Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/7

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. V11 Page. Saba.: Nation. An Act Authorizing an Iafpropriation for the pavment of certain claims due certain members el the Sioux ation of Indians for damages occasioned by the destruction of their horses. March 1, 1926 ............................,_ _ ___,_ 135 Quinciell Indice Reservation, Wash. An Act Authorizing an expenditure of $50,000 from the tribal funds of the Indians of the Qulnaielt Reservation, Washington, for the im- gdrovegiinl; 6516:1 completion of the road from Taholah to Moclips on said reservation. are , ........................................~........... - ....... -- 135 Bridge, Mississippi River. An Act Extending the time for the construction of the brid e across the Mississippi River in Ramse and Henneplin Counties, Minnesota, by tge . Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Marc 1, 1926 ..................... 136 Appropriations, Treasuoéy and Post Og? Departments. An Act Making appropriations for the Treasury an Post Omen Qpartments for the Hscal year ending June 30, 1927, and for other purposes. March , 1926 ........................................ 136 Appropriations, First Dleéiciency Acl, 1928. An Act Making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in oe ain appropriations for the Escal year endiuf June 30, 1926, and prior fiscal gears, to provide urgent supplemental appropriations or the tiscal years ending June O, 1926, and June 3 , 1927, and for other purposes. March 3, 1926 ........ A--- 161 South Platte River compact. An Act To grant the consent and approval of Congress to the South Platte River compact. March 8, 1926 ...........................,....... 195 Bridge, Fox River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the highway commissioner of the town of Elgin Kane ountg, Illinois, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Fox {River. Marc 10, 1926 ................................,.. 201 Bridge, Black River. ·An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the louisiana Highway Commission to construct, maintain, and cggrats a bridge across the Black River at or near Janesville, Louisiana. March 10, 19 ............................ .. ....... 201 Bridge, Ouachita River. An Act Grantlgf the consent el Cogrigress to the Louisiana Highway Commission to construct main n, and operate a dge across the Ouachita River st or near Harrisonburg, Icouisiana. March 10, 1926 ............................. 201 Bridge, Rio Grands. An Ac Grantin the consent of Congress to the construction of a bridge across the Rio Grande. hiarch 10, 1226 ............. . .................... 202 Kootenai Indians, Idaho. An Act Authorizl the Secretary of the Interior todispose of certain allotted land in Boundary Coullgsy, Idaho, and to purchase a compact tract of land to allot in small tracts to the Kootenal Indians as herein provided, and for other purposes. March 11 1926 .............................................. 202 District of Columbia, First Street IVW. An Act To provide for the widening of First Street mmm G Street and Myrtle Street northeast, and for other purposes. March 11, 203 Bridge, White River. An Act To extend the time for the construcdon of a bridge across the White River. March 11, 1926 ...............................,.............. -- 203 Army, real property sales sic. An Act Authoriaixgg the use for gsrmanent construction at military posts of the proceeds from the sale surplus War psrtment real property, and authorizing the sale of certain military reservations, and for other purposes. S M“"°".3?a¤‘°2° ‘‘‘‘‘‘ r2;e‘¤..¤¤ ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ix zis‘;,....d ‘‘‘‘ ~‘z‘" ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ”°3 es uicentenrf xposition. o ( u on o a e lure approp q tion for Government participation in the atlonal Seaquicentennial Exposition. March 15 1926 ............................................................. 207 Army, dischor sd soldiers. An Act For the relief of soldiers who were discharged from the Armcy dqxring the World War because of misrepresentation of 16, 1926-,- 208 District of olumbia, Board of Public Welfare. An Act To establish a of Public Welfare in and for the District of Columbia, to determine its functions, and for other purposes. March 16, 1926 ................................... - ......................... 208 Bridge, Altcmcha River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Stats of and the counties of Long and Wayne, in said State, to construct a bridge across t

 River, in the tate of Georgia, at a point near Ludowici, Georgia. March 211

Lummicladian Reservation, Wash. An Act For the purpose of lands in Indian and private ownersbw within and immediately adjacent to t e Lummi Indian Reservation, in the Stateof asbinxgon and for other purposes. March 18, 1926 .... 211 Coolidge Dam, Arizona, engineers. An t To authorise t1me·e1§l>loyment of consulting erégineers on glam and specifications of the Coolidge Dam. arch 18, 1926 ......... 212 Bridge, ig Sandy im. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Midland and Atlantic Bridgg Corporation s corporation to_construct, maintain and operate a brld across t e Big Sandty {liver between the Gltwlf Catlettsburg kcntuoky, and a pointzpposite in the city c Kenova in the State of est_Vlrginia. March 18, 1926--- 213 Phoenix Indian School, Arizona. An Act To provide for the withdrawal of certain lands as a camp ground for the pugls of the Indian school at Phoenix, Arizona. March 22, 1926- 214 Bridge, Coosa River. An Act ranting the consent of Congress to the State highwlag depart- ment of the State of Alabama to construct a bridge across the Coosa ver near Wetumpka, Elmore County, Alabama. March 22, 1926 ........... A ....-......-.. 214 Bridge, Tombigbes River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the highway dcigart- ment c the Stats of Alabama to construct a bridge across the Tombigbee ’ver near Alieeville on the Gainesville-Aliceville road Pickens County, Alabama. Merch 22, 1926 ....-......-.......-...-....-.....-............-. ...- .-....... 214