Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/504

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464 SIXTYJIINTH CONGRESS. ‘Smss. I. ¥GH. 277. 1926. ¤•¤•¥*¤•¤*· ’ · and e1coo0· ' all ‘ $15,000 reimbursable as m:.*2......s......e.i.,l.;.~r~ *“ ’ »’ { A; °•*’“°0,,°'°*°°*·*'** For operation and maintenance of the Ganado ii tion project, ` r;1mbu1·sible‘ under {such brnglegggglk ’ ations mathe B•¤Xavi•rRe•erva» *=For and idiagtlgngdce ofthe, um ' plants on the u°°r&$:¤£g puns. San Iu&iatr11*;Rf•¥iedrv\tior¥ ur;ablef¢;1;t sian; - ¤ `anso 'reservalnnowor erea r av ' le. ‘ " l · 4- su ¤¤¤¤¤ www » ·F•¢ the operation and maintenance crfn;(pnun(r>giF7.‘plants and for tim Arlz. , . . p I · . . . . . , {A-xgauug umu the».d1·xl1mgof·wel1¤ and iwallationof diti pumping) plants 1******- to fl ds uthe San·Carlos Reservation in Ari· zoiia, glil}000, to bg A froiin the funds held by the United States {,":_ff'°,u·,m,,,,, ,0 im trust or the of-such reservation: That the mu. ‘ a sums: be to the tribe by the Indians benefited, under such rules and regulataons as the Secretary of the Interior ¤•¤•¢¤¤D¤¥¤·•*°» u repai tio an main anceo e~ a n Giidgiligf Daxdrand su adress the Gila River, near Sacaton, · Axim ‘ ' ursagde in accordance. with the Act of August 24, V¤1·¤'i»¤-5¤· 1912 zlhiirty-seventh Statutes at Large, page 522), there IS hereby made available until June 180,1927, no _ exceeding $7,000 of the uneigpended balance of the`approp1·iation made in the Actaof March Vol-N.r-¤’fi».. 2, 1 17-(;'1‘hirty·ninth Statutes at Large, pages<974 and 975), for §t_,¤:*•¤·wb_mv°md the construction of¤tbeeSacaton Dam and superstructure: 1¤¤»u»°°°·rrwury. That the remainder of the unexyiinded balance of sa1d·=appropr1a· tion, amounting 1;;:51,800, shallr covered into the Treasury and car1·"surplus fund immediately upon the approval of this Y B••¤"•**°°· » F reolamatio charges on Indian lands within Oiiitgglleesg ewes the q§uma Be%er:a:i;1on, Gelifordxif, and on ten acurlesh witt1hinYeach °° “ “‘ of the eleven; uma omestead‘entmi `esin Anno] 7 er e uma F·•v•·¥¤•¤*- reel $35,000 reimbursableasa. 'rovided by the Act V¤i·”·P·*°'?· of 3,g911»;(%1`hirty·sixth 'Sintutes at Lldrge, page 1063). “0F¤¤{dg:“ *3**** . For maintenance, and operation of¤ the Fort Hall "§‘°?Pm,Q,,,Mmu,m on S,st£mp%eti’ A relooa- and repairing of ‘ 0, or com _ on o » y . ¤<Ii•M•¤¤¤.•¢¤- ·f and da1n,_r ,1:ep1aci11g· or structures of the uvngatien system. for the irrigation off .lands_ on the Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho, and lands ceded by the Indians of said reserva- . - tiém., as rdvided for in the w of May 24; 1922;(1?orty·second Stat- V<>*·*’·¤-°°°· utes-at 1g.rge,,pa§e 508) thesametobe.reimbu1·sed.m accordance with the o said Act of 24, 1922, there is hereby made 0 1*08 jo l Pm Mm » “ .1... »b.l......“"‘ ‘*“?°.§2’ *”Z:;i“’°&.?*..°§°"“g1....,..*t’;¤°°‘,3..2.€.“”.Ei..““.§; ”°pd°°°d` pm in Acts of §£·y 1922. (B§`orty—second at V°*·*’·P¤·°°'·“°2t ¤age 568); Ja .24., 1923.!(» outymecond Statutes at '°**“·P·*°’· Large;.page11192)· and Suns 5; 1924 (.Fotty·thirdiStatutes at RP’°"'°,;,,,, ·s°,,m, Large, __ KE): #T09id6dL·Thlt¤th0-1‘GI118lBdB! of the uncxlpended mwrbe ’1‘v•¤rv- balance av? said gppropriatnons, amounting to $3,961.44,s all covered into the reasury surplus fund Hl11IBd1• atel mposn theappmmtof th1s_Act:‘® . A- ~_ _ rn-iucinuymuuin »· and rgeratibn;1nclud1ng_ repairs of the 1mga- Mi’·`#°1i&¤¤p new- tion stems on the Forte elknap zlleservatioix, in Montana, $20,0.00, ”“°“ i I'B1H1b11I'88k1lB`ih’.bOO0fd&il® with the pmvisions of»the.Act of April - " ,.’;~. - ` . , -· ipa ··?i?‘¥fl.:.' '·" . ' . ¤°1:¤¤••¤ ¥*Fo¤aco¤tinuing construction, maintenance, land operationof ' `stemslon the F1atheadzInd1an3i§eservat1on, 1n<Montana,

 idirection of the   'of Indian Aifairs,

inclu ` g the purchase of any necessary rights or property, $57 5,000: