Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/474

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484 - SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sus. II. Cu. 276. I 1926. the authorized to enter intocontract or contracts, giqin this Act provided, for such building at a coatnot to exceed

¢‘; vi Nil T   ~· ·· I·) .‘·:;·"   J' .

'§`*};g,*g•;'°°”°°‘· Fdr the wfour-mom addition to the Smothers

   aeceéary remodeling of the present bmld—

’ "' '§ .`T·rl•li z~‘ vii ".>· uv I: ' · ~’ G’¤‘°,°I ,*°¤,’“_Hi*" ’” eiectioniuf a junibrfhighmchool hnildingon site E; chased funthat 1,1Zl* >2I1 aocondancewxthvtha p

   School imdifiedin the hmits_of the

sitehay »¤q¤as•,»sa00,0m;} I .the connnissionersmre authorized to enter; into.c6n£·raott or contracts, ·asL this Act ` provided, »for auch Luth? mm buildin&at»ac0stn•1$»to,exce•d»$&7§4,000;_.p. .o.»t W Li ~~·_ i I BML P v_ For _e construction of lI1.8dd1tl0!1 to the Lqagley Junior High ggih-m_I I School, including an assemblyxhall aad»gymnam1m,,$100,000; and °° the commissioners arewautlinmeed itoipnter. ini1>·c0ntract».0n. con— i¤r¤¤<;o{i¤&;in00tg¤¤iA¢tipmv1d¤d,».£eir;:st1d.addition ·at acost not to BX ° I"";;;>`¢ ‘l»I> Z; ‘g},¤;t{g:f¤=H*¢~ ofianiaddition to the·-Hine High P.....¤. ,.....,1. i;.rh¤»Y i1»q|e>¤¤M` "b¢£éi¤iB&;£LZ‘¢»3}¤»¤i¤¤a-'gym¤·¤»" ' i m»¤»¤t` than ·*°‘”“°”· at the Petworth School_in_ accordance with the 01·1g1nal_plans·f¤r¤the »¤·wI»· ==~¤- °"““*”““$“;i*“sg£ i” is at erm M see; .ii»sse r s ’··<*·····—·=°" 8°"*’°`° ;¢I$‘£‘é‘I iii i ¢<>¤¤¢f ` * '~lA e it [ ’,dA ; v'.` Q , · °"°— “ .  ;¤¤wuntedgggr m¢¤H .. . _, mfxsplvglmmvwueitw , ana or _ purpose sbs ¢¤¤¤¢¤;1¤_¤B¢:i enc., j I _ ¤;¤1,r¤mam_;av¤i1¤b1¤ until {gnu; u in d expended: t no part of such fund shglil be used for or p,,“°d¤,,,§,,,,,,',,,,,,,°_ on account 0 any sc not hersm ` ispeciii . .

l¤¤**§¤¤°¤°¤¤'”d* None of the money appropriated by this Act shall be paid or

' obligated t0wa1·d~Ithe» construction of or addition botany building the whole and_entire construction of which, exclusives of heating, lighting, andrplumbing; shall not havebeen Iawardediin, one or a single contract, sepaxglte·{nd*apart=fmmi)1.nybo3h1er¤c0ntrabt, project or undeotakxnjp ' g ·to· eowest respcnsis e i er com ying wit all thelegal regirsmentaas to wiifeiposit oiimoney orthg execution of when ,~`¤·~ th furthe faith performmce of the contract: géjhgem cmd: Provided funker, 'lihatnothing herein shall be construed as repeal- ' ing existing law giving the commissioners theright to reject all m *;>2g¤j¢ f of school building and playgroimd sites, as o sz .; ~. e » f ‘ I L°°°“°9*¤P°°m°d· In Brightwood or vicinity for a new junior high school building; In the vicinity o£vFourteenth and Ogden Streets northwest for a new ?scbool building; I · . i In the vicinity of=Sixteenth and Webster Streets northwest for a new sixteen·room school p I Inthe vicinity of the<M0rgan hool for playground purpoms; In thenortheast><r£or,I,a new junior high sc oolsto serve the BrooklandgVYoodri_ 4 _section;_ __ _‘ _` . .

Hen the or. vicxmiiy for a nevéoeight-ronzzpd school

I ng to ace =one—room- mldmg on I n rut · . In the vicinity of Avenue an Holly Street northwest for a new sigteem-roomischool building; A In theivicamty of the Wheatley Sc ool for playground purpiises; In the vicinity of the Dunbar High School for drill, at etic, and playground purposes;