Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/857

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sxxcrr-Nnvrn conennss. sees. 1. cs. 742. me. _ ~817 his grade,;after which he shall lboeligible for lpppniotion to the next higléer-grade, without regardto the number ady in that higher e. . . .;,; · .1

 8. Theta constructor, »-u n Toriginal appointment as such, ii?.iiYi`€{°,ii`?Zi.

shall have the rank, pay, andwallowanoes o a lieutenant. An ‘°’°""“°““’°' "°"°"· original a pointment as constructor shallbeinade under rgulations prescribed) y the President from the list of commissioned oiiicers oi` the Coast Guard or from civilwlifeand shall be for a probationary period of two years and, prior to the expiration of such prpbationary eriod, of sewiee ·thé,fiitness of *theT0§ce*r*‘wlio has thus servedishall iis passed upon ty a board"of'coh1missioned officers of the Coast R I my Guard appointed by the President. If the_ board finds that the mtuiiu H °pp° oiiicer is in all respectsuiittedtbibe a· constructor in the Coast Guard, he may be mxhrly apgiinted —a—. constructor to rank- from the date PWM -0f his origi probatio ry appointment: Pno»z;ided,»That no person Age uuimuon. 8l18ll.··l‘0001V8 an original pro ationaryrappointment as constructor who is more than thirty years of age. _ V _ ‘ V ~ _ ` Sno. 9. Thattheltitle · district superintendent ".is herebyolxanged ·¥$§i€,°,; to "distnict commander," 'andmll laws gplplicable to district suporin- g*¤¤°¤¤d¤¤° ¤*¤*·¤¤¤° tendents shallapptlg to d.istr·ict»·comm ers e:,ept as modified by ` the provisions of· is section.~~A-district commander of less than R“”k’p°Y'°l°‘ ten years’ commissioned service shall have the rank, pay, andallow ences of a ·lieutenam>t,.» and, after ten .years’ commissioned service, shall have the`rank;·pay, and allowances of a lieutenant commander. O . . I i ·A.n original appointmentlas district commander shall be made under ms,E_'"°° °°°° °t` regulations —prescribediI;g::tl1¤e·=President from the-warrant or chief mm petty oiiicers of the (lo Guard: Provided,. That the proviso “ That Formeiii authority ,8. the district superintendents shall be chief officers and,1 _i·st in author- °°$§f· 38, p_ 80,, m_ ity in their respective districts, subject@to~the> authority of the captain ¤¤¤1¤<1· com1na.ndant," contained in section 4 of the Actapproved‘ January -28, 1915,~ishereby.ré;¤éa1ed. *·=— " =V "  »>•’ `· ·` Cm, W t 0,_ -. Sno.·10. :Tlmt all ·temporary·chief warrant·oHicem—who are in the swf um Coast Guard on~J.ul¥.1,i1926,·¢it1·ansferred to therrzgular ,,,§f,§’,°§0’§‘,,’,’;;,,§,‘§,Y,{;“° Coast·Guard as chie —warrant eiiicers·.as.of that date and sh i be A mmm commissioned accordingly. Under l¤u¤h.‘seg¤1»¤i¤¤¤=.¤ he mayiprc- m.pp° ' P"' scribethe Presideutis authorized toiappoint, byand withwhejadvice and consent of the sSenate£-chief warrant oicers of the-Goast¢G»uard from thepermanéxtilist 0 warrant oHicersiof—_theCoastiGuard as the needs ofthevsenvice may require, and-auch chief fwarravnt officers shall receive the same pa , allowances, and benefitsas commissioned Prom warrant oiiicers of the §avy of like length of service: Provided, No pai, ew., meuc- That no warrant oiiicer shall suffer a reduction inpagior allowances “°“· on account of his appointment as a chief warrant o cer under the provisions of this section. · —»  »- Sac. 11. That Coast Guard personnel may be trained at naval ,,c'{‘“”“”‘ °' "°”°”' training stations and instructed at schools maintained by the Navy, and the pro rata cost of such training or instruction may be borne by Coast‘Guard .z;p(propriations, and the ·proper‘Navy appropria- tionsmaybeeredi accordingly. s · ._ = i Sm. 12. That the provision contained 1n.the~Act making appro- ¥‘§§"“°u‘§;,,m,.,,, ,, riations ‘for the simdry civil expenses of the Govermnent for the P¤Q}g{}·36_ p_ m m_ ildscal ear endingrgune 30,1909, and for other purposes, approved paced. ' {May gv? 1908. (· `rtydifth Statutes at Large, pa 321), which reads,"l·Iereafter the pay ofosurfmen in the Li e ggavingl Service shalhbe computed according to theinumber of days in eac month, ·respectively,’and not as required by section 6 of the Act of June 30, 1906,»makmg appropriations for the sundry civil expenses of the Government for the Escal year ending June 30, 1907,7 be, and the same is hereby, repealed,. — . 43892°-27-·—-52