Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/510

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$$0 SIXTY-NINTH GONGRESSR ?Snss. I; -(}¤. 277. . 1926.

    • °“•'°"¤**°· fAlbuquerque,’ * Ne =Mnico: F ' ht hundred u lla $180"000·

N`M°i for payee! ndraggegfgand general and, im; I . ·_ `R V, ‘r XYZ V i *’"““¤a.1a3;i?ei“3‘f.£2§A£i.£.“°*“°“°»’%s&*t‘§»°¤is}’°““ *“" "°“”""’*‘ °•¤*° *'°·N·’“‘· _ Santa Fe, New Mexico and Bftyaepupils, ‘i ` $1%1¥¤¤2·5f¤re d¤¤¤‘dr¤y;¤s¤,$3¤r;(<}0 s¤¤¤¤~1 r¤p¤ir¤ utf ‘ · rwatersu " ·<‘ -· M$,‘{“’°°H·”“'*°·*"· ‘: A School, Fort Wingigtgjliew México: For four g..a.¤*‘“”"‘“J;`*&?’;¤*3”;,‘L?§,i;$2’mt`§ *ét*',3&°?"*““d°“*’ "*°’°g°’ “"“ 'C‘*°'*°°·N·2· ‘>~Cherbhee;‘ ¥~Cam1ina: hundred pupils, $67,500; _ V forpay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs and im- » e 1 provenance; ii1c1udl1§=consu·uction ofeoncvete reservoir, $10,000; Bi¤¤¤¤=¤=»N·D¤k— Bismarck, _North akota: For one hundred and fifteen pupil ,_ ‘ $28yd0;»for pa§;&i1pei~intendeuét, drayage, and general repairs and r .i‘<W61¤6¤¢¤,* `. " i ‘ "· "°‘*"`°""’·N·D*"· I.ndian’School, Fort Totten, North Dakota: 7For three hundred and twenty-five upi1s,‘$73,125;1for pay of superintendent, P. . mmm N M drggzge, and gneral regnrs and improvements $12 000; · ' ' ` ' , peton,‘=r orth»I)a otai For twohnmdr-ed and twenty pupil? $49,500;·fo1·tpay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs an °h°”°*°u“‘ _' co, Olrlahoma: For (ei ht hundred pupils, includingogot to exceed’$2,000‘for ririiing ang issuing school paper, $160, ; for piy‘Sd£é?;p§(Bdntmdmt, drayage,»and’ general repairs and 1mprove· m ‘ ·s • -:`;·.§.·.¢; _‘ r V .: . ·p,,,S‘?",,,,“,,°§“" ?""’°“ yah , ` “ ` ' School near Tahlequah Oklahoma: Om F0 _ ree hun, d orphan , _ dian cliildron of umnsala .of`Ok1a- hgé;i“belonging}to the restricted to be conducted as an in- §?,506"“§"°‘*‘ *1%%.-2.,*"°“‘*Y.&L1 t*a, S°° Fei! t*";.{“"°` ‘ , " ` 1ono·< e_ re`: ·o e· rxor,

 4 · ¤rf¤~y·6 ·:‘ ‘  we nge, ‘ new ‘¤‘¤1>¤i¤¤

""""m,, ,,‘ improremeiits $9 ' ed Tllat funds remainii to th gggM~gg· sgc-·i$ eredit df the Tribe 01"NI.hlOH,,0'l1 June`80, 192%% not tg ` exceed $8,000, ,may`Be-usedlin purchasinpgadditional lands adjacent toand for Orphan '1‘1·ainm%JSchoo1 near Tahlequah, Oklahoma _and, m ditlflll to ther ayaila le funds,`for the repair- ing, remodeling, converting Feguipping of the buildinglformerl died ;ii·1mary‘school7rooi¤ mto a ormitory, for t e beheliyt _ 0,],SC_00' , _ · "°**¤”'•· °*‘¤ `*¥€§1bmawa;i,‘Ba1eml Oregonwfor nine hundred Indiarypupils,

 native   _pupiK‘broughti‘f1*em,r§glaska, incltidi not

to*ex ( {$1,000 xssulnghsehool paper, for paymoi superintendent, ;·drayage,=·’ general repairs and

 irnprovements,_1ncluding retpairs to water€`system,,¢{30,000; _for new

a : é%¤;=Hc¤¤¤‘%¤*¤§¤¤»*,‘$Y 060;, fqr:¤¤¤¤¤¢r¤¤1:¢¢·¤r>1g¤¢=¤¤,’$}¤»000=

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`* portigr ig;§?lt?§{aaide*s<il;§p{§of‘e,%.§i?"hatfve&pi1pH‘,bronght?fi·% Alas a ,, sp. *)v;,‘<,*;·~ z ,:— _’ V gil.; , ‘ '“`°'°‘“"‘ ”"‘ r;?ii‘*‘.§“,»'Z‘“1;“° ’i§¥°'t’§”*°“’*““**%“ ·`$§"‘%15°*°“*"“'& ‘ [ r ` "$` 1""` liv $*1 ```i f it ¤¤° , yinrt im

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-¥ P ‘ ’) if ,' $,5;; ·Z rl Jn. ‘.}. ‘l»i:`i ,i»'»' "‘°"°~“· 1’¤¤¤¤ Mh Dame; Pl<>r1=v<> huvwd we ¤¤v¤s¢y—¤v¤ Indi¤¤ ’ was %8V6§‘;f¤i‘ bi? 6f* ‘¢¤' 'ri¤ 1 ,¢¤*, dr¤y¤s¤» ¤¤<1‘?s餤¤¤1 I mk argue 'd’"im§r)t$t‘e1nen},g;n‘$15 ;f*~·=¤=»;;i;p:~. _ 4, , , RY‘¥°°°"S‘ _ ‘ , _ g.Ei%7Cgt5,5 goth Dakogiiz for Indian ""·= t'. . ul? ’» * _z· f§d‘·'l'¤ ’ 'nm ‘

 ·`·’ ue’· J ·•em@z¤,·nem5ia; rspssrér ¤a£`g:£4wam¢a‘ gdxadn

0 new boiler, 12,000; ‘ "