Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/588

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548 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cn. 294. 1928. 1*¤¤¤¤¢· B‘1?£1o;·_ and necessary painting throughout the Library ,b*gj¤°'*¤ '°°‘”* For inipnovi .~ ventilation _of and south $12,000. nge- ¤<>¤¤¢•¤k ¤·r· _For. metal ax wood furniture and other furnishings for equip- ¤¤¤- pm bogeokgtsck m the northeast court oi the Library ,,§§,‘{‘,§{f""' "°" To the construction of new bookstacks in the northeast court of eiliibrary of Congress, $400,000. B°“°‘° °*'°°'* BOTANIC GARDEN ,,,,‘f,,‘f,{°‘°'· '“ "" Salaries: For the director and other personal services in ve1.4¤.v wa. accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $77,544; all under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library. ,,,§‘,,‘§’f§{,§_· "“"'°"’°° andjrnglrovements: For (procuring manure, soil, tools, p ` g trees, rubs, plants, an seeds· materials and miscel- laneous supplies, including rubber boots and apronsrwhen required for use §empl< with their work; traveling expenses " rper `em in lieu-of subsistence of the director and his assistants not to egceed $475; street-car fares 1:;; exceegg $25; oiicecquiprnmtan ‘centingent·ex§ensessin·conn ion wi re airs B ind improvementsto Botanic Ga sn; exchange, care, and maiinte- nance of mot0r·gr;J§.led vehicles; purchase of. botanical books, periodicals and of reference, not to exceed $100;, general repairs to greenhouses, heating apparatus, packing sheds, storerooms, and stableelifainting, glazing; repairs to footwa ks and roadways; repairing a ·putting¤coinfort stations in sanitary con- dition; repairs and improvements to direeto1·’s residence; all under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library, $47 ',*g;Q:d¤;:’g};;_“· The sum of $150 may be expended at any one time by t e Botanic Garden for the purchase of p ants, trees, shrubs and other nursery B-”»’•°·"°*¥*”‘· :1oc% wgllioért reference tosection 3709 of theltevised Statutes of w{,°°,§,p,‘“,§°D”,,,,_"““ %tlili¤rtbi`r;ttL’days after the approval of this Act the Secretary of War a to deliver to the Botanic Garden, without ,,§,‘§“,,,§,?f,,,‘§' °°"‘ P·Any unexpendbd. balance of- the appropriation of $5,000 "to enable the Joint Committee on the Library to carry out the provi- v°‘·"""""°’°"‘ sions of the joint resolution entitled ‘Joint rmolution providing for the rocurernent of a design for the use of grounds in the vicin- ity ·of‘&e Mall the United States Botanic. Garden} aplproved B’°°”'°"*‘°°“‘ January 7,*1925," is rea propriated and made available for t e same purp0sea.>for the {Scalp years 1926 a.ndr1927 for expenditure by contractor otherwiseiasgthe joint committee may direct including services heretofore employed or rendered. ·l< ¥·¤*¤’¥¤*°°¤¤°¤ e LIBRARY OF: CONGRESS sannuns mI·:·,¥*•¤· wd P•’· For the Librarian, chief assistantlibrarian, and other ofersonal services in accordance with *€The Classifications Act 1923," $518,585. - · · · °¤W**¢¤*°¤‘°°· i e O01'!RIGH’1'.0!'!’IGl R***·*¤°P"°'*- Fo the-Regrh ‘ of Copyrightaassistant andothec~per· NL aonalr services in accordance; with».the» Clasliglcatioh. Act. of 1923, $165,640. 5 ·