Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/90

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50 SIXTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Gu. 27. 1926.

    • °°*"¤- 4 Losses incurred**i*“*I r e ( e

i$°;¢°°¤ie¤ me llil Bad debts in the nature of agency balances and bills receiv· ( able to be worthless and charged oil within the taxable nxvmesaszmm me mceived as dividends fromcorporations as pro- p°”“°°°' i , vided in ara h (6) of subdivision (a) of sec·tion<234; mop: interest. Si)sTi£;igmgdu“i;)t ei interest eamédldurmg the taxable year which un jiptraugraplr (4) ofsubdivisione (b,) of section 213 is exempt

 taxationeunglerz this title; and the amount ofeintcrest; allowed as

Emma t cl eforedxtunder section 236;~ r - 0 _ e ( ,,,,,,,,,,,,_ “· ° °‘· (8) A reasonable allowanceefor theexhausticn, wear and tear of , _ . property, as provided in paragraph (7) of subdivision (a) of sec- s · m mia 9)~Iu the case of such a domestic insurance com any the net °° g:g§“°°£‘?°°" indome of which (computed withoutthe benefit of thg paiagraph) i is*$B54l00;or lem, the siimrof $2,000g but if the net income IS more tHan·$25,000 theltair imposed by section 248 shallnot exceed the tax r which would be epayable if the $2,000 credit were allowed, plus the amount of the n income in exam of $2Q,000. _ ( » ¥)0:,1;%¤c?{g.¥i??; fb) chime cgxiof { {0y€,;§;;(00ppqrgtion the deductions allowed ummamemxm. irathig section be allow ` to the extent provided in subdivision - l o section .( ( ‘ (` ( ( , M ¤¤¤¤*¤¤¤¤¤— ( (e), Nothinglin this section or in section 246 shall be construed to permit the (same item to be twice deducted. T "$g1L¤*¤¤¤¤r§tiv¤ we- ` “ “ PART IV.+·.AllMINIB1'RA:1`IVE Pnovrsxous , Dividend peymeme. ” e ( mrrmms or rstnrmvrs or nivimzmis "‘ r 0 ¤ ¤ ’ ·ll' ( "f8l>l011 `ect the lis! imposed b this Elm §‘°°M`l0”°?“'l’g title by th:) Commissioner; rendeg adcllrrect return (dir evesseaeunaee oatli of its a entso `divi en' s stat· . ~ ing gléebname and 3d(;i1‘8S8, of eachfsgamfogggr, tlggumber of shares own · (yvhim, an rt 'cfamount o en s pai hun. ( emma. · r r ~ its-roars or(m:omsx:s( ·, or ( bufgig r¤3;ru¤;é&§0¤;:·} WSE}:. %5, Everggperson doing business as {broker shall, when c wetness by, i*e¢§nred r by the _ mmissioner, render ga correct return duly _ve_riiied un er oath, uhdergsuch rules and regulations as the Commissioner, with the approval the Secretary, may prescribe, showing the mimee. eilor ( whomh8suclhd§ersi>n;Sl:!asr traniacted fany rbusis néss"wi ` (ch (_a sastot Q ts` o (s or ot"erin orniation e whiclh Gomuiiwbner may ieexguire, ei; toredch er such customers, as;will,e1iable"tlie (Com fssxoner todctermine whetiierl all income

  • f$?é'*¥¢(I9¤ ‘P¥°¤@§`,<’%€;S€§E((?* •?“*** °¤$°°¤¢?*¤ **¤STb°°¤ Pm- (
 st   ·' leijlj x   r_,`,,.;&Ix»·4v i U    ,, . V y_

· iii, ,iE*{,~ e =”» . <i  ;‘(·;·rs; » » V ” ‘ 7 ,· P¤‘¤¤¤¤¤¤·¤¤¢¤¤·d All ‘ ( ‘ in awnseve ca ity acting einclndingles- ¥¥5‘t°“‘3;?’tL’.**’.,”liJ is pereomlggmpmy, lldilciames, me

  • °°°" *°‘°"“ “*°*°°‘· isipieyeis, skmgwsyment to sneemwpemen, or ’i;net·est, rent,

, i _,,v wages, , rerniums, annuities rr coipgiensationg, rejnunerations, ( ( l ekoliiiiiehts, or Qined or deiiérminab (`gailis, hndincome

 ,- <¤wq¤ec»i¤, men? (‘d餤¤;ibé¢,`i¤,¤é¤¢i6¤$_’_?5%,y¤d‘.25$ L,1zf‘$13500

cli ’i1iore( tiimble year or, in the (cage of (such ph elite made

 gr the Uni¢<><i%¤¢¤·, ¢h¤   ¤r 9¥¤gg°Z€?§e9f. the  - sa $9%*88

vliig iiiforni on Bello saith ·p¤ym ts and requ1redto_ma1re returns in re rd thereto by the regulations hereinafter} provided for, shall renar a true an accurate returnto the Oommz: zoner,