Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/784

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HK SIXTYZNINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cn. 582. 1926. _ Il • €•°-·. V i Y { r • •' i ’ .,L_,..~,.,.,., ¤.» ~¤a'?.’¥...t*t¢3.$*..0...»...."****a¤.?¤:.i$.zzr°..T0..¤* 0* °a:.rt.’:.;;*‘;,..£. trac; ‘ * within the city of Bremerton in the State of Washington. ‘ ‘~Be_—it ty'. $§6"S61ldt8";11Id House of Rcpreaéntativcs of the Ngdaswgpaiisigxi: Stated vine 001%%% _ai%aae£.br§d,l;I‘hat {he ponsent

 ‘B,,m,“,,.,, oilongreml ‘ is·   u ` is eirs ega rere-

%i$;' it { ..;`; . sentatiyesyand assignsyto construct maintain; and opeizate a bridge .an}1·•$proac}hesi;1the1·eto¢a,t;ross Po1ét‘iVVash+ilpgto?; ·Nai-rovngsb at a point mute e»to;t~ e' bQ1'&tSp?0i!ili'Vlg8\ ion wi int e city o remerton $,g,$¤;'g°*;*‘g,‘{· in»the<State of Washi?ton, in accoiwiance with the provisions oi ` '. v _ the Act entitled P _c=t;to=·regulate the construction of bridgles °"£3?€&*§‘“$’£ ¥&i{;§$§€§Y;°§i.;°.iii‘§*Eii3’.iZ€’°’ md S“bj°°“ “’ t °

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  • ··i°`*“i“"i'“·% S.§§4.?· A{*€é‘ °h1iit“"i§“*°§` °*°‘i°‘—$}’”iii%°’ ““ "'**“"'“**i‘°" Hy *‘%°

nu. anarcnm ‘ * » ' ' ' · .,,_ _· xyo ar .er __e tateo as gton any itica su-

  • ~ V u· ·vtt 1 division thereof viithin or adjoining which any phrt ogguch bridge

“ isleeated, or or ·Il1§)l‘B‘ Qof them_jointly,_may at any time acqulreandtake over all right, title, and interest in such bridge and its approaches, andanyiinterests in real property necessary therefor, gy purchase orcplndexnnaition in pccordance witliit the lawsbpf such tatel verni ei acquisition 0 rivate props for pu ic pur- gu?Q§"°§§'§°°m poses econldginnationg If at anly time after the expiration of "“· · twenty ve years afterrthe completion of such bridge t el same is

condempationgtgxe amouwntlpf damage? or compensation

to ` ` ow ,sha1l¥not‘in` egoodi _ ` going va ue or prospec ive um1°u°°' revenues orsproiits, bntsgall be limited to the sum ot (1) the actual ‘?aZ?Q‘éi;Z°“i°§”°tQ‘1‘$Qi”Sh @@324 “`i»ZF‘2”°?$i`°itZ“ic?u‘Ii“Z°;‘§?bS¥ n— ro a i e c ’ 111 u - ·

 i!l*€!‘€$¢9pi1¥`i‘¤¤l pmpcfty, (3) actual financing and

promotion cost, motltoaexceed 10 gncentuxn of the sum of_ the cost 0f_00D8t·1"l1 the bridge ind ii approaches and acpmring such

   Pr°p@ty¥:md-(4) “°t““l °xP°“dimI`°S °¥` ¤6¤¤€8¤1'Y_

1m emo . _ ‘· v ` b,,‘§Q,_°}",*{,‘Q‘f,, ‘ 8; Ifsuch bridge shall at any time be taken over or acquired bnm¤¤s¤p•¤¤.·=¢¤· b ·¤sy·i¤u¤1¤1¥¤ist~y,¤r other political subdiyrsion or subdivisions ogthe State o Washington under ze provisions of section 3 of this__Act, and if, r the use thereor, the rates ¥* *3 **2ZB. bi “°ms “.."£F""t "’ ‘“* €E%’§"° t *“”°£ ‘?‘.*?§‘i§2 t§r£;%

 e `p·   ming re 1 =an_opea1 _

aisirits in preaches, and*to,pmP$?ide at sinking fund suiiicient to amortize gmc amount paid for such bridge and its approaches as soon as possible under reasonable charges, but within a pemod of {Mm nw exceed fiftehgidyeagisc frezmmthe oihaoquisping the same. Y sm` ki M . su __ien amo ,1ze e co o a uirmg gd:g;i¤·<i;` tAiheQbii:`igejan;’l1l(irts approaches shall have bwn provided,‘sucl?d>r1dEe °°°°°’°i'°' shall thereafter be maintained and Ioperated free of tolls, or e rates of to1l;:§alLthereafter be _so jpstedhas to provide a fund `fh it to e i t"e aniount`necessary_ or t e proper care repair (riiailigtenancii, and operation of the bridge and its_ appiroachesi m§f,°,§,,§‘,,¤,§§°“°*‘ An accurate recordiiofi the amount paid for the lbfldgé and its approaches, the eXpenditmjes_foi· operating,`mpa1r1ng6Band mam- {’,8.l i·i31'lQ`•$8.1Il8, and of; daily tol s` collected shall_ kept and shall ` available forvthe information of all persons mtercsted. m §¤,°’ Sno. ‘4.*'l`he said`W. E. Buell, his heirs, lega representatives, and ¢¤¤>•¤1•<1¤€¢¢¤¤?¤¤l; assigns shall within ninet days after the completion of such bridge um file ‘the”tSecretaryi Osywsr a sworn itemized statement showing the actual original cost of constructing such bridge and its approaches, the actual cost of acquiring any interest in real prop- erty necemary therefor, and the actual financing and promotion cost.