Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/681

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   tixeussne-£¤au’»>·hundredY~,qn&<»,thi ·•ere¤Qqti¤poreri1;,;,

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vision Mrthe Boardtof Survey and Adjustments and ,shown~in»the tableon 3*1¤®ef¢said‘¢Documeut¤J2g¥;’eheekg;d<aod{ (scout- lined in ¤eneralirec0mmendatieh§, numbered mime 4,¤p¢_ge’§0of

 vi 1_S;~}‘H*.,i_~_ jp, `. ¥,·;~>*;$‘··s;i$i , .,·¢ V   te:   ya ;,;,

p gpgug ,1; ‘  ».:, zz; Minidolunldalm. . i 2: ‘.,I»=‘»; ‘_ ·  ;,:.r::~.i·;r; ir;. ;_,i.,·,.;4i 5 my id; Sno. 21_. There be deduete¤ljf1t>111*theftot;i1 o¤Q`0f Qiid a·,£i°$`Z"°° Mm the f·d]Uwjng~g¤;m1;; ., .;··¤»$z M ;. ei ;;i>a;·1·»,2xer ~ a; ‘;,_f np»¢—,£Ig in". (1) $9,172 orisueh amountreh i¤epa·e¤e¤ts*the eqtail »¤eut¤·ec¤»•n 6 6 ’ ` S:) . `*‘.Z<3,Z,; ··i;;. '= ><.·'»· ~'}L.'¤*,l H .,.;' ' iigzipv (am hundred and sevauty·ei%bt acre, Gravity division, permanently unproductive for_l,ack of ertility in the soil; (b) Thirty-eight heres South Sldefumpingedivisim, permanently G

uctive for lack of fertility in the soil and impregnated with

8 . i ' will . r ` z‘Y". `· * rf— t `·l` it .'· G: Sno. 22. All ayments upon construction shalt be-bust ,¤C°,p,““’“°¤“°” °"°‘“' pended against the following lands: WL (a) One thousand six hundred and thirty-four acres, Gravity- division, temporariig unlproductive because water-logged and for Iackof·fer'til1t*y·`irr peso` ; $· i - ··i¢ eq . ·:‘‘ — (P) · (b) Nine hundred and twenty acres, Gravity division, tempo- rarily unproductive because of inadequate water supplyg‘and*of Omusso •. ...: ‘ ~ _ " Ul" _ . .·§_!%} W P (c) Five, hundred and twenty-five acres, ’<‘,Gravity¤j_ tempora1—ily‘1znproductiv*e because‘of·*‘bl0w ‘so1li’*; r* ( ) One hundred·~and ninety-seven acres, SORtlIi*8i&6FP\HHp@5 'division, temporarily un roductive for lack of fertility in the so' and because water-loggeg, f ( - 1::1 All as shown pf classification heretofore made under the supervi- sion of the·Boa of ¢¤d‘_ALdju£¢11ie;§t¤ 1R,"t·l16A ' table on page 33 of said ocummt *201,"che0kbd ~and·’.mbdi&d ks . outlined in " General rec0mmendations’ numbered 2 and 4, page 60, of said document. · ` *= * · *# ,

  • l ‘N¤wnaNoe-Pnorngwr, Nrvwgz ._ »e ,·;,·;,,.» ·N•"‘“*“·N•"·

x ~.»; - o‘ st; ,;;#· vn, ,»· . Sno. There shall be deducteiffrom the'tA7t;aI~‘oost}of—_si.i8, {project ,,,&°,§§‘§“°“ mm th if I 81111).81 ?°tV — f 3 ' ’ »: {al; a,;,,, n·2,;‘;;a‘·_ai{ ((1)O $U31§>g136, or such amount as represents actual construction charges as fggnd by the~‘Secretm·y~o the Interior against the f11wmg'lan:, g OCS;) perin¤i1ent1y*unproductitei»for la of‘fc1‘ti;l`ityi1x*the soil;` ` `i°  » · ¤ ·‘ _- j ·_.. eg as ri (b) , Fgxthousand acres on accountwofiinadequate waber·=supp1y>; H18.01"’W `uhusd U ;, W · if, 4·;;L Q 4- __ ‘. ;, gc) Thirty-two thousand {ive hnmdred and eigtrty·two I¢I'$*¤0D. account of inadequate water supply; major and minor works e unused. .f¤>‘- 7e*l . A , _ »,(2) $139687 for. o ration and maintenance deficit prior to V

 ‘ ” ix Ex‘tens1` °o1£8Act‘0fj‘1914`;       ·*  ·` " f’·' l “` ' G

(3 $82,221, Truckee River wdtersright 4 · ‘ e 1 4 $71,605 expense at Tahoe and Truckee Canals, less amount recovered sa e of power? _ _ (5) $155,465 on apcount, of error or mistake coverugavaxuous _, items due ehieily to i;fi,§igable_ area than contempln M ‘ ` ’ ‘

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