Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/748

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Sl?X!1‘Y$IN?DHlGONG!R»ESS. ~Si°s5.' T.'”‘TOEB..?498P·€$OO.wi' ii19'®8: D••"*°“°°· sl¤i%eityQ·}th¢J1andsa~s1>é$a;g ée¤d1~i¤bo&¤hsi»£eHcnh¤£fKlhe SGH ' _ t =‘f?*th6*¤¤2thust‘-f uhrtese»_aqHJehernouth»h•1¤iK»pi %§i9¤E®$ £’l%¤l{¤r)£¤the `X 4{ua¤t»e¤;1tl¤p» rwaeyhalf of _ _ q¤£1*¢A,¤é!Idt§u>west¤»hLl or ¤¤w¤¤es;i¢u¤;¤¤¤»¤1r

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