Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/359

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SIXTY-NIN TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cu. 171. 1926. 319 UNITED STATES VETERANS’ BUREAU V•'**" ”°”•¤~ For carrying out the provisions of an Act entitled “An Act to .,:;}·"*°• •¤° •*· establish a etcra.ns’ Bureau and tc im rove the facilities and service vaja, p. m. of such bureau and to further amend and modify the War Risk Insurance Act approved gggust 9, 1921 " and to carry out the V°'·*’·¤¤·°°"·"°°~ provisions of the ct enti ‘tWorld War Veterans? Act, 1924," approved June 7, 1924, as amended, and for administrative expenses in carrying out the provisions of the World War adjusted compen- ,,;§·,°j,°;‘§,",,,,°°,;'j,*f°"* sation Act of May 19, 1924, including salaries of personnel in the V¤¤-¢¤· ¤>- 121- Distric; of ia and elsewheipép accornglancg with pgs Classifi- Om mu cation ctc , an expenses o e centr _o ce at ashington °‘ · District of Columbia., and regional oilices and suboffices, and including salaries, stationery and minor oilice supplies, furniture, equipment and supplies, rentals and alterations, heat, light, and water, miscellaneous exgnses, including telephones, te egrams, freight, express, law boo , books of reference, periodicals, ambue lance service, towel service, laundry service, repairs to equipment, storage, ice, taxi service, car fare, stamps and box rent, traveling and subsistence including the expenses, except membership fees, of emplo ces detailed by the director to atten meetings of asociations for tile promotion of medical science, salaries and expenses of employees engaged in ileld inv n, pawengencarrying and other motor vehicles, including p maintenance, repairs, and céperaticn of same, salaries an operating expenses of the Arlington ·*’““"°°B““""· uilding and annex, including repairs and mechanical equipmeixgg fuel, electric current, ice ash removal, and miscellaneous items; including the salaries and allowances, where a plicable, wages travel and subsistence of civil employees at the llhited States veterans’ ho itals, supply depots, dispensaries, and including the fur- niggiu and laundryinlg of white duck suits, and white canvas shoes to emgloyees whom uties»·make·necessary»the·wear·i11g of mine, ,, . $@1,008,000: Promkled, That h 'ci · dentis'· andjnurses of- the wuwsaiuzemm- medical service of the United §tE:tes“nl?eterans:'§l3umau, in addition $,‘Q,°”?,;,¥‘°$ to their compensation, whentransferred from one omeial station to *¤·¤¤¤¤- another for permanent duty, may be allowed, within the discretion and under written order o the director, the expenses incurred for packing, crating, draxytge, and transportation of their household eiiects and other perso protpertégitot exceeding in all ,5,000 pounds: Dub,. . , Provided further, That on e· _ da§ of each regular semion of at Conan ts am- Congress the Director of the Veterans’ ureau shall transmit to the_"’°"°°’ °‘°"°‘°“’°“" President of the Senate and the Speaker of theliouse ofllepre- sentatives a statement giving in ‘ etail (a) the total number of positions at a rate of $2,000 or more per annum (b) the nate of salary attached to each position, (c) the number of positions at each {late mdthe iilicefand in eachfrelgicgial, czhsuboilgce and osit ,an a rie entotte utiesc posiiom; Sideh portion ef_ this appropriation as may be‘*necessar§ shall be ¤?·b1ii° allotted from time to time by ~theUnited StatesrVcterai1s’ ureau to the Public Health Service and shall be available for expenditure bh the Public Health Service for necessary personnel thelpgy and a owances, and travel of commissio1icd`oilieers,o!‘the‘;l’ublie* ealth Service detailed to the‘United States»Veterans’ smaeeor- duty. I For printing and binding for the United States Veterans"Bu1eau—`,,,’i"‘“°' "“ “"" including all ofiits»bnreaus,~ofiices,,¢institutions,t and located inggaslungton, Dgtrictthof Ccluml£a,;.nd1elsewhe1~:•i, $165,{)00:·’ — Mmm md N mpensation: or e= paymen .o mi itaryan nava com -` , ,..,,,,. °* sation accruing during? thefiscal; year 1927 or in prior fiscal