Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/885

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SIX!I`Y=NIN'I‘H CONGRESS. &S1ss. I. 771. .1926. M5; Accounting Ollice under the provisions of ,tbe Act entitled "An Act “·}°°l°•*¤¤*, °‘ W to provide a method for the settlement of claims arising against the vs, ig, p_i{m_ Govemmentrrofethe United States in sums not 6X£E$1!Ig‘$1,000.lI1 ‘ any one case," 28, .1922, as fully set zfortlrin · House Document 296, Sixty-ninth Congress, $78.85. UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD cwgnpmenwe. For salaries and expenses of the United States Geo aphic Board, m§g’;f“° md °*· including) personalserviees in the District of Colungliia in accord- ance wit the Classification Act of 1923, and for stationery and . oiice fiscal year 1926, to remain available during the fiscal year 1 , $8,850. OLDROYD COLLECTION OF LINCOLN RELICS °,‘}},*,{*°*g_{,·}R_§,g_{lf¤*¤¤ To enable the commission created thereby to carry out the pur- f};*u°”;°·,;} poses of the Act entitled “An Act for the urchase of the Oldroyd ' ` ` collection of Lincoln relics,” approved Miiy 11, 1926, fiscal year 1927, $50,000. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND PUBLIC PARKS or mn .,§?t2&.£?%2L?&3: NATIONAL CAPITAL The sum of $5 000 of the a ropriation of $3,393,850 for “ Sal ' i:`°l°“° °”°°°°"°d General Accounting Oiliceflpgscal year 1927 is hereb transfdrnrgl m"""·""·’“·““· to the sippropriation for “Salarics, Oilice of) Public lguildings and Public arks of the National Capital," fiscal year 1927. TABIFF COMMISSION “`“‘“°°“““‘”‘°°· For all rinting and binding for the Tariff Commission, fiscal ,,,f"'““°' ""’ "“"" year 1926, §6,820.76, to be availa le until June 30, 1927. UNITED STATES VETERANS’ BUREAU V°°°’““"”‘"°““· Damage claims: To pay claims for damages to or losses of '- d,P,,,',',,,'“‘° ·"'f"’°"’ vately owned prolperty adjusted and determined by the Unideil dm States Veterans’ ureau under the provisions of the Act entitled v°*‘°·‘*‘°"· "An Act to é>0rovide a method for the settlement of claims arising u inst the vernment of the United States in sums not exceeding $%?000 in any one case," approved December 28, 1922, as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 299, Sixty-ninth Congress, $1,064.45. ' ” UNITED STATES VERMONT SESQUICENTENNIAL ...Y.$ii?‘é>'Lm"?.‘:i‘;‘.??“‘ COMMISSION ‘ For actual and necessarg traveling expenses and subsistence of the §§g;°;$°,5,_ members of the United tates Vermont Sesquicentennial Commis- ' sion` while discharging their oilicial duties outside the District of Columbia, notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act, fiscal year 1927, $1,000. I DISTRICT or COLUMBIA ”““'°*°‘°°‘¤¤·°*·· 6 GENERAL Exiumsas omcm or CORPORATION cormsm. F rv rsoml services in accordance with th Clasmfi tin Act °°'. §“°" "°‘“" of 1323Fdscal year 1926, $1,465. 0 ca n Nw `