Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/321

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~SIX'I‘Y-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cn. 146. 1926. 281 Academy in lieu of the regular established ration; maintenance of children sfsclggil (not exceeding $8,84ggé <;»3ntin·gencies for su;;ert;1§— tendentot a ynottosex [ 000·ex oy e members ~¤uhe~ncn·a or ifisiim (not exceehiag 'smi); eqmaagent ”°""°""‘“°“”" fund, to be expended underthe direction of the Academe Board (not exceeding $500) ;, im}p1rovement repair, and maintenance of buildings and grounds (inc ding roads, walls, and fences); shooting galleries and ranges; cooking, heating, and lighting apparatus and xtures and operation and-maintenance thereof; maintenance of water sewer, and plumbing systems; maintenance of and repairs toycadet camfp; fire extinguishing apparatus; imachinery and tools and repair 0 same; maintenance, repair, and operation of an auto- mobile and one motor truck; policing buildings and grounds; furni- ture for oiicial purposes at the academy, andrepair and maintenance thereof; fuel for heat, Mgt, and power· and other necessary inci- dental expenses in the 'scretion of the superintendent; 1n all, $970,131. » runmc woaxs, tmrrmi sraras exrnrranr Aoanmnr P“"“°‘”°'“· For continuing the construction of a new mess hall, cadet store, ,,,,‘,§}, _ "°‘“" dormitories, and drawinghgcademy, $700,000: Projvided, That section péyéegwg m 3548, Revised Statutes, ll not apply to subscrigtions for foreign, n.s.,7m.:ms,i>.na professional 7 and other newspapers and periodica to be paid from any of thelfbregoing appropriations for the Military Academ . Am hm mw he Secretary 0f.War is hereby-directed to turn over to the llynited and galmieammwea States Military·Academy without expense all such surplus material ’°‘ as may be available and necesmry for the construction of buildings; also surplus tools and for use in the instruction _ of cadets at the academy: Pr ' ·, That the constructing quarter- §,°‘{,'§§‘;,,,b,.,,c, ,0 master, United States Military Academy, is hereby exempted from ¤¤*PI°Y°¤=- all laws and regulations relative to employment and to granting leaves of absince tglgerpfllpyws pay v;’hile emp n'1cgL'i- Eumdimm ml struction wor at t ' `tary ‘ emy: 4 t ygruglng " ` the funds appropriated herein for the United States Military’Acad- $*l**’°a? N- emy may be expended without advertising when in the opinion of the responsible constructing officer and the superintendent it is more economical and advantage0us·to7.the~(~}0vemment to dispense with advmismg 0 MILITIA sunnau A ` U Mm Bm- Nlvrromu. Guerin N°’°°“‘° G°”°' amuse, nqmésrmc, Ama mamrnc rm: rwrroxan susan ‘ ”m1”"°°°" For ptrgculziement og forétgg, gézdding, and so forth, for animals mii§"‘°’ °°°’ mm used , ey ational uar 1 1 543. . Forbycompensation of help for bare of materials, animals, and °"°°‘°°u°°B’°°°` °“`iipm°”°’ $2’1°°..;.2£'§;. of 7..s ..;.e.... as 670,517 ¤··¤·»¤·»·-·~¤·¤- or expenses - . ,g$`or ezggensesi selected odicers and ,enlisted men, military service ‘°"°°l i“' sc cols 50 000. · t s $7For pay of property and disbursing oilicers for the United States, °°°" °m` 4 065. ‘ p §6Pzor general expenses, equipment: and instruction, National Guard, ,§Q°,‘,§§{,‘§,“‘,°;'§,E,,,‘T‘,f.’$*l m` 88 65 ; ‘ c i. U Fcir travel of oilicers and noncommissioned oliicers of the Regular w'§f“"°‘· Amy °“‘ Armyin connection with the National Guard, $310,000: Provided €,~¤••¤- Dmmmm That not to exceed $2,000 of this sum shall be expended for travel, G,,.;"{,;Sm,