Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/405

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.SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sues. I.; Cu. 195. 1926. 365 mssrssirrr wunurn nmrxsnrnnruoa r ‘ ,,f§‘§,"g,'§’,’,,*,{‘,,,f""’ “" , · ,y · : . ~ ,»; . .4~· ·, { "_,_ T; For constructionof buildingspand ponds, for equi ment, mfg*f'f,§°“°”· °°“‘** tenlnce,-.Dp¤¤¢i0n,.NQtir, an impxjovoxncnts, inc ucgxzg expendi- tures forpersonal services at the seat, of government an elsewhere V 01 ,3 650 as me »be necessary, as authorized lI1;.l'» e,,Act a rcve&1,Juae 71, ‘ "‘ ‘ 1924, és 000, and the appro riation for the Upper Eiississippi River ,,,§§*}f,‘,°§},,",,,‘f‘,,{,,_§Z,f‘l' Fish Refuge contained 111 the Act of February 27, 1925, is hereby declared immediately available for. construction and purchase of launches and equipment. rowm: vnssm. rox Amsm msnnams ‘““‘“ °‘“"‘°" For the purchase or construction of a vessel of suilicient size and ,,,X,,°,§‘,,,$",,,,,f{’,»,,,,$,‘},',{?$Vf`” power to patrol oifshore waters for the enforcement of the laws and P¤•¢.p-863- regulations for the protection oaf the fisheries of Alaska, $50,000. PATENT orrxcn "°*°”‘°“°°‘ sanamns For the Commissioner of Patents and other personal services in °a?JQ°?p$iis?i¤Z'2ii md the District ofColumbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $2,418,500: Provided, That of the amount herein appro— Kmgmy types, priated not to exceed $25,000 may be used for special and °*°· seryices of typists certified bythe Civil Service. Commissionewho may be employed in such numbers, at $4 per diem,, as may, in the judgment of the Commissioner of Patents, to keep current the work of furnishing manuscript co}_iies,of_,records.. t , . .; For temporary additional employieesin the patent Onice at ,,,§,dg‘,{$',§§,‘,,,,’°'°*"* of compensation in accordance wit the ClassiEcat.iop,,Aot, of 19_ , such employees to serve without annual or sick. leave, allowance L“““‘“°”‘ and to be appointed under _the provisions of the service laws, rules, and regulations for the purpose of making current the work of the Patent Oilice, $25,000. ' , omnugar. axrnxsus , __ For purchase of law, professional,,and other reference R°'°'°°"°,°°°“’°'°‘ publications and ,_1I1C.l.\1dll1g their exchange and exipensesof transporting publications _of issued by the Iiatent O ee to f01‘91gl1 governmentsynnd dareoyries, $8,000. , _ v_ chem ik For weekly issue _0fJLdl`|}WU1gS of , atgnts suu_otp•te11ta,r:pro· aud ;des1gns· reproduction of copies of drawings and , ‘*“°“°¤°·°“’- of exhausted patents, designs, trade-marks, an other papers, such other papers when reproduced for sale to be sold aténot less t.hanzco*st plus 1 per centum; re roduction of foreign patent,drawings.;.- hoto prints of aippgication. drawings; an photostat Ihqttp graphic supp ies an dry mounts; an not to exceed purchase an 'installauon of photographic equipment, neces- sary appurtenances and supplies,_to be used the of assriinments and other papers now copied by typewriter; $230,000. ehésdings ofgthe drawings fespétenfed cms aripaygm multir i.§“""’“""°" "°“" grgphed in the Ifatent Ollice for the purposedof photo ithography. Y _ O? i¤V°$$1g¤·tm€ thg question 9fYP¤b i¢ \§S¤.b1‘ Qi inventions us£¤diBf1i'i#g;1tti:;€·1s.pd0! for two years orpmorc prior to filing applications for patents, and such other qpestions arising ia connection applxoations for patents and e prior art as may be deemcd necessary by the Com- jmissioner of Patents; and expense attend` defense of suits insti- tuted against the Commissioner of Patents?%800. ’