Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/415

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cn. 198. 1926. 375 tems of the National Capital and its environs there is hereby con- stigutgl a pomgiission to be knowndasfthl: I2T§go;1alf(gipital Perl; com an annmg aommissiomcompose ote `eo `eerso ¤§_}*"* the Army, the Engineer Commissioner of the District of Elrldlumbia, h mmm the Director of the,National Park Service, the Chief of the Forest Service, the Director of Public-Buildingland Public Parks of the National Capital the chairmen of the mmittees on the District of Columbia. of the Senate and House of Representatives, and four Arwintivemembsn eminent citizens well qualiiiedi·and‘.experienced in city lanning, one of whom shall be a bona fide-resident of the Districtof Columbia, to be apéiointed for the term of six years by the President of the United tates: Provided, That the first members appointed under .1§,"$f’·,,, ,,,,,0,;,,,,, this Act shall continuein oiiice nor terms of three, four, five, and six ¤>¤r¤¤¤¤· years, respectively, from the date of the gp of this Act, the terms of each to be designated by the Presixnt; ut their successors shall be alppointed for terms of six years, except that any person chosen to a vacancy shall be appointed only for the unexpired term of the member whom he shall succeed. All members of the said ¤§.°is€§Zis3`€isi.?°¤`;•il, commimion shall serve without compensation therefor, but each °°°··*“°"°d· shall be paid actual expenses of subsistence not in excess of $10`per day and of travel when attending meetings of said commission or engaged in investigations £¢§·tainmg to its activities. At the close Tegrggv wyewg of each Congress t e presi ' g ollicer of the Senate and the geaker Www. °°° ° °°° of the House of Representatives shall appoint, respectively, a nator and a Representativeelect to the succeeding Coiiglress to serve as members of this commission until the chairmen of e committees of the succeeding Congress shall be chosen. The Director of Public bu¥,‘,§F;‘f,’,§,{,uf“° ‘”“` Buildings an Public Parks of the National Capital shall be execu- tive and disbnrsing officer of said commission. l " (b) That the said commission is hereby charged with the duty ,0,°°,‘!,‘,?,*§,‘,,,”“’§,,‘§}{‘,‘_{ of preparing, developing, and maintaining a comprehensive, con- ¤¤dp_;:Lv1rgc¤¤ t¤ be sistent, and coordinated plan for the National Capital and its en- pm ° ` virons, which plan shall include recommendations to the proper D°‘*‘“‘*°d°“*’l°"“· executive authorities as totraiiic and transportation; (flats and sub- divisions; highways, parks, and parkways; school an library sites; playgrounds; drainage, sewerage, and water supply; housing build- mg, and zoning regulations; public and private buildings.; bridges and water fronts; commerce and industry; and other proper elements of cit and regional planninga It is the purpose of this Act to ob- m§**;§f°° °‘ °°P°“‘ tain the maximum amount of cooperation and correlation of effort between the departments, bureaus, and commissions of the Federal and District Governments. To this end gens and records, or copies thereof, shall be made available to the ational Capital Park and Planning when re3uested. The commission may, as to mCg°&g$y$§°rgg§_M”Y‘ the environs of the District of olumbia act in conjunction and co- 0 eration with such representatives of the States of Maryland and Xitirginia as may be designated by such States for this purpose. The m§g*§},*;,¥_g';°%f,B§_”‘ said commission is herel-by authorized to employ the necessarfy per- sonal services, including the personal services o a director o p an- ning and other expert city planners, such as engineers, architects, C t M and landscape architects. Such technical experts may be employgd p..yim.p.c3'$.. signs. at per diem ratesnot in excess of those (paid or similar services e · “"°“°’° ·*°‘· °‘°· where and as may be fixed by the sai commission without regard to the provisions of the Act of Congress entitled ‘ An Act for the V°‘·*’~¥’·"“ classification of civilian positions within the District of Columbia and in the field services,’ a proved March 4, 1923, and amendments thereto, or any rule or regnsation made in pursuance thereof.