Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/434

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394 SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. ..1. Cns. 229, 230,234, 235. 5.1926. ` th e by rtgage foreclosure or otherwise is hereby zmlbzifizedeazatln ey.xpev?e2ed¢to, exercise the sameces fully, as- though conferred herein directly upon such corporatmn. L_ A _ ·“·**“““”°’“· Sm. 8-. The__r;§‘ht to alter, amend, or repeal thxs Act is hereby www i i · i Approved, May 3, 1926.

 __ C#A1¥¢`.280.-Joint Resolutiouiftequeatiug the President   the United States

i"H'm‘T’m“ E2.}w.“`”‘§{§‘§§T4§’K€‘t?.‘§2£1§%&E°'f>?$§.‘§€v‘§¤$,°A“3§2€*§§’2‘§$’é‘“l% "°“°°‘

 l by the   and House of lggrrésenitdtilvéstivfi the

C,§§,;§f,§;“°‘“‘ D°"‘“1 Uni¢6J¤Sm¢ea‘ vg Anaereuxérnilwtgreefs aasglnb d, That the1Prés1d<=a¤; . F°’°i¤¤*°‘°’*%"?°°” f th —éU 'ted titties {is? rl * ut oriz ‘ as requeste te invi iiigiggnmiit eli°1£§ii$°<i$ii (;;or€i;1i,gI<;;eru!11euts te ap(§<?1%: gelegatesaixd etherwiséiipartlcipate "*”°* P“‘ in the *seveuth¤ infematioua c0n€ beheld ec Philadel- phia&Pemsilvahia, A‘:§%1·té;123‘to 28, 322, uukder the auspgces { Ex euthvrizei th · tern onal"Den ‘ eration··an " or t e purpose b mee mm iu; the exgelraseswvhicll may be mushy and`uecessarl1y’iucurred_by the Gdvernmentf ef.;t11e‘United States by reasonjof }nv1tat1on P _, Sw in the ,observance.of·lei?>pr<q$1·iate_ courtesies the approp1·x,at1pn‘ of_ the °""" ' smiref $5p00,·`;§t;s6 guuch therectas may be necessary, is hereby authorized, not hstmding the"pr0visioi1s of any otherpgct. “ mg$g»»e zo be ap- .’·Spg_·‘2,° '1‘hgs~the Presi em is' hereby further nuthorlzed and . requested to appoint deggates not in excess of ten to represent the G‘OV61‘I1II1Q!1t»:0' the States et the said congress. · i?°*PP*‘9**9$¥{fM4Y.33i ii92§j·, 1 ” i `

  ?hiii‘1§;$t,gfl,$,°·e”Q‘l,§g§§gZ_tt’*tl"‘?’¥’“?l‘* .°‘. §¥*‘*?°i%l.—l>¤*l¤¤¤ i ¤¤¤1é 

. . . e. tla,e`4©S¢ha¢c d7i&,H01»|86·&f}28 aentatialee of the ·I¤?w°?i>°iR°i1i.(3§°i.`Z..?J)n}€é _ America in 6’0kn£recs acaemblmwljhat the Ilirecter °°b°°S°°b“’”°d· 1**- 0,f..1?ubhc,£B.- y uud~Pub1ic ahksof the N,at1om.1 Cap1tal.·be,

 d·b¤·i·s;sh¢feby,¤&uth0ri¤ed·and;—dimr:ted to.-locate and construct,

g?l3`&¢@.i0 the ¤pp1‘Qi¤!al:.o£ the Naiio11al—_Capital Park. Commission, 0 me b; d auf te eepdect and two a1ti£icisl.bathin€]1pools·or beaches n.e$€¤i€$¢ml¤°eeZi.?»’§e 111§$h¤»$D1¤t1‘1Gt of Gollumbm, one peel for the jr te;race;;and the ¤*°°· Qther fQlTrt¢h£.O0101`9d& race, .w1th mutable ,bI11H}Dg8, shower baths, lockers, provisions for the use of filtered water, .puri.6catiou of the

       lré t”· *·  

L‘“"""°°°‘· S, . , 109 N1 .60. ` ` _ 0 sa .p00 or. es. ~ custo

 one   withxbuildings and equipmemt,~shal1 not

P°""°' lm  !·¤d»;$};¢i¤pp1‘¤ riation ofsuch sum for the pm- L°‘”“°" ‘°""°“’°‘ p0sasnamed,is;hereby authernui? V No part of the sums ewpprofpriated 4 or the ,u11p0s9B..¤f;bhi¤»•Dibeexpended~in·thepuxic use of land amlletlxe peels 0r‘bea<¤hGS.ehe1'ein provided. for ami be located Um ,¤.1¤3u<l5 l<>q\H1‘9d Ulf hereafter &cqu1red· for park, parkway, or P _·purp0S€8.‘ ·.` _ { · I V · -~ Approved, May;e4, 1.926, " 1 May4,-1026. U ` ` _ l · _ _ CHAP. 285.-—A11 Act To mcreese the hmit of cost of public, bualdmg at ¤b.¤·1- Dea¤.tur,Alahama. _‘,' ·J . ‘ · . mem, na. i Be it enacted by the Senate an@?*Hmue“af_Re(preaen¢div¢a» of the ,,,§;,g,§’,,‘ §0,° §,,,‘§,‘§§ U@d States df America in 6"ogzgrecs“asqembZe _, ’I‘hat/thellimit of ¤·Q}g*{¤¤ gg 873 law ·( A ` YJBGVBEHI Statutes, 873). for the mended. ’ p` ’ public buxldmg and the site thereof et Decatur, Alabama, be, and