Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/842

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SO2 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cris. 724, 'F25. wits. United_ States Treasury to the credit of the Indians entitled thereto, where It shall draw interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum or be paid direct to the Indians in the d1scret1on of the becretary of the Interior. Approved, July 2, 1926 ____B}2}l£";§3i’?i CHAP. 725.-—-An Act To create a division of cooperative marketing in the lP¤¤li¢» N0· 4604 Department of Agriculture; to provide for the acquisition and dissemination of information pertaining to cooperation; to {promote the knowledge of cooperative principles and upractices ; to provide for cal _ng advisers to_ counsel with the Secre- tary of Agric ture on cooperative activities; to BUCDOHZB cooperat1ve_assoc1a— tions to acquire, interpret, and dissemmate crop and market mformation, and for other purposes. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ,,,§°°"°”“"° ‘”°'k°t' United States of America in Uongress assembled, That when used 111 ,,gg?j_{',*§,§{,‘§¥¥“°‘*l· this Act the term " agmcultural products " means agicultural, ' ` horticultural, v1t_icultural, and dairy products, hvgtoc and the products thereof, the products of poultry and bee raising, the edible products of forestry, and any an all products raised or produced on farms and processed or manufactured products thereof, trans- ported or intended to be transportei in interstate and/or foreign commerce. ,m§°°{g’gg§:gMg;§,g§ _Sao. 2. The Secretaryof Agricultuieis hereby_ authorized and 1ism·{_ in lmrarcmenz directed to establish a division o cooperative marketing with suitable °"`g"°"1°“”°‘ personnel in the Bureau of Agricultural Economics of the Depart- ment of Agriculture or in such bureau in the Department of Agriculture as may hereafter be concerned, with the marketing and U¤;·Ms¤x><»rvisi¤¤ or distribution of farm products. Such division shall be under the °h° &’°“°my‘ direction and siripprvxsxort of the Secretary of ,&tgriculture._ _ tarvices w w¤·>¤¤- Sao. 3. (a) e d1v1_s1on shall render service to associations of iL°L'$im{?§g,§€cY$`§P}§i,`,§€ producers of agricultural products, and federations and subsidiaries ¤"°°“°*S· thereof, engaged in the _cooperat1ve marketing of agrricultural products, including processing, warehousing, manufacturing, storage, the cooperatgre lpurchasmg of fag‘gn_t_s11ppl1es, credit, iinancing, insurance an ot ier cooperative ac 1V1 ies. riirposmmmi. 'b The division is authorized- _ _ n _ To acquire, (mama- 1 To ac uire, analyze, and disseminate economic, statistical, and “***°· '='*°·· i'{'°’"‘°“°¤ historical iriiormation regarding the progress, organization and i`i¤¤ig?p°mm° i° business methods of cooperative associations in the United étates a.nd foreign countries. cOg`,g·°,;((¤;*{{:,g;j=,;j?;;;r<é{ $2) To conduct studies of the economic,_legal, financial, social, suits thereohctc. an 0tll€1‘ phases of C0Op€l`&tl0Il, 8Ild fp\1bl1Sl1 {hp YQSUIES thereof. Such studies shall include the analyses o the organization, operation, financial, and merchandising pro lems of cooperative associations. m_§QQ,gQ;?k°6,jP*Vg{¤c*,;f (3) To make surveys an analyses if deemed advisable of the cvcmtivé sséiciativus accounts and business p1‘&CUCBS of representative cooperative associa- ‘“‘h“"'°‘*“°“"°“‘ tions upon their request; to report to the associatmn so surveyed the results thereof; and , with the consent of the association so surveyed to publish summariesof the results of such surveys, together with similar facts, for the guulance of cooperative associations and forthe pur ose of assisting cooperative associations in developing _ methods of Eusiness and rnarlget analysis. mgffegsdvg? _ (4) To confer and adv1se with _comm1ttees_ or groups of producers, ,,_ <1¢s;r%¤¤ of (grminz as- 1f deemed ,adv1sable, that maybe desirous of forming _a cooperative °°°`° °°”’° ’ association andto make an economic survey_ando analysis of the facts surrounding the production and marketmfgf of ti e agfécgltiigal product or products which the association, 1 orme , wou an e or market. _ _ _ _ _ e[E°0?°§},‘.§},”p}§§§’,§,,“‘,§f (5) To acqmrc from all available sources information eoneemmg P*i¢•¤S» ¤¤¤k¤¤¤¤· ew- crop prospects, supply, demand. current 1‘€C€1plZS, exports, imports,