Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/442

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402 .» SIX'DY·NINTH>CONG»R§1SS¤ ~···~ .Snee.!1~ l%.·`2·l5:L 1926J ···. ¥(•§¤. MIA}.? Aotiggagtingeiln consent: Biggs; mg V ,* 2iiZ # bifl? : ll.!) fki iifl isiiiiwjf ?~`1 i,§;`;}‘ 7*1, ‘=` B it ted , ¢l•a»8¢mve#oa8zEpi¢4v>é¥*1!ap¢eu•¢&»w° •• of the

 t vasiea ykymiarihww ¤v>®égr+¢¤~·¢•¤¢mbkd,¢ '1’b¤¢ thi <¤>•¤¤¤¤>

,,,i§·,{"§.?‘;"§§‘,.${, e.... -; ~g.h` ‘ · ‘> { p iedwi .·S.»Bee&with,Yo·tt)1eve1and, Ohio, 0*****- * '“ =· iégalére , ‘tativeQ,u¤! aseign¤;¤to¥e6¤sta•uot,: d . . ·. L *s,“brl‘ _ind~appr6a¤htB>|hereto¤acm¤e at Q éuitibloto éHwvitga¤ie¤,*sit»or»ne•r»B•xy,I}r;dg;a, C · e ‘ .‘;.?$;*?· *{.]‘°°°‘“’.lm"°°°‘.....,...”"‘"",* ° v3iT‘eZ’p.€f.‘ '¤-· I ,[ a`.?] ’ “° °°° ,‘°“ ’ b e ha, ble wam·s*’»—•.ppio b March? ¢1906,» and lm. .,.m ~;#.~L*¢~-¤.§.”¤‘#»e~‘»£.·"#»r¤.. . ..i r~i:;.z·· is e s. `:y_ ·»2g; W yi ig A We we reeen wes ¢ad~eis;g¤s¤ti·eBme1eb@‘authoyized to Hx and charge miie for-transit Sheer ‘ li%;i»§ge*ind·die·r:»;;e¤*;V%o ehsill be ttillieilzgal noon until " angel » “eeSeei•etary ar er eau onyoeutuaodm ggch Act} {M ,·d,>gg·;gog_  ; , —,  »»;»., ._

  • °¤°_,’;},‘“ggmp*g“,§*0°g‘, V’*SR!2·8a ot complotioneor such bridge, ee determined

i>°;°6u¤.m. ’· YVa.r;§i·t:1e¤_the State gif Olhigsty political sub- Menyereoi ` ’i‘wi ‘tuy.part»o=sue_¢ `geis ,0: tiwo or-:&nove of thgn_'oint1y=-me ·ut<any»<timo ‘ and take over

 rightgtitle, aid*intereé.**iri:Ye1ich   —.¤$»•ppio»eh», and

mterests in real property necessary there or, by·`%urchase;· or _by

"‘i‘°°*’”2i‘t.“°°"“"" ‘i§;·"‘.§Ji$ ““°“p,.~.p..a*““i.g°“‘Zi“‘“g

. F ¤¤’¤’V Y ·.'P.¢- .‘l7*°°¤°m· ,,§,‘g§,§’*’§’;‘“,§§,‘g’§_g,§,,;‘$ §xati;?’ifYI£< at a iexpiration oiilttcen yea‘rs‘after ¤=<>¤- ithe completion 0 ·•uéh;bridge~kt isracqijugredsby oondemnationgethe

e0m’?nnsation to alloweddsall noglgtcgxsilzi

· ‘ ' I _ 7 u -·or¢ roqmctiveerevenues or profits; js L‘”’““"°°· Ylirhi s sum#ofs _ 1) »the¤ aidsuxlwost of eoustructingvsuch

 and Upproachesyleaé va   deduction iierrsctnslvdepre-

<=¤¤¤<>¥= ui •ppr¤¤¤h¤¤¢i<2>~ ¢~h¤aM$¤¤1¢9<>¤¢ ‘0f<•¤qu¤11!g·’su¤h*i¤i¢&r¤sts m realopraperty, (8) actuakdhlanoingiand promotion costs (not to exceed 10 ger centum of the#sum‘¥of~theiooet of construction of such bridge an ap1proh.ches’a1;d"$t1i¢,ra¢>q1zisition of such interests in real property), an (4) actual expenditures for necessary improvements. ~»~~·——~·~ ~ 0¤¤r¤¢i¤¥¤bY¤¥¤¤¤*¤*; Sm. 4. If such b ,` ge shall at any time be taken ove or ` d ¤-·#=~=·· me e§%r~,, =.. mea ree eresala dm tliewte imae;ll¤i‘i3·f;r‘%$e:0¤e {gg séetiiiii 3 ofthis if gills are charged for the glhp;-eg, therates ojftglll seg N 2 j ‘ an W éfsgwr I . ' Z"  » \ 0

   ·*‘&*t§‘f?,.‘£$£§2**%¢w"“e§,‘i¥’“e.§a“£‘*° ‘°"“*°* "*’*°"°°“%
   til ° ‘_ Wi 1%* " S S t t0laHo1?tize*t '~i’;!Y6¤11t`]$&i

`§2a’,t‘§,$,2§%*§§$;i§°i;?¥”§‘;$*&??»??;§?;§?»2';,;;"&“?“° ae§%§,?““°s.m“‘ _,g_g·¤g$_·;g;¤,g,,°;*·g;’the=date·o£{iieiq'uii5?¤g?%hb’*sa1t;é;*<A’!te1* hui suihcient to M eeer°"§.;‘;%"‘°t&`i; ”“e%i’ii*i“i,.,.e% °“ “‘ a:§“‘t%i$dt§“& JN W 4.* . # wi I, e ` I “ ..3 ¤ » V. v_ ‘ fibrrtolls,§&> ziatee?‘o£*toI1·‘eHs11F> eredftévebedsb ' ;a iueted as >i;irov1l‘de>a·fanH°‘ the " ‘ iter»tI1a»progei¤=ea1e;~maiuteuai1ee;)uhd operation) ot t1iei*btidfg)oisn t..;.":°°.;%i2ée;i£?“°*,i*¤ =1>P%¢¤¤¢. •=#~ #<#¤¤r¤t~ we Of *¤w¤¤@¤*`1r·*¢<*i r‘;’¤¤¤ ·· · bijidgb imd—1ts—¤piproaches,·*tho’e!}1en&§t11res for operatlr:§}r§;x1r1ng, and maintaining the same, and of daily tolls collected; _ all. " ‘kept, and shall be available for the informationbbf all persons interested. °0§g°{g g°'·¤*;,§_g¤¤:ngr* Smc. 5. That said G. S. Beckwith, his heirs legal representatives, eempieuoe. and assilgns, shall, within ninety da s after the completion of such bridge, le with the Secretary of Vgar a sworn itemized statement