Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/571

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SIXTY-N IN TH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cas. 286-289. 1926. 53l including not to exceed $445 000 for departmental personal service D¤¤>¤¤¤¤>¤¤·* ¤¤"· in the District of Columbia; $75,000 000, to remain available until i°°°i°"” mm`"` expended, which sum is comppsed of $23,800,001), the remainder of the sum of $75,000,000 authorwed to be appropnated for the iiscal ,,,§,’{,_°‘ °¤°‘““ ***1**** year ending June 30, 1925, by the Act approved June 19,1922, and v0i.¤.¤. ssc. $51,200,000, gartyof thesum of $75,000,000 authorized to be appro- priated for t e fiscal- year ending June.180, 1926, by paragraph of the Act agproved February 12, 925. 8 ( . Total, partment of Agriculture, $127 ,924,573. , Approved, May 11, 1926. CHAP., 287.-—·An Act For the purchase of the Oldroyd collection of Lincoln Miyég-}32°° relics. . "TP‘HBT%T&6%.1` Be it enacted bg the Senate and House of Representatives of the Li¤c<>1¤r¤1ics. _ United States of merica in Congress assembled, That the Secretary m(€$’s”i’Z°§°il&”Lnsd%°i§Z of State, the Secretary of_Ws.r, and the Attorney General are hereby ‘°’° °°“°°‘*°° °‘·

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pure -ase the Oldroyd collect1on of Lincoln relics, and that the sum fw} of $50,000, or so much_ thereof as may be nc , is hereby °"""°“‘ authomzed to be appreggmated, out of any money inthe Treasury not otherwise appropria , to enable the commission to consummate such purchase. ( Approved, May 11, 1926. _ V - CHAP. 288.-An Act To amend section 3 of the Act approved Se tember 14, Mfg 1922 (chapter 307, Forty-second Statutes at Large, part 1, pages B4(l’ to 841). Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R?resentati·ves of the United States of America in Congress assemble , That 8 of $,,'§f‘{é_,,_8,,_,,,,,,,,,_ the Act approved September 14, 1922 (chapter 307, Forty-second Mi- Statutes at argc, art 1,1pages 840 to‘841), be, and the same hereby lS,‘?g1€l1d8qrlL) readh gisfo ows: 1. d th h dl ‘ ( f m 1*30.3.- att e tprovisoun er e ea 'ng A1·ms,uni orms N?¤°¤¤*°“**,, ,**,-0 · equipment, and so forth for field service,. National Guard,7 in Title; QA°°$e°diirpE. M I of said Act, is amend to read as follows: , “‘ That hereafter members of the_Nationa1 Guard, the O8icers’ ,m@*;,°,j g;¤{mg¤{ Reserve Coram, and the Reserve Corps who have or shall umm. become enti ed for a continuous period of less than one month to Federal pay at the rates fixed for the Regular Army, whether by virtue of a call by the President, of attendance at schoo ormaneuver, or of any other cause, and whose accounts have not yet been settled, shall receive such Say for each day of such period, and the thirty- tirst day, of a calen ar month shall not be exc uded from the compu- tation. Approved, May 11, 1926. CHAP. 289.-An Act To provide retirement for the Nurse Corps of the Army and Ngvy_ A [Public, N0. 217.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of glsgrreeentatives of the United States of America in Congress ass led, That when a A§n¤>{=i:¤,§,*gggy?' **>¤ member of the Army Nurse Corps or the N avKBNurse Corps shall harassment er, as- have served thirty years, or shall ave reached t age of fifty gears, ° °' ‘°d‘ having served twenty lyears, she may, in the discretion o the Secretar of War or t .e Secretary of the Navy, respectively, he retired fiom active service and placed on a list, hereby created in