢eee\ ‘ aiu tl1is»A>et. The ~ honstruetion si meh 'bridge shtll ,nat:=eeeemme¤neee,». nor, shell ,,,,·,';{,§’{§',’,§‘,,,,§’§,,,f"°‘° ¤any_»lte:·a:ien* in meh bridge be mede eithewbefeve es aiteviits feels- hpletiee; wmtgr pt`3;g¤; gun?pg6i5gqgg5;·,,,,{;~ {gr.; em.

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