Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/909

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS; i S¤s.·iI.w0u; 211; "wza BN

 i utomchil dia ` riétoxeit For tbe:e£¤¤d»io£.tut.on R°f;°‘“~'*• *“‘g°*

··re-:ih¥e»~.e=*·~ .?r~·?`$’~#··e i;e·.·e· """"" 0 on i ‘¤s•¤s=¤¤1‘a ·, = tony and iintbndedolnr captions —*’**'·¤**·”’·"* 12(Hi mid` os‘e=t;tne;,2Beve¤,¤ui.Ae¢ . 2epp¤ewed.·:Eebme:y·et, 19%, , i __ in  ». Ky Sm ,_C___ oripa ." `· _ e.nm1z••oeGempany·~o, · . of the sign;} an eu¢¤moB&ie=»p¤§ue;t;it¤ an onhréofrthe Unused p&§"“°“"°· St¤tee;D¤stnee G{ll!$;f0l'ir§£G., ,¢1rtI•em,:·D1str1<%i¤f1 1}Iegq»,¥¤rk, Iqeeeznber 4, 1928,iu¤der seetnontiltlsyf the 1N1ep¢112eoh1b1¤en~€.ir¤1{; directing sud: viithi_sny;e,1nt¤·este 1ueh,n•y,}>e¤pgy, tiieieeii, we .p i i qeo,fasuc11·se1e1;4heun,ngi&,dep¤s¤&ed;,im;,¥3¤e Treasury prior to the issuance (Xf'!§1d_¤I‘d§l’,,_, yea1·;192§,,$TI),26, i  » is . # ` i  ;% ‘— 1 . { e °°"‘°“‘""a 1~iie.;,p.·ep‘ iueeii eztoeeom 5 ianeeeieii rs .·¥:2‘ ‘°‘ ·*’“‘" `192,if¤rl‘•2¤¤é¤r¤ ' T :2 ° "eICo¤§t_Gii "°T"2§‘°"'.""°"‘ 5$°t;» iiiéilnekeii waters' °tm2iiiae·rei~qei~i£3giuie‘we*,*Aree__a ee bees; ~ )·· { gis “°‘ "’ ‘““ hereby evuilebie until Merch 3l,.}%& —·» ‘ I 'A_‘ ~ Fmt ¢¤mm¢¤¢i¤£’¤h¢"¢¤¤<¤@¤¢¤i¤¤ ¤*` i ef like Giwrd £i2.*f"‘°“°“ ""‘°" cutters(;x{.h6rized_i11 Act to prqiiidnjforfatgp amp. ee , ‘¤g;1e;¢fteu,ves¤els fertile Qi D. 1% _ i uyeee 1921* md 122s;,t1,Q0eq00;a¤f ww n met $2,, _ shell beoveiliblé folfithe $¤<¥l1`,°¢ A i i gt:-nftingisupp1ies`ssimay be requirednit Gum} _ , in qongect1on_w;th the_construct~10¤ of qlwetei ,_ . R Thlt oeezuiimea. the to Léost of these three vesse!s,u¤d,'eq;gix¤uent, _ , ‘· $2,7001000, wd the Sqcremy ¤f1¤h¤ '1`r¤eS¤ry ., ,:§¤¢¤? i.£?°‘“°“ ‘“"‘°" into contracts for their construction and equipment in" exceed this aggregate amount. ‘ ‘_ ` ` _' PUBLIQ HEAI!!'HZiBEKVICl1— L. lmmwc mgm gm- For Yay allowance, and oominutation of quarters ici- icommissioned "”'· ““°"““°°· °°°· medice odicers, inclucgggl the`Surgeon General, assistant surgeons ?nerol atlarge not ex i ing` three in number, and pharmacists, for t e that follow: p £°' {er ${2*%.3; ~ “ ~ ·ei·. , i · ~ · 1 V For “ ’ li personnel and mo' tenenceof hoe tale `P bl' ,§,,_,,°'€,‘§”,§’“"”" “"f"" rreeim I926,"ink:1udingthes1;.lme ebgeete epeeigieariiiiidepiieuig ' "’°°°"“`” appropriation in bhe*·T1·eeeu1·y Department Appropriation*Act»;!or t1i%_iieee1 year 1926, $36,198. f h I1 · M or‘s<p1·ei1“ `minu survey0>te,s t¤·mau·s’a1·easo·__“ ` “*¤¤'*•**•*°' Atlantic to detemine the exact ehgmeterjeet the ”%i}$.'3£“3?°ei¤ey. breeding ofithe eeiemmii eieeqmteee, in o1·derythntea ueemte ’;,*,,°;.2,g*,;,“*¤· m·*·"*· idea may formed ee to theabest meeieaeier controliingthc *‘·•*» ¤·1¤•°· of such mosquitoes, fiscal year 1927, §25$00, to be exrylmded bg the Public Health Service in eeoperetien with the Bu ‘eueef, rite- mologyioftthe Department of Agriculture. ‘ i » p VMQINTS nm Assxx ormcms 1 ; , r ,,,§}“°‘ "‘d "" °' Carson City, 'Nevada, Mint:} F incidental C°”°” Ci°"N"‘ expenses, liscel year 1926, $75. ·, · · I memo BUILDINQS, ntnoonsmucmox , P‘“’u°°“"‘"”‘S‘ Under section 3 of the Act approved May 25, 1926 i .? YiiT1$»°°h°g£ , V . ‘ 0 KY .

 Athens, Tennessee, post odice, and so forth: Toward the construe-  

tion of a suitable building for the accommodation of the post oilioe