Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/417

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cns. 199, 200. 1926. 377 Deduct: Payments cu account ot interest received be~· tween December 15, 1922, and June 15, 1925, on obligations for war material ,..,..s...., $3, 442, 340, 20 Principal payment ot $172.01 made August 7, 192 , together with interest thereon at 3 per eentum per annum to June 15, 1925 ......,,. 181.58 -·-----——-- $:1442, 527.78 Net indebtedness as of June 15, 1925 ..... .. ............ .- ...,...... 24(LO17,234.66 To be paid in cash upon execution ot agreement ..._...1..... , ........ 17, 234. 66 · Total indebtedness to be funded into bonds ................ ..-- 246, 000, 000. 00 The principal of the bonds i$ued for the postarmistice indebted- irghdxiiiéhisimyuble in ness shall be aid in annual installments on J une 15 of each year up to and incliudin June 15, 1987, on a fixed schedule subject to the fright of the Ggwernment of the Kingdom of Belgium after June 15, 1935, to make such ayments in three-year periods. The amount of the first principai) installment shall be $1,100,000, the annual principal installments to increase until in the sixty-second year the amount of the final principal installment shall be $9,600,000, the aggregpte principal installments being equal to the total prin- cipal of t e postarmistice indebtedness to be. funded into bonds. The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium shall have the ri ht ,0§;§’ P‘*>’m°¤‘5 at to payoff additional amounts of the bonds on J une 15 or December 15 o any year upon not less than ninety da s’ advance notice. HW The bonds issued for the postarmistice indebtedness shall bear H "°’°”°°S` interest from June 15, 1925, in the amounts and on the dates set forth in the following schedule: December 15, 1925, $870,000; J une 15, 1926, $870,000; December 15, 1926, $1,000,000; June 15, 1927, $1,000,000; December 15, 1927, $1,125,000; June 15, 1928, $1,125,000; December 15, 1928, $1,250,000; June 15, 1929, $1,250,000; December 15, 1929, $1375,000; June 15, 1930, $1,375,000; December 15, 1930, $1,625,000; dune 15, 1931, $1,625,000; December 15, 1931, $1,875,000; June 15, 1932, $1,875,000; December 15, 1932, $2,125,000; June 15, 1933, $2,125,000; December 15 1933, $2,37 5,000; June 15, 1934, $2,375,000; December 15, 1934, $2,625,000; June 15, 1935, $2,625,000 until and including June 15, 1935, and thereafter at the rate of 3% per centum per annum, payable semiannually on June 15 and December 15 of each year, until the principal of said bonds shall have been paid. _, _ Any (payment of interest or principal may be made at the option S${§p§ZE$°§§“§§§3 of the ovemment of the K1ng om o Belgium in any United States mm- Government obligations isued after April 6, 1917, such obligations to be taken at par and accrued interest. Approved, April 30, 1926. _ _ April 30, 1926. CHA}?. 200.—An Act To authorize the settlement of the indebtedness of lH·R·677·>;l__ the Republic of Esthonia to the United States of America. [P¤bli¢» N¤·160-1 Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the E_ _ U nited States of America in Congress assembled, That the settle- S§l}€¥§l,§`,‘,,u, of its ment of the indebtedness of the Republic of Esthonia to the United ,‘QV¤;’,f‘;’ppf,”;’8,§¤d°b°°d· States of America, made by the World War Foreign Debt Com- Vol-42.p.3é3. mission and a proved by the President u‘ on the terms and condi- tions as set fbrth in Senate Document glumbered 7, Sixty-ninth gongress, iirst session, is hereby approved in general terms as ollows: c The amount of the indebtedness to be funded, after allowing for m,*¤¤¤¤¤¤¤<> b<>f¤¤<i- the cash payment made by Esthonia, and the credit set out below, ` is $13,830,000, which has been computed as follows: