Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/595

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. e Sass. I.· Cn. 300. 1926.. 555 0KLP.·8 we- Act“ thorlsing y _ diana { nneao M•1l*·m¤· .as,ei.e2‘1‘0a*§c,us%mm ,“‘° ""‘”°"" "‘ »° _“‘i “ *° Bs it enacted by the Senate cad Home of_Ig5reaentati»vee of the United States of America in aaeemb ‘ That jurisdiction “§§§g$__"“'*‘“'*"•°’ be, and it hereb§ upon the Court of’Claims, with right emma lx. mus: er appeal ee we spans or as Umm seas by time UM °¥·.;f;.?*..:§*;: as in other the laps of time or statu of bf limitation;] tpu hear, exa(;xiine,;;1l§lg adjudicate and relpder judgments inanyan rlegalan ‘ '8dMm8 uneror out of the·Act of Januhqig 14, 1889 ( ·iifth Statqgesy at V°"°’”‘°°‘ Large; page 8512), orarising under or growing out of any subsequent Act_o relation to Indian anairs which said Chippewa

 of asota may have against the United States, which

claims have-not heretofore been determined and adjudicated on their

 by the Court of Claims or the Supreme Court of the United

Sno. 2. Angliagncl all claims ag;inst’the United States within the T‘”‘°'°‘°“““‘ pcuryiew of Act shall be rever barred unless suit or suits instituted or petition Hled as herein {provided in the Court of Claims within live from the date o the a roval of this Act, and such suit or sui shall make the Chippewa of Minnesota part plamtiif and the United States party defendant. The petition V°"°°‘“°“·°“* shall be verified by the attorney or attorneys em lo ed to prosecute such claim or claims under contract with the Cliippewa Indians approved in accordance with existing law; and said contract shall be executed in their behalf by a committee or committees tobe selected by said Chippewalndians as hereinafter provided. Oliicial E"°°“°° "'““‘°‘* letters, papers, documents, and records, or ce ` ed copies thereof, may be used in evidence, and the departments of the Government shal give access to the attorney or attorneys of said Chippewa Indians to such treaties, papers, correspondence, or records as they gay Require in the prosecution of any suit or suits instituted under is ct. » Sno. 3. In said suit or suits the court shall also hear examine, ,,_, f"""“‘°"° consider, and adjudicate any claims which the United States may have against the said Chippewa Indians, and any yéaymcnt or pay- ments which may have been made by the United tates upon any claim against the United Statesobiy said Indians shall not operate as an estoppel, but may be plead as an oifset in such suit or suits as may gratuities, if any, paid to or expended for said Indians subsequent to January 14, 1 89. _ p y _ Sno. 4. If it be determined by the court that the United States, m},{_g?***°*,gt°*¤°¤**pf,;*t¤; in violation of the terms and provisions of any law, treaty, or lawless uxowiully agreement as provided in section 1 heonzgf, has unlawbfgllly appro- §i,§°:$§,°,;g riated or disposed` o an mone or er property ongin to ¤f*i¢¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¢ ihe Indians, damages thergfor shsill be confined to the value ofgthe °"°°°m' money or other proplerty at the time of such appropriationbr disposal, tcgether wit interest thereon at 5 per centum per from the ate thereof; and with reference to all claims which m£gf'c*f¤g,,{;*é,,,’j{{,‘g may be the subject matter of the suits herein authorized, the decree claims of the court shall be in full settlement of all damages, if any, committed b the Government of the UnitedStates an shall annul and cancel all claim, right, and title of the said Chippewa Indians in and to such money or other progplpty. · · » Sno. 5. If in any suit by all t e — ippewas of.Minnesota against ,0§:¤g_y°r*¢¤dB¢:¤,,§Q1§ the United States it ap rs to the court that any band or bands of messes enema. said Indians are, or »ci:iin to be, the exclusive legal or equitable owners, or are entitled to, or claim, a legal or equitable interest ter than an equal distributive share with all the Chippewa giixans of Minnesota, in the proceeds of any judgment or decree