Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/734

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694 ~ iSIX*1lY·NIN*I‘H CONGRESS. Sess I. Cns. 472-475. S 1926; gn ’ ’Nort`herni‘°€PaciBei.` lllaiiwa , Com it•*succesaor¤‘ ` ·¤§`;•€¤i ¤<·¢P°*¤*i*>?>-**?i*bl4=ii ¤¤<=¤ i§s.’ i g ¤sY¤¤d

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“"""’“’°“"" “ 0 @$0 ¥*sl*¢‘sT¤¥¤€¤¤d3 0* iw i¤ h¤¢bY , PH.Y??b_?I*§¤?¢,*·e 1926- i _ . . !`ig?izi’1si:r1¤gI] CHAP. 478.-·An Act Granting the consent of State { e, e. au. Highway Commission to constructa bridse across Current River.

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'?£°a$ieIi.iZ;°taag, United B#dtc•¤af·#zgmm·iea4¢s,0mngmu assembled, Thatthe consent of ”"°¤ "“"°°· is hereby given for the construction by ‘the·‘Missouri State

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navigable weters;"‘ep§1·o 23, 19061:uc mn 0 Fldgebover “‘°“"”‘°“‘· Sm, 2, 'lThat.the mg t to alter, amend, or repeal thisnet is hereby expressly; rese§ved,·J ‘ ` . ‘ _ _,Approved,j unefé, 1926. .,.T,,—L-*i¤“*’i*¤ii°i¤ n£E:§`i0¤m474m`—1¤¤sAb`¤)1i¢$`i¤¤g}sf»itIiiiri1i»i¥1°e;§g:i%:e°0fi¤C°mwm¤mt1v?i "”°‘°“" '“°°*° Pub o, o.336.] ' ' V ·’ 1 Bef the Senate and Home 0 Repreaewatatéoee 0 the §,{°6g},¥_§;;'$dd,,’ Uni¢eg»S'tatea 0f Znwrica in Oongreas aaeemgled, Thattthe oonseiit of uw Round Bmw. Congresjs hereby granted to the Missouri State Highway Commis- sion its sugcessors ang assigns, to maintailn agd operatlg its exist- mg ri an approac es t ereto across t e urrent iver near Round ggrin , nine_ miles north of Eminence, in the county of Shannon, in tb; State of Missouri in accordance with the revisions . , . . . . 7 W . $‘g,‘{’§‘;'}‘§‘E‘§,‘€ 0f 49¢,¤¤§1tl¤dQ"An Act to regulate the _construction of bridges t over naviglaalte waters " approved,Msrch· 23, 1906. _ ,. J ‘”°°°°m°°‘ Sno. 2. _ t the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby •¤1>·¤¤¤y‘r¤¤¤¤s<i+ ‘~" s Y l e

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J¤?izi'1igg1Z SOKAP. 47 Extending theitinie torAl.the_o0nstruction4of a ibridge Iigblii, N0.336.] gmhe Mississippi River in the county of l{ennepxn,:_Miunesota, by the city l‘ Be by the .Senate’a}ndsH0uce ifaefnveeyitetvlvea of the §,,,'§’°’,§’,§,,*f,¥,Yf‘·,,, United .0; rzlmerioa in Oongresaasaemb ,’That. the time for wdqggr M1¤¤¤•r> commencmgg completing the construction offtheebritllf authorized °ui'ei.¤,;i.1m.eme¤a- by‘A.ct of. _ gress aigproved April 17,.1924, to berb t across the °‘· Mississippi River,’i11 e county of~Henne§in, in the State of Minne- sota, b t e city of Minneapolis, are here y extended one and three Y