Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/864

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S24 SIXTY-NINTH GONGBESS- Sass. I; (Jus. 746, 747. 1926. expended, after the Stateshae acquired title, and disburse- menta.under¤·this7 Act shell berannually reported by the Secretary ofWart.oGongness. A 7 V ~ 7, A A .— ·· Approved, July 3,1928.* * Y r¤¤vs.m¤., , ·’‘_ .

 ` GHAP, ’l"47‘.·-—··An Act Granting the consent of Congekee to John F. Kenwud

N°-“*· to eonstructra brldgeaud a*ppz~6echee7tl1ex~eto raeroea e =Wastnn$on from a pcinton thewestehoteisn-the dtyofseattle ecuntyof Ki¤g,State0f ashington

§to(a p0int,pn,tl1e westehore of bierepr stand in the same county and

7 nefeoiméedi by the semis M of Re . entativas of the §‘:§2,"{»°?€"K%€.".¥‘;,d Uma s¢m»>¤;=Ammm aa coym 7n8embzs$:?rh¤ the consent §P;‘,’g,}{'“*°·‘” “°°°“°· of’Co reby granted to ohn F. Kenward, his heirs, execu- tors, T ‘ tors, ¢or»assigns, to construét, maintain, and operate a bi·idge1s£cross~Lake'Washington at a point suitable to the interests ofnavigationyfrom a .point_on thewveet shore of Lake Washinggon ap§>rox11nately'due east of the intersection of Orcas Street and _w- ar Avenue, County, Washington, running thence easterly to a point; onithewestshore of Mercer Island approxi- $f3'§’°§,{“§· mately due from the pointaof bfinning,;in.aocordance with the proyisions of; the; Act entitled An ct the construction of bridges over `navigable ·»¢aters,”iapp;March. 26,. 1906,. and sulgect to the conditions and limitations ¢0D.lZ81ll8d·1Il_ this Act. 7 ,,,*§‘f“,Q,‘§‘f’?,$§m,${‘,§§‘,f’,§; · no: 2. After the cexnpletion of•such· bridge, as determined by the by W•¤¤1¤¤¢<>¤·¤¢·=· Secretary~o!7W¤r,~eitherethe Staterof Washington, any litical sub- di" tb fwithit ad"` hich prtoF0ch.b'd vision eree nun joimngew any a . su 7 r1 ge ie jlocatedyor any two‘or·more¤of=them.jointly, may at any time acquire and take over all right, title, and interest in such bridge and its#approaches,vnd any interests-in7i·ea1ipropert necessary therefor, . . . . .Y l§‘y~zerehaeeg_or’et<;:1demnqtion in;.coorci:neecw1th`tth%a lawlnbpf such I vdrnng a eineqmmtion o prav rope or ic. ur- m§$:g§{};§’,$°“@' poeesigigelpndemndtionr if at ang time afier theyexpirgtion elf 25 §0¤;r•¤ by ¤¤¤<1•m¤e· years ·a .cempletion·of suc bridge the same is acquired by ‘ condemnation, fthe amount of damages or compensation-to. be allowed Limiww. shibhot include will, goinghvalue, or prospective revenues or proilte,—but.-shall. Tlumted to t et mm of (1) the actual cost of constructingsuch and its approaches, less 7a reasonable deduc- tion for actualdepreciatxon in value, (2) the actual costof acquiring such interests in real pmpe1·ty,—7(8) actual iinancmg and promotion cost,·nct to 10 per centof th• sum_of the cost _of·c0n.structing the~b1·1dgei‘and its approaches and aequzring such (interest in real Tom d pygparty, and (4) actual exgenditures for necessary improvements. M, 0p_*;¤u,{_ ““°°• no. B. Iinsuch bridge sha atany time taken over or acquired ima applied egg; by my mu1u&¥pa,1rty.or other politcal subdivision or subdivisions of 1 areargedor e.usehereo· era o. °“" ' '?.tti$¥“§€»¥ “?t“g‘°“%“"iif “‘° "Z"“s“i,“‘t?f “°°rZL*’“r”t2i1‘§‘§i{i$,€; soadjusted as to provide a fund suilicient to pay for the cost of maintaining, repairing, and nperating the bridge and its approachesi and to clproride a sinlrmg suilicient to amortize the amount pai for su its approaches as soon as possible under reason- Mmmmm B mb able charges, within-a period ofxnot exceed 25 {years from the b,m,,,,,,_,M,m,,. date of acquiring the same. After ca sinking fund cient to amor-.

  • ”·*°¥°°°°* time the cost `ofadcquiring the bridge and its approaches shall have

been provided, such bridge shall {thereafter be maintained and oper- ated ree ofhtollsg or tg; rates of tolls slihall thereafter be so acgjustgd asto vi a nottoe ·eamountnecessary orte R,,,,d of ,,,,,,,,1, propei·nc•a1·e, repair, maintenance and operationof the bridge and its we wd www- ap roaches. An accurate record of the amount paid for thebridge and its approaches, the expenditures for operating, repairing, and