Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/679

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S1"XTY>NINTH CONGRESS'; Sass. I. Cn. 383. 1920. 639 Qi)2 'Dfi·eethousand seyen hundred and sixty-four acres dn account of 1nade¢guate,`water*supply, ’soil,‘ and gnravelly subsoil.

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Pe(a),Oi1e ‘,ninety—eight. acres, on accpunt’bf_pr¢;;t>é::’b%y O _, ientfgtgater supply, porous soil and sandy an roussu 1; 2 l ' ~ (bgof §re,hu11dred and sixteen acres included in town sites and sus neareas. ‘2 · ’ ’ ,5 as shown by classification heretofore made under the super- vision of the Board of Surve£ and Adjustments and as shown in the table on pa 23 of said _ocument 201, checked andmodiiied as outlined in "%§eneral recommendations " numbered 2 and 4, page 60 of said document. 2 l - l I . Kmiunn PRQJl§CT,'OREG()1Sj 6 a K1¤¤¤¤¤¤» Ow Sno. 13. There shall be deducted from the total cost of said project c0s1:f’d“°“°°"°“‘ ‘°"“ the following sum: , _ _ ‘ 2, (1) $1,587, or such amounts as may be actual construction charges as found by the Secretary of the nteriorcagainst jthecfollowing lands: G q 2. `° “ ,i*’_· Q (a) Thirty-eight acres main divisions, Klamathirrigation district, permanentlyunproductive for lack of fertility in the soil.— Sao. 14. All playments, upon construction e charges shall be sus-~ SlL$1g€§;~(g;¤;,¢¤¤¤¢¤¤¤8¤¤ pended against t e following lands: ’ R 2 v 2 _ 2 (a) Five hundred and seventeen acres, main division, Klamath irri ationdistrict, temporarily cuupmiuaive for lack-‘ effertility in the soil; 2- · 2 2 ’ 2 2 " " (b) One hundred and twenty-nine acres, Horseily o irrigation district temporarily unproductive for 21ack of fertility inthe soil; (c) Eight qthree acres, Langell Valley irrigation district tempo- rarily unproductive for lack of fertility in the soil. " _2 · ‘ O All as shown by classiication heretofore inade undertthe s1rper· vision of the ,BoardofsSurvey and Adjustments as shown in the table o11·Ppagev27 or said Document 20 , as cheched and modified as recommended in " General recommendations " numbered 2 and 4, page 60, of said Document 201. A _ . { v_ _ _ I so. 15. The Secrets.? is further authorized and directed when ”_{_`g*,gstI;},•hQi;*§ggh_ announcement is made 0 the construction char es for the_Tule Lake struction chai-gas division of this project to take into consideragon the recoinmenda- ““’i"s°‘ tion of the boar on page _26 of said Document: 20*1, that ia ilossf to the 1'BCl&m8t10H2_fI1¤d¢,W’1u2 ultimately ensue on this division and alsoa probabletloss of $34,000 from lands of the Horséhy irrigation district by reason of the construction of the Gerber Reservoir, and he is aiaasrssutaonzea, and directed to deduct ’the’· cost of said, division the sum ·o‘f`$23*i,40’{ as recommended "by, the Board of Surviyl and Ad]ust ‘on‘ page 26 ofg said documentyand to fix and ocate the co 2 tion cost acre2in‘aoéorda.11oe with the findings and recommendations of t e said board ·oi1'page_26_of said documerg.2 Thetconstrlucgoni chagege ggagntgdttlic uga this division now un er con ract s a a so a u acco in 122: Provided Prom-. That the construction chargesshall iii no event excidc a 'ustfand Lmm°¤` etjuitable charge against the Tule Lakedivision based on the value o water for irrigation undefthe economic conditions revailing, notwithstandingsuch charges/may not return the hid cost of construction. .* 2 o t l » Sac. 16. Nothing in this Actishall be held to affect or prejudice D§§”§‘Q¤ O’”*gg‘i°” the claims of the lamath Irrigation District or the State of Oregon no ’ I mo 2