Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/613

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STXTYMYINTH GONGBESS4 Sass. ¤I. CH. 344. ,1926e 573 the Government: de -_ t or other independent . blisbmeat under Whoqe cdceror employee is _ of the powers, privilege, or duties conferred or mtposed upon or

 of e immigration service, and. (3)-ibyregulationtto  

provi e for the application to air navi tionof, the laws sad Eid" regulations relating to the; Q11 ogithe jmmiihtionayhws tosuchextentandupcnsuohoonditionsashedeemsneeessary.. , Aww",. t Sno. 8. Anvrrroxu? Asszsrnrr Sncssrua! or Cox.usws;—-·4'Io susan of cm aid the Secretary Io Commerce in fostering air commerce and ‘“°‘°°· to perform such functions vested in the Secretary under this Act as the Secretary mafv designate there shall be an additional Assistant Secretary o Commerce, who shall be ap inted bythe Appointment ee, to President, by and with the advice and consent of thi; Senate, and §,‘;,,,,§L?,,,{”“““‘ ‘” whose cgmpengatiégn shazélx be fixed accordance with the cation ct o 3.. cept as ‘ y provi A°*¤*¤*”****'• •°· the Secretary of Commerce»sliall_administer the provisions of this m°mydmBw“w` Act and for such purpose is authorized (1) to make such regglsations '*`° ¤”'·*° '°‘“"“°“· as are necessarytoexecute the functions vested in him by t ` Act; (2) to make such expenditures (including expenditures for personal °x;`gm,’{g;§; °°°°'”" services and rent at the seat of ernment and elsewhere and for ` law books, books of reference, an%0;>eriodicals) as may be ry for such administration and as may be provided for by the from time to time; (3) torgublish from time to time arb ` ,,'}`,§’,,‘}‘{,,"§,“,§§,,_*’°,,*i,'f'*“? setting forth such matters ating to the functions vested in him by this Act as he deems advisable, includ` air na ° ation laws, and regulations and decisions thereiiliiaer; andqget) to operate, ,_,,'{,?,,°§’°,{,’;,‘°,,g,‘g‘,‘§°?,,§,?_” and for this pnupose to accgiire within the limits 0. the available appropriatigns liereafter ma e_by the Congress, such aiikcgraft and air nav` tion aci ities,.ex it air A as are necessary r executing the lgitnctions vested in E Sem€°tati;·ye’ of by this Act. Sno. 9. DH'INITIONB.—-AS used in this Act-—· neemeeu. (a) The term "citizen_ of the United States" means (1) an U:ig3*i;ag“gf *¤• _ individual who is a citizen of the United States or its possesions, m,,,,d,,,,,_ or (2) a partnership of which each member is an individual who rummmp. is a citizen oft the United States or its pomessions, or gg a 0<>¤>¤¢¤¢i¤¤.e=e corporationor association created or organized in the .tUnited tes or under the law of the United States or of anyState, Territory, ,0r posswsion thereof, ofwhichuthe president and —tw04thirdsor.m0re of the board of directorsxor other managing oiiioers thereof asthe case may be, are individuals who are citizens of the United or its possessions and in which at least 51 per centum of the M3 interest is controlled by persons who are citizens et the Uni Statesoritepossessions. -· . · » · . ~ (b) The term " United States," when used in awgeographical "U¤’°°d S°¤*°°·" sense, means the texritoryvcomprising the several States, Territories, possessions, and the District of Columbia (including the territorial virlateérintbieziof), and the overlying airspace; but shall not include te ne. ·, (c) Theiterm _" aircraft " means angxcontrivance now known or "¤=<=¤~¢·" hereafter invented, used, ordesigned » navigation of or flightsin the aix, except a parachute. or other contrivance designed for such navi tion but @ primarily-as safety equipment. u (d%8.The term. ‘*public aircraft " means an aircraft used exclu· "P¤l>¤¤ ¤¤=¤¤·’” sivel in the governmental service. _ t c _ ge; Theterm ‘F civil a1rcraft" means any aircrafteotlier than a —"C"*l **¤*•*’*·T’ pulicaircraft. / _` ‘ (f) The tO11!1.“ aircraft of the Umted States " means any aircraft U;,§g¤g§m_9! *¤• registeredunderthisAct._ _ ._ e , v ( ) The term?‘ai1·port” means any locality either of water or _ lang, which is adapted for the landing and talnng olf of mrcraft