Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/454

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414; SIXTY-N IN TH CONGRESS. Snag; ,1. ·~ G1;s.;2Q·$; 2135.1 r;~3,B26, M¤"»1°1<*- ,0 .- —— . —eL*;‘;£Tr‘%r— ~§?¢»§?¢»$?’r§??‘»?¤$€’1¤?é*‘é¥~§“q¥“?¤?·¥’é12‘é1°»$f?§»11* wl", y, r"* §kf·`;1"·’¥€T7 li`: I·,1f·.'>'Y"·i"i ’\Hé E<*J.`.‘ rl? *7 ' ; Lf]! .* ·. Z· `ll >B¤.¤i¢ enactedsby the ‘ xMd¤Heu•eioi Rn eseutptives ef, the

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’ ' across the Susxgehsuna. River from a. point in the city of Sunbury Northumber- land County, A point in the township of Monroe, in Snyder bounty, in the — State of Pennsylvania. _ . ’.·..Z.;,:; *2:9 Gi ~'•;~,·»’} lv ,‘..‘ . {r' ' . " ':$£iZ.;° [ _ ·Bv·»iti`enuetcd_by>·tlve‘ Senate anplifouse 0fiRepy·eee¢ttatives 0f· the t¥’XS°$`?°té’2'})»“g’;]d§LVF{é 1'$'¢¢¢¢?“'€g’ 2!gM‘?vd'indU&n%_}‘éo5 d§s¢i¥blvd,riL1‘I`l:Q;it; exwcomag

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