Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/334

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$*4 .SIaXTXe,NINlZH_CONGRESSt»,tS.¤ss. I. Cn. 140;; 1926.

  • ‘°"" °"""•"‘; of‘°¤¤•¤•gers:.,Pmnident,- $4,000·.¤ecr¤tary $500- general

Salari nd •x Y , . i i 9 rum °° i · at of the board .0f.m¤¤•%·)s, ` l¤¤¤$§¤¢ trouugr $3 _;

      —. .   , .}·..9l¤r1¤¤1;»¤no¤;¤;_er.the oilioes drip pigg-

. i'°' ° 4 . . er, , 4 °

 ¤¤ ¤  ~ ~ is  tbdleesrd

.t9f.¤¤li\9§  »,  ? r ~ ¤ r _ _ _ _ , —iU0¢R@»W ,_ H , V xnspootronsqork, $14,000,; outside relief $l00;

 N a .¤Im1p¤t1 onery, telegrams and other

mo•·d¤¤te1e$yieee§$l,70Q;,_m;al1,. A , , _ aq · , ;eT¢¤l, ome for ZD¤sebled_§Volunteer Soldiers, ,685,100. ,}:1* °' "`°”"°"•* homes for..di?>bled soldiers andsailors; For oeeemmuu ee. continuing an to State or Territoria homes for the support of dis- "°" "· ‘* “°‘ •b1¤d volunteer soldiers, in oonforunityyithethe Act emmovod AW A We l888; l·¤»Qw¤¤do<l,‘i,¤eluding clamesof ' ' to ggjgia mm m, the Nbtlolml Heme.for—Disabled,, olunteer Sol $570,000; Pro- ¤~¤•- »1iJd,fTh•&:£0r, yrsnuu or sums collectediin any manner from inmateeoiinkh §tecr Territorial homestobe used for the sup-

 saidthomee’amount~shal1»be deducted from the aid

' provided for, Iutihis proviso shall not apply to any State or TQ!’l’1l`D!‘l§l’hb1116 into which the wives or widows of soldiers are admitted and maintained. ’*•·¤*·°•·¥ * Tm: Panama Cruzer. We — =u W The limitations on the expenditure of appropriations hereinbefore

`"'CZP    medeein this Act shallgnot apply to the appropriations for the
  • ?*· Vi .’.— v » · . , t _

’·“ *‘°*"* Kar; everysexpenditure- requisite for andincident to themaintanance and operation, sanitation, and civil government of the Panama °`°""" ""‘*°‘· Canaland including theafollowing: Compensation of - . A ·e¤ eee, ore P . om c newspa an all oiidals and hmgy f mtgn and d esti E d periodicals; law: not ex mg $500; textbooks and ks of reference; printing and binding, including printing of annual report; imnt and personal services in r e District of Columbia; purchase or

 of typewrriting,. adding, and other machines; purchase or

__ .exchmge,~ maintenance, repair, and ggeration of motor-propelled ,.,_°"""' °"m"'°’ and horse-drawn passengevcarrying v cles; claims for damages to vessels through the locks of the Panama Canal, as authorized by tl1e<Fanama.Canal Act; claims for losses of or damages to property! arisingffrom the conduct of authorized buénem operations· claims or damages to props:-ltiy arising from theomaintenance and · n, sa on,»an or vernmen o o anama a ; operatic nitati d ‘ ’ ge t i the P Can 1 D”~°,mm acquisition of land and land underwater, asauthorized in the Panama •u» ¤••¤w»,a¤. ilanalzict; incurred inhgssemblixég, storing, repairing an sell1ng' mate1·1al,“ mae ' e ,an equi ent ereto ore ~‘ or orgacquired the congtniiuction of the Panama " ~~whiah are uneerviceable or no longer needed, to be reimbursed from the proceeds of such sales; expenses incident to conducting hearings and examining estimates for appropriations on the Isthmus; expenses any emergency arnsingbecause of - » bydood, fire, glance, or like character not foreseen or "‘”""'°*"“‘°“°'· otherwise»i=iinvidod»;for erein; per diem allowance in lieu of sub- sistence w en prescribed by the Governor of the Panama Canal to personaengagediadeld work or traveling ion otlicial b , pur- vaaaa M snant to section 18 of the &ndry Civil Appropriation Act a proved ’Au?11,·1914; and for suchother expenses not in the Unit; States as t e Governor of the Panama Canal may deem neoemanrir best to promote the maintenance and operation, sanitation, and ci ` govern-