Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/673

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srxrymwrn oouoxmss. 1. os. seo. me. 633 during the Hemi year for eubgnittpd, which shal1—mc1d» ¤¤·**m°h*·. .. ` ovation = eabtuld1ngs_ ¢ gcced to‘beQeieclte§,a, ` ` ~awithia’·1lmit of costhirthe sane: §’]°{‘g°g·_H0,, 0, That insubmiit 0 estimates the Secretn!;(i¢>f¢’tbe~"1‘1·easu1·y •¤¤·>¤¤¤». shalla allocate amounts mocha expexi .t¤ dneediiferent Ststesiwhers buildings ure tcunddmy hun to be necessary, in such a manner ns to ilistrihute hirl on the was _of·area§ P0 . l¤*i¤¤s‘•¤:J*·¤*¤1e¤°¤*P*¤`¤iP*Pv*?¥¢dce/y¤"‘##*» Th¤*=.*¤¤i¤¤¤,¤p¤‘ ¤..,”'°§"‘°¤f.?‘€§ %¤§§§?;

 provi f01'_ i!£¥the;A.¢t   appr•opriqtiom;e.¢or{pubMo nvaimbleew.

buildings, which provision·is-hereby aa _0TIZ8d;’D0~O0Htf8&3$' or the °°“?“‘€§””* mlebase”gi§glr?wdt°1?li.r&;:lrléx °m{ieb:»§1a‘gx'\{l him until g:>rnjee_iqI=th¤;mTreashryt‘shi1lk¥`l»e made~available”¢ior the _ Sa . * , . 1 ` • §§§"’*§°f§ ""m.&‘“°‘°?’4g$.iQ‘2‘§§f¤£2,$ ‘;,€.»§‘t2“».r?.?;°d‘”““*¤¤g¤;i1’?.‘i‘¤ wise specifically ¢pro·si·£,~ as h€f€iH&fY·6I‘~$\1th0I‘i$Bd,' apgopriationg “"’“,;$’°i “‘““’°* §“%;"£‘;?’““‘§e‘}s"§J.;‘E°“t‘§' {ifi “£ t l l?1§” ‘ t em una li m1 ‘ bene ureauo- e Eggs e:??1·a`;ided further, That the Act making said appropriations MMM W ¤**¤‘¤‘ ma gprovicle formny otheifhqzilclixigs we<annual>rePort b°m°m¤°w°d“ . of zlwsooretary of provided for mmmt&%m further, That the_Secretary of the shall also, tiisadelxtlon g¤°·*° to §g est1mateaeto·the Bureau 0 the as herein pmmded,. ¢ to c0nta1mng~seet;atement of the looat*1¤n= of all ublu; ualdings w ch heand theaPostmaster General.-§(where his‘=clgpa·rtment~is involved) deem necessary to be coustrunted mxdereethe visionslof this Act together _with”a limit of scoot for the same: ‘{grther, '1'hatthe provisoe p,§,?,f,u,°¤p”,{’g}’,§$ shall not apgly to buildin? 01* t irmodiflcation heretofore provided mm for by Act Congress: vfurtlasr, ffhat atfleastettvobuild- ,,, f,§‘g`?,'§,‘,§ ’§g2,i%‘“St.e‘ *’° °‘§;‘§“;E@ £°’aaS"“‘£5; “’m° ”§’é°‘§é’7§§¥P§“let¤’”" "%‘§0*°* ““°°‘ 3 dm-ing the ¤1¤st~;>1ecedi¤g·¢year,# for whxchvpostl no pom A y buildings haw*e·been·providedl. A miae · ~ y < ¤ ` Sm. 5. F0x·athe*p1irp¤se"0f carrying out the provisions%iof‘this Act ,h'§`,‘{§§,_ ‘”*°““’ ‘“‘ the sum of~$150,000,000,`i11. additiovn`·%to> thevainount authorized in section Shereof; isiherebi authoriaedfto be appmpriated, but under *'“"'“ ”“°“"“°"* thisaaaothorézatiou, _ appo?riations€~(excInitive*aoi Erxationsmsde for remodohngjan Ipnblneaboxldlqgv), ex-etofore made for the acqmsxtupn of sxtes for, or theeomstructron, °“‘“£.l§{”§2 ‘§.?“°‘FmS..’”g’rye °'$““‘re¤e¤°“ ‘Z$’,;‘3;"".m‘° "“‘e%*l¤"g’§§“3§5,J6‘€§ M con e » a ~ r e in the aggregate shallbe expended annually:;P»·bv£ded,¤ suc}; §’}’,°,§,§‘,,f"·,,,,, md, amount as is necessary, not to extceedh$50,000_,000 ofzime total amount ¤¤¤¤¤¤f<¤=¤¤¤>¤¤#=¤¤¢· authorized tocbcrexpendedléunder the provisions ·o£thislAct‘=shall be available f0rlprt¢;BectSfini);t:]oi:I¥)1;,strictf0€i€lixlumbi more y _, _ than $10 000· eréc s ~ heir e»¤a¤u:l12»ze·.,m4e4‘ a cum a.t‘al,g)s% one-¢1m~d or the masdszo the ,,,&:,=:,?;·$;,¤D,¥,gg of Columbia during the fiscal year be for the heretofore authorized and at least>ono·third of the expenditures or the iisca1‘ye•,1··1988,.—and at least one-thnrde of theexpendmures for the year 1929,eahall beier a like ¥u1·poee a-les? amount · shallhe neoemryeto oomplsteiall o lsuch $1****- °*¤~· “*¤“°· further, That eiipenditumd outside the.District.of. umbiae mider ` the provisions 0 this section shall not exoeedthe $5,000,000 %n1i1€:éI§€:B;l1y one of the States, Terrxtomes, or possessions of the Ill . . ‘ . V » . ~ Vg ’ Ingeach of the cities in which a site is to he acquired under "·°°“"‘“°" °"“°“· provisions of th1s Act, the e§ecretary of the Treasury shall sohcxt proposals by publxc adverusement. Such adverusement shall be