Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/881

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. 1. oe; *:11. ieee. 841

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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926, and prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1926, and June 30, 1927, and for other purposes, namely:



The appropriations of $975 for 1925, and $3,275 for 1926, for compensation of the Vice President, are made available for the fiscal years 1925–1926.

The appropriations of $75,000 for 1925 and $240,000 for 1926, for compensation of Senators, are made available for the fiscal years 1925–1926.

To pay Honorable Daniel F. Steck, a Senator from the State of Iowa, salary from March 4, 1925, to April 12, 1926, both dates inclusive: For the fiscal year 1925, $3,333.34; for the fiscal year 1926, $7,762.55; in all------------------------------------------------ $11,095.89

To enable the Secretary of the Senate to pay from the appropriation “Compensation of officers, clerks, messengers, and others,” 1926, to Edwin A. Halsey, for additional services as Acting Assistant Doorkeeper of the so from June 1, 1925, to December 6, 1925, at the rate of $600 per annum.

For payment for services rendered the Senate committees thereof as follows: Fred A. Eckstein, $860; Alexander K. Meek, $1,200; William H. Gehman, $1,000; in all, fiscal year 1926---------------- 3,060.00

For twenty-one pages for the Senate Chamber at the rate of $3.30 per day each, from July 1, 1926, until the end of the first session of the Sixty-ninth Congress, so much as may be necessary is appropriated-------------------------------------------------------- 188.10

To defray the expenses of the Senate in the impeachment trial of George W. English, district judge of the United States for the eastern district of Illinois, #. year 1926, to remain available during the fiscal year. 1927-------------------------------------------- - 12,000.00

For maintaining, exchanging, and equipping motor vehicles for carrying the mails and for official use of the offices of the Secretary and Sergeant at Arms, fiscal year 1926---------------------------- 3,000.00

For repairs, improvements, equipment, and supplies for Senate kitchens and restaurants, Capitol Building and Senate Office Build

ing, personal and other services, to be expended from the contingent

fund of the Senate under the supervision of the Committee on

Rules, United States Senate, fiscal year 1926---------------------- $5,000.00 [Total, Senate, $34,343.99.]


To pay the widow of John E. Raker, late a Representative from

the State of California----------------------------------------- 10,000.00 To pay the widow of Harry I. Thayer, late a Representative from the State of Massachusetts--------------------------------------- 10,000.00

The foregoing appropriations shall be disbursed by the Sergeant at Arms of the House.