Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/64

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24 SIITY·NINTH.CONGRESS; Sass. I. Cn. 27. 1926. ,,¤"°°'*_m.'*'· theredy on the District ccf Gohnnbia, thenoom ensation rescind as ¤¤•#¤•••.¢e. md" such), of-yintever in yhatever germ paid, or from roteosiop;;·vocat1ons;r trades, on sales, or

 , c   gt!-»Q1‘¢pw;»!¤{h®th•¤1{ed/or·tpersonal,»growmg outof the

...5.**:::; ***** ""* ···¤3·r·¤·—¤·•» e·;¤·*·¤¤-*>v&¤*¤¤¤<=*¤ P’PP“*fYi ·¤·¤ =¤:¤¤= ¤~*=¤¤e·*=· rengfxv1d•g1d.i,iseour¤t1es,_.or~ lhe·transai:io§3 _ any hx1§1ne%g1¤ed an·on:pro£t,~or ro z ’=1Il00lll6‘ en m ’¤°*¤°•d *¤ ’~·¤‘*• any source whatever. e amougtwof all {such shall be yurwhux received. . . . i . . _ ;)ncl1éd°ed in the gross mcome gp: the gaoxiszbleiyear in which recepgg U , taxpa émet fo accountingu ' rmi p uhder subdivgipdii (b) of section 212, any such amounts Edie to be

     P“’g“%§°“¤“°dif°P’¤* vii diiierentspericd. =F "— · = ‘

""’*P‘““°m*+· l ( ) 5 ·¤term\>*"§ross‘~inoomq•§’·aloesanotsjnclude the following items, which shall be exempt from tuiderjthis title: e df" ~‘*»¤(1)**A:’B0\\D¤}T0®iYB{}’11DdG§"‘l life' insurance contract paid by reeaoneotime d•ath·ofl¤thel whether ingafsingle sum or in¢ihidhneMs}.(higt¤jf guichiunounts areheld by theinsxxrer under

 to pay intereistethereon, the   payments shall

_ _ ·;; ¥*. `>¥’ »`~·’>t: i. ~.~, ,,$ ,,°°',‘{,",,:  :(other than »amcunts’paid) by] reason of ¤·¤>¤- _ lot fiho!inan1=ed.¥and—¥ivnte1~est payments on suc amounts) un&r>¤.i life or/annuityki~oontract,* hut if gah smonnts (wlan: adde :~to=amo¤nts received befomvthe _tax- ·i le yegmnnder contraetyexceodp gate: Qremimns or oonndorstionpiud {‘wbetb•r~o<r‘not paid dunngrtge taxa 1e=year) °"""'°"""“{" then. the excesaacall m includedpin gross¢isneoma·= In the case of U " , aztninsfsifor~vvquabi•s¤onsideration;_:by·assignment¢or otherwise, of »a»1ife inaurance;¤endowment,:or·innnity contracta,·or‘any interest theroiirponiy thejactiial valuoot shelrcomiderationi and theamount o&¤the4premimns¢•nii other:su;nskaubsequent1y·paid-by the transferee _ y _ shaléhbe exeunptattconijtamtiozi-nnder paragraph (1 V or th1s·para—

 »   rg!} gr: 'E‘lIl—li:·~€€—!‘r*S, > —·:3= !—     ~. v   * ’ _. ·

VaIuao(|l¤¤,ic. , r, . · .. · , ‘ • MQ )··The valhe of ropsrtys aired ·b ». it bequest- devise, or

 (bd}; the Iineome froctgrsnicli/zpyiiogziertyieshslli he included

li LMQQWS $‘;;X‘ —» _"‘»a ‘¥·5_·· '>,1 ,g,3*;,,l··,;;,,,·;;,*,_°°·**~ F4)~1nme¤t·¤pe¤· (A) as obligations of •· sem, Territory, ei- , angy political I¤bdiNl810l1¥i2b6I'B0f,,·@*·'u1B‘Di8t¥iC# of Columbia; or €·'g,'"f“;,§f";_*}’;1,{‘“‘ )?;securiti•s:iiasued under1?the:provisipas=o‘£·_¤tl1e fFBd01'&l#?Fll'!D. Q ' »Act, oriupder th ha@of such Aetas amended ;·.or (C) i,.;.,;’°*?*· ·*°·· °'*“¤’ tuseebmpem ¢n1ie» ae seems aepessasam. i~Every per. ,¤8E•mj°g:** *°¤°*’¤l pon ownxhgniyof _tho~ obligations o¤~securit1es·enumerated in clause g(A)§··(.$4}~,~orr; (C) shall, in the return required by this title, submit audzatement showings the? number and amount of such · obligations _ and securities owns by<him and the income receivédj therefrom, in

 and zwithisuchrinformatiou as the Commiséoner may

_{;¤g_f°•w_?¤mQ¤ I·‘** of obligationmof the United Statesismed after Septunberiil, 19t7·(other than postal mvings certificates of deposit), the interest be exempt onlyidi andto the extent provi ed ih the respective Acts authorizing the issue thereof as amended and Y sup lemented, and sha1l*‘bo‘exo udede income only if and to the extent it is wholly exempt to the taxpayer from income taxes; ug¤¤¤¤¤•|¤¤¤ ¤ v·(5)~'I*he·¤lneome’—o¢f-‘!oreign governments·x1eeeived from invest- hreign gamma. ments in the United States in stocks, bonds, or other domestic securities, owned) by forouiign governments, for from interem on depositsin banksin the Uni =Statesof·moneys belonging to such 4 goieignpgovernmmts, or from any other source within the United aw ‘ , ‘ , , · · · , ”§gJ¥g§;;j_ bf W- _,A.mountsv received, through accident or health insurance or ` un r workmen’s compensation acts, asteompensation for personal