Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/624

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584 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cn. 347. 1926.

 G, mission: Prooidcd, however,. That such award shall not be con-

vcwm, b¤;¤d”¤:_;r¤§¤- strued to dimmish orextinguish any of the powers or duties of the ’ Interstate Commerce Commission, under the Interstate Commerce ,,,§,{‘,§‘°,’,§“‘},g,°‘;§(,g" "’ booligildof arbitration ma , subject to thgapproval of the Board of Mediation, employ and fix the compensation of such assistants as it deems necwry in carrying on t e arbitration ro- Y""‘“"“‘ "’ B°°“’· ceedings. The compensation of such employees, tgpether with their necessary traveling expenses and expenses actu ly incurred for subsistence, while so employed, and the necessary expenses of boards of arbitration, shall be paid by the Board of Mediation, i,,§,“°2°”b,'°§¤,§‘°,¤Y,§` Whenever practicable, the board shall be supplied with suitable ‘” ¥’“l’“° l’““‘“°¤· quarters in any Federal buildgirxf located at its place of meeting or gthagy place where the bo may conduct its proceedings or e ` rations. ,.,?{,”¤`2§i}°T‘“ °° tm" (h) All testimony before said board shall be given under oath or w§’(,•:g°*° md‘*f_{g,,§£ adirmation, and any member of the board shall have the power to ¤r¤<>¤k¤.'e¤¤. administer oaths or aiiirmations. The board of arbitration, or any member thereof, shall have the power to require the attendance of witnesses and the production of such books, papers contracts, agree- ments, and documents as may be deemed by the hoard of arbitra- Lm { b tion lziatergal to adjust dgterxphination of the mcsgiéteiip sipbnliiittidtgo m°°*‘“P°°°“itsa itraion,an ma or at urposerequ tecer 0 e M mmm Mum district court of the Unged States fdr the district wherein said arbi- tration is being conducted to issue the necessary subipoenas, and upon such request the said clerk or his dug authorized eputy shall be, and he hereb§ is, authorized, and it all be his duty, to issue w*gg‘f$_,¥°g,gBQ,(,•gn“{•:’ such subpoenas. n the event of the failure of ani person te com- ew. ' ply with any such subpoena, or in the event of t e contumacy of any witness appearing before the board of arbitration, the board may invoke the aid o the United States courts to compel witnesses to attend and and to produce such books, (papers, contracts, agreements, and documents to the same extent an under the same conditions andgienalties as provided for in the Act to regulate com- wx M t merce approv February 4, 1887, and the amendments thereto. I °°°° '° °' Any witness a peering before a board of arbitration shall receive the same fees aud, mileage as witnesses in courts of the United States, to be paid by the party securing the subpoena. ,01Q,°§,‘,*§*,,‘g{°”°‘“"°”‘ Sno. 8. The agreement to ar itrate— hiwrmnz. a Shall be in writing; P“”’°°°· b Shall stipulate that the arbitration is had under the provi- sions of this Act; Mmm °"’°°"· (c) Shall state whether the board of arbitration is to consist of three or of six members; .,,§%,‘§$°“ d‘{§,’°",$ (d) Shall be_signed by the duly accredited representatives of the

  • =¤¤*1¤d¤¤d· carrier or carriers and the emaploggees, parties respectively to the

agreement to arbitrate, and sh acknowledged by sai parties before a notary public, the clerk of a district court or circuit court of gfpeals of the United States, or before a member of the Board of ediation and, when so acknowledged, shall be filed in the office of the Board of Mediation; t m§{K"§f’l°°°°°b°'“°' (e) Shall state specifically the questions to be submitted to the said board for decision; an that, in its award or awards, the said board shall confine itself strictly to decisions as to the questions so specifically submitted to it; ' q,m? www" ( ) Shall provide that the questions, or anly one or more of them, submitted by the parties to t e board of ar itration may be with- drawn from arbitration on notice to that effect signed by the duly accredited repmentatives of all the parties and served on the board of arbitration;