Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/402

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362 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cu. 195. 1926. coiitml of Federal State, boundary city and other surv and wdrks in all parts oi' the nited States; determininy; field admnomimpositions and the variation- of latitude, including 0§,‘§""“°"· U“"‘· the maintenance and operation of thelatitude observatoryiat Ukiah, California, not exce;d§)g£z§lgl•i> of Vega? levels, detm inmgugeogra , __o on an reverse ll\d;¤lSkl·Bg‘··El?’0ll0!1?lC~·.0l)SB1'V%'tl0BS and continuiné gravity the United States and for making suc

 inregmns under the jurisdiction of thellnited States

andalso onimands and coasts adjacent thereto, $82},735; _ _ K•**’*¤¤·*‘•'•¢'°¤°· izlsbr exec·1rtk;·ng$p?)6%e triangulation and leveling in regions subject · to etttbgix _ u ° » A m§_•'·“ "’·¤¤¤‘•· Hawaiian txiiangiilationg For adjusting the triangulation of the §$wai;an I8é8.l1dSé1 Opgrsonal services in the District of um 1a an in e i ‘· · c SMS ¤“"°Y’· For special surveys thd miiy bé l'0(§1lI‘0d by the Bureau of Li ht- houses or other pro authorit an contin ent ex incident $4 wor Y» S PGDSBB M*¤=¤“·¤•¤°*· wiE`or_hbjecte hot hereinbefore named that may be deemed urgent, including the preparation or purchase oguplans and specifications of vessels and the employment of such h draftsmen in the field

  • 1%* g_;{g{'¤°k· and oiliee as ~may.~be necessary for the same ·‘ the reimbursement,

’ under rules. prescribed by the Secretary of éommerce, of oihcers ofithe Coastjand Geodetxc Survey for food, clothing medicines, and other;supphe‘aJ¥,f1;rn1sht¢4;;ls for tgnklporarykezghef oi psf- SOIlB·1I3l_ rem V u an o pwrec rsons param providedfor, by mem, not to exceed a total ofp€$550, actual neces); aaryaexpenses of of the field _force temporamly ordered to the chico 11:1 Distrrct cig 0(6%l\;!'I1b;g° for consultéatilon witlé the Attendi meme director an lno exceeding or ex nses o t tte §{“°’ R°‘?"’°“ °°‘"* gf reprézgntatigcis of th<;rCoa;s;th arid Siuvezg virlio xiiayulg esi me e tes; om e ni tates t t' f { expenses . l , ¥,_&'?,,,,_ Ve@ss:.For repairs’of vessels, including traveling expenses of peasant; the rep$ag§s,0&)nd exclusive of engineer’s supplies an o» er p c andle? . ,,f",,‘{§“““" ““"°" For necessary emp dyeeelzo man and equip the vessels, including profesmoual seamen servmg as mates on vessels of the survey, to gxeizute the wocanbk of the survey herem provided for and authorized I y aw $650 . ¤;:1’ Pagpomniiasioned omoers: For pay and allowances (prescribed by law _ r commissioned oiiicers on sea duty other uty, holding relative rank with oiheers of the Navy, mcludmg one director wi relative of captam, two_ hydrograghic. and gelodetic engineers

 relative rank éof captain, seven · ydrograp 'c and gleodetic

engmeersywith relative rank of commander, nine hydrograp nc and geodetie engilineers with relative rank of lieutenant commander, tlguiltywight yélgtogxéaphic and Eecldetic with relative rank ey `eutenant, y- ve junior, I rograp c geodetic en ' eers withirelative rank of lieutenant,{§:unior.grade) , twenty-nine aiglivvith mlatrve rank of,ensign,iand·includi oilicers retired in accordance ,%°'°*ts”m.-_ with law, $490,000: Pmvidenzi That the Secretatlrg of- Corn- merce may esignate one of the hydrographic and 1% etic eng1- m ; neers to act as assistant director: Provided further, at hereafter ommmm owned oiieers of the Coast and Geodetic Surveyperforming travel by Gov- ""°x°‘ ernment-owned vessels for which no transportation fare is c arged shall only be entitled to reimbursement of actual and necessary · expenses mcurred. ·