Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/634

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594; S1X'I`Y·NIN'I`l{ CONGRESS. Sass. I, Cn. 355. 1926. oorrrmcnzrr, Navy c¤¤¤¤gr·a¢,N¤~·r- For all emergencies and extraordinary expenses, exclusive of per- sonal services in the Na Department or an of its subordinate bureaus or oiiices at Wagington, District of éolunibia, arising at home or abroad, but impossible to be anticipated or classified, to be expended on the approval and authority of the Secretary of the Navy, and for such urposes as he may deem fprqper, and for exami- nation of estimates ibr appropriations in the el for any branch of the naval service, $40,000. virgin mmm. rnmronanr eovmmmnnr ron wnsrr rxomu rsnsxns m,’};;=g¤g<>mY ¤°"°*°· For expenses incident to the occupation of the Virgin Islands and `\·"0l.39»D.1132. to the execution of the provisions o the Act providing a temporary government for the West Indian Islands acquired by the United States from Denmark, and for other purposes, approved March 3, 1917, to be applied under the direction of the President, $280,000, Auuiuomi nom in- plus so much of $20,000 additional as ma equal the sum of revenue Sum '"°°“°°‘_ collected and paid into the treasuries og said islands in excess of gbfuifelg b°,;“”¥0§§ $280,000, provided no part of the $280,000 be_paid to ang one hold- country excluded my mg) oflice in the Colonial Councils of the Virgin Islan s or other h°”°°m‘ pu lic oilice under the overnment of said islands who owes alle- giance to any country 05ier than the United States of America. M°"¤°S°"°°'*’· s·rA·rn MARINE SCHOOLS, Aer Manor: 4, 1911 YRaim¥i&rSi¤shllg’,;{<;_;* To reimburse the State of New York, $25,000; the State of Massa- ¤iii$e¤m?i$§mszw.’ chusetts, $25,000; and the State of Pennsylvania, $25,000, for expenses incurred in the maintenance and support of marine schools V¤1·36. r-1&'»3- in those States in accordance with section 2 o the Act entitled “An Act for the establishment of marine schools, and for other purposes," approved March 4, 1911; in all, $75,000.

 cw- cams or Lnrnns, AND so roirrr-1, 1sLANn or GUAM

Care,etc.,Culi0n,P.I. Naval station, island of Guam :· For maintenance and care of lepers, special patients, and for other purposes, including cost of transfer of lepers from Guam to the island of Culion, in the Philip- pines, and their maintenance, $18,000; for educational purposes, $12,000; in all, $30,000. Research *¤*>°¤·¤>¤Y· Nsvst msnsnou Lanoiwronr 80,*;};* ¤*· *0* ¤¤V¤* For laboratory and research work and other necessary work of vt1.ée,p.m. the naval research laboratory for the benefit of the naval service, including operation and maintenance of a laboratory, additions to equipment necessary properly to carry on work in hand, maintenance o buildings and grounds, and the temporary employment of such Pm,_m_ scientific civilian assistants as may become necessary, to be expended usgzmgwsry scm- under the d1rect1on of the Secretary of the Navy, $1 5,000: Provided, ’° ' Thai; $10,000 of this appropriation shall be available for the tem- porary employment of civilian scientists and technicists required on special problems: Prowkled further, That the sum to be paid out of ,,;`f’°h°*°*"‘· °°°··’°"’ this appropriation for technical, drafting, clerical, and messenger service shall not exceed $75,000 in addition to the amount authorized by the preceding proviso.