Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/530

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490 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. L Cn. 277. 1,926. auto andaggté exceeding $1,200 for the construction of build- } ° In , e s Y°°*'·”“‘*» "**“f· n§dsemite’ National Park, California: For_ administration, pro- tection, maintenance, mcluduag not exceeding $2,100 for the pur- chase, maintenance, operation, an repair of horse-drawn and motor- driven vehicles for the usesot the superintendent and emgoyeos in connection with general ark work, not exceeding $3,200 r maintnnancevof that part ofgtgs Wawona Road in the Sierra National between at e park boundH twomiles north of Wawona andthe park boundary near the riposa Grove of Big and not QXQBNJBS $2,000 for maintenance of the road in the Stanislaus National Forest connecting the Tioga Road with Mather Station on the Ho6<>hsHetchy Railroad, $243,140; for con- struction of physical improvements, $13,500, for the installation of sewer -lines,,_water lines, fire-protection service, and wa]ks_in new village, including not exceeduf $2,000 for »a comfort station and _ $1 000 for , an r r station; in all, $256,640. Z‘°°· U‘*""* gina Nat;ipnal»Pa13k,, tah: For administration, protection main- tenance, and improvement, including not exceeding for the pur- CIIIH! operation, and repair of motordriven passenger- carrying vehicleshiortheiuse at the sr£%1gg0tendent‘ and employees ' ecti 't genra_ar,wor_ , . m;,`§,,*f,“°¤“‘ M°¤“· mdgliiiixnduilmiiviiinunents; Fiir admiiiistration, protection, mainte- ` preservation, and rovement of the national monuments,

 not exceeding Slilgfor   purchase, maintenance, opera-

tion, an repair of motor·-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the cuxodians and cmp oyees in connection with general monuigant gork, and including $600 for the construction of build- C""Sb'“`d’N‘M"" _ ger edidiinistration protection, maintenance, preservation, and 1m rovement of Carlsbad Cave National Monument m New Mexico, e. $15,000-t ¤§}.§"“‘§’§§v¤‘EZ'§1‘F§ or reconstruction, replacement, and repair of roads, trails, bridges, "‘*“°$· and other improvements in national parks or natno rmonuments _, t are damaged or destroyed by Hood, fire, mm mm M storm, or other unavoidable causes uring the fiscal year. 1027, and °“ ' for fighting national parks or other areas adxmmstered by the National Park or iiros endanger such areas, and »» · tk **`Za"°*°i‘§‘2a”i`$il°}»?““ °§sZ.?h“t£i?`“°i.1 i‘°"'°§iB“335°?‘md,d““ *‘“"° -°°"°‘,,_ °,estrb_yresti,wi°sucareas, :' "”““° "’° That those ntasunu not be me at my pmutatnrqr F-J Ammm my M tecticn 0rp;§1· prior to actual occurrence of the tire: ro- incurred seaman. fart the allotment of these funds to the various national parks or areas by the National Park Service as may be for fire-fighting purposes shall be made by the

   Interior, and then only afterthe obligation for the

e ure been, mcu . _ . — , “°‘ _ gen per of thxdmgoregoing amounts shall be available interchangeably eiigditures in the -.various national . parks named, but not, IDDPB. _10 per centum shall be added to the

épgwpriaktpd forany one of said parks or for any particular

1 wi ae o y , r , r ’ c g,§gF_g$‘ mm °¤>°*· To enablétgf ot the interior to meetthe emergencies ,,,,X{";§’,“‘(§}‘i°”· °°"' by =B9»$10D8l p¤1‘lKS. Bhd mthldnal monu- ' " ` 3611% the of the Interior anil . __ M _ _ r eqiupmon or vestrga, tion cont

   ef such- insects, to be-expended dimuyriié

m 0ll;.l1Kd)·9¢1\0lTr;£l0g@!°t·11lB¥1$6 of the Federal Government ortel pfrew ich amount·$10,000,shall be immedi- a y available for _ purchase of equipment.