Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/34

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KXXIV LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page. Public lends, Oregon, lieu school selections. An Act To authorise the selection of certain pub- licly owned lands by the State of Oregon. March 2, 1927 ._,_”___,_,___,_________ 1262 Assinibcins Indiana, An Act Conferring jurisdiction umthe Court of Claims to hear, examine, adjudieate, and entergudgment in ani; c s which the Assiniboine _ Indians may have against the United tstes, and for ot er purposes. March 2, 1927-- 1263 Ksttg HIg§lIc,DI\; mrpgznii Iétn Act Progiding for the creation of 31 mgmiment on y , orth na, commemora ve o e rs success- iul human attempt in history at power-driven airplane night. March 2. 1927- - - . .-- 1264 Bridge, Ohio River. An Act To amend sections 4 and 5 of the Act entitled " An Act (granting “‘° °°% °'...§..°°“"e°§“ “’ "£?.‘i*'”§ %°““°" °‘“€hR‘23i§ B§§’“° °‘Z""’““’ °‘é$ censors cons ca rn across e o vera ornear , 0hio," qzrov 13 1926, as amegieded. March 2, 1927 ,...,...,....._, gi-- 1265 Brzkige, Wabash incr. An ct To extend the times for commencincg and comgletinag the con- sitlructéog <;f9;7brldge across the Wabash River at the city Mount arm , Illinois. 1265 IN y V--·--•.4-- .... --- .......... - ................................. .. Bridge, Pcrdido {Bay. An Act Authorising the eountigf Escambia, Florida, and/or the county °‘ “*""£?·st?°”.r;.F‘;· °“§’°.M' “*i.,..° 8**** dm dt °£"’3*d“‘§*°*;·$‘ *“"i“‘t‘ °° acquire _ mp eerio yngean erry Company b chapter 168,I£:loved suns 22, 1916, for the construction of a bridg gcrugkss Bay from , Alabama, to Cummings Point, Florida. March , 1266 Bridge, Arkansas River. An Act To amend the Act entitled " An Act granting the consent of Congress to the Yell and Pope County Bridge District, Dardanelle and Russellville Arkansas, toconstruct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Arkansas River, at or near the c1ty_oa! Dardanelle, Yell County, Arkansas," aplproved March 3, 1925, and togzelxtend the tune for the construction the bridge au orised thereby. March 2, 1266 Bridge, White River. An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act granting the consent of Congress to the County of Barry, State of Missouri, to construct a bridge across the White H.iver," grieved March 31, 1926. March 2, 1927 ........................ 1267 Bridge, While Riur. Act To amend the Act entitled "Au Act granting the consent of Congress to the County of Barry, State of Missouri, to construct s. bridge across the White.Biver," approved March 31, 1926. March 2, 1927 ........................ 1267 Bridge, K ayuawiux Riser. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Henderson Bridge Company, its successors and assigns to construct, maintain and operate a bridge across the Kanawha River at or near the town of Henderson, West Virginia, to a point ogwte thereto in or near the city of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. March 2, 1927- 1267 Bridge, and Calumet River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the commissioners of the county of Cook, State of Illinois, to reconstruct the brickge acrou the Grand Calumet River at Burnham Avenue in said county and State. srch 2, 1927 ...... 1269 Bridge, Susquehanna River. An Act To extend the timefor construction of a bridge across the Susquelésxixagl River, in Northumberland and Snyder Counties, State of Pennsylvania. 1269 Bridge, Ohio River. An Act To amend an Act entitled " An Act authorizinglthe construction of !§;>;id$6 tl? Ohh} Rii(¤r,}>eii&veenht§1e;;‘,iéi7uicipalities of Roc ester and Monaca, 1269 ver un y, ennsy vama. arc , ............ - ................... Br1Zdgcs&Bt{!;tiss€:sipp€ anduggisouri Rivera; Ant.%t£)I`o leitend thedtimes f<;1i1thIeIcons“i;'xii§’1;ion 'dges aerou ississippi 'ver a n, 'nois, an across e isso 'ver near Bellefontaine, in Missouri. March 2, 1927 ...... - .......................... 1270 Bridge, Miuisci ` Rainer. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to George A. Hero and Allen S. Hsckett, their successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Mississippi River. Marc 2, 1927 ............................. 1270 Bridge, Clinch River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Department of High- ways and Public Works of the tate of Tennessee to construct, maintain, and oglerate a bridge across the Clinch River in Hancock County, Tennessee. March 2 19 _ .... 1271 Bridge, Missouri Riser, r An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the city of Biair, m the State of N cbraske, its successors and assigns, to construct, xnaintsnn, and operate s free highway bridge and approaches thereto across the Missouri River between the States of Nebraska and Iowa; Match 2, 1927 ..... - ............ - ............... _ ...... 1 272 Bridge, Savannah River. An Act Granting the consent of Conggrees to the South Carolina and Georgia State departments, their successors assigns to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Savannah River. March 2, 1927 ........ - ......... 1273 Bridge, Saint Lawrence Rover. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to W, Gdbert Free- man; bri: mcccmzig and assigns, to mstget, IrInsin?nl,{and operlatée siggizdge across the 1273 Sain wrence verneer y ew or. c , - ........ --- Br1Cdgs,_Rainy River. An Act To extend the time {or constructing a bridge across the Rainy River ap roximategy midway between the village of Spooner, in the county of Ls.ke_of the We0§sMSta;e2 and the village of Rainy River, Province of Ontario, 1274 arc , , -,---------------------------..--.------ .. --.----..--- A oprsatso] ' Na Dsgmrimcnt and N . An Act Making appro riations for the Navy mw Deparhfnentvgnd he naval servic‘<:v¥or the fiscal year ending guns 30, 1928, and for other purposes. Mcr.2, 1927 .......................-.-.-.......-.....-.-..- - 1275