Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/311

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sasa. Ii Cu. 148. 1926; 271 .H(BPl.TALDLRl, cnnenmnxoanmmua. C*”‘Z°°•· Ilor the sunhireasonable C"' °', "°°*{,jmj;f of may bempproved:by.ii1e.S¤c1*•lnry of War for oar» {gun mw ing in its hospitals for nllicers, mili£ary.priaone1·s,»and civilian employeesiof the .A.1·my.admitted·thareto upon the request ,§’{,°,§‘;‘{,,mc,my_ of proper military authority; $44),000 :`Pr0#vided,- That the subsistence ¤¤¤¤¤· of¢the<said.1[>atieni.? except commissioned —·oi'ilcers, shall··be paid to mid hospita sont 0 theappropriation'for;¤s11bsistence.0f.the Army at the rates provided therein for commutation-of rations nor enlisted patients in general V i i · — ' ’ `ARiY’KBDICAh unsvorr · MLZH M°di°°l For Army Medicaliliuseum, preeervationlof specimens, and the ,,;‘§,‘§,{,f,§T`*“‘*°‘°·· preparationand purchase of new specimens, $7,500. ‘ I x.mu1¤·,sn¤ono;~r oannnarfs loirrrcn m"°"‘ . For the library of the Surgeon (}eneral’s ollice, including the pur- ,;£“'°°"° °' b°°'”· chase of the necessary books of reference and periodicals, $19,500. Orman or me-Summon GENERAL og:{F°°° G°°°"YS Salaries: For pfrsonal services in the District of Columbia in Clvum "°”°“°°‘· accordance with t e Classification Actiof 1923, $264,347. Bvnuv or I¤sm.Aa~Ar12·ams "“” mf · cum or mann: rmmxol somnnas ~ digs? °* i¤¤¤¤¤ •·>*— For care, maintenance, and treatment at asylums in the Philip· ¥¤*¤¤P¤m¤¤i¤¤¤· ine Islands of insane natives of the Philippine Islands, conforma- Ele to the Act of Congres approved May 11, 1908, $900. cans or msnrn ronromcan sommns For care, maintenance, anditreatment at; in Porto of I“ P°‘°° R‘°°· insane Porto Rican soldierahof i the Fortymeconds and Sixty·-fifty Regiments of Infantry, $50.. — ·; · ’ Somoa or sunken or insnma armies · ~,,§§’,‘i°,,§{,,ff“°‘ °‘ I“‘ Salaries: For in the Districtof Columbia in °l"m"" "°”°““°1· accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $80,280.. I c0g4»¤ 1-my Emimanas ¤····¤~ . ' V ` XX) ,

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"For incidental e nses for A the depots, iincludin fuel lights, I°°‘“°°*’°’¤’•¤°* chemicals, stationeggc hardware, niachinerg, pay ofgiriliaii clerks,

 laborers, and other employees; or‘liiinber‘and‘inaterials

and foilalaor for packing and crating engineer supplies; repairs of, and for materials to repair, public buildi%,,mach1nery, an instru- ments, and for unforeseen expenses, $90, ` .‘ _ mmi-uminuscnoon ’ W _ __ _ °°"°°*· Forequipment and maintenance of the Engineer Schoohindud--m§§°‘f’§$°°°· “‘°‘”‘° ing purchase and repair of rinstruments, machinery, implements,