Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/971

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. CHs.19,20. 1926, 1927. 931 (b) If, after hearing, the court finds favor of the claimant, it dg? °‘ ‘“'°'°*"° shall enter its decree to that eEect,_stat1ng amount of money (including to which such claimant IH entitled. 'Ifhe collector *’*’m°"‘· of the Panama anal, upon {presentation ·by the claimant of a certified cop of the decree 0 the court which has becomefinal, shall paly to the claimant the amount of enemy to which auch claimant is entit eil. in sm. groceedmgshalltbs by the C°°“· courtan:pa1·yor uc anyamoun ue eca1_ (c) Upon the elrpirattiiorgkpfl sigh period pf ezafhiiuyears, or,·1f a {g1;:§::i1’°w°EZZ.A$v2¢§§ claimis dings upon. e a ' ition o su c m any money B , ,.,,,,,,,1 dep0site<l)$’11ll•ccoi·dance with a decrelieosnnder subdivision. (ai) of section i¤i§1d:tp_ um mn 20 and not successiiilly claimed under this section, together with ’ ' any interestrealized from the mvestment thereof, shall be_ covered ?1to dike Trtiasury p1;$1elP%Sgagtqs as mislfllaiéeous rece1pts,and ima eneto t ere r orever rre . ` Sm. 2L All proceedings under sections 19 and 21 shall be deemed ,ql§{{;°°§§‘$ii,{‘j,;,*°,§i&°°“°° equitable actions, triable by the court without the intervention of a *’°*‘·P·{·°:’· cd jury., In involving an amount exceeding $1,000, where a Appm °" ' decree has been entered after contest, an appeal may be taken an same manner and.within, the same time as an appeal in other civil actions. ” - i A ` an·rrmmnN·r or nsrnas - r l 8°"I°"‘°"°°"'°°°°°' fsag ea Hamm, age csgéidaxe, the settlement if the wai? ..;i··.,:*,,·*.::..1{,:.·.·;.*·¤**· o a eceased person not yed use any ir next .0 . kin, devisee, legatee, or person entitled thereto, or to any parte thereof, In th IS unknown or can not be found. In any such case the courtishall, in m¤v°g¢°°Qi m°$°‘mi»°}.;°; the decree of distribution, fix the interest of such heir, next of kin §d_“°*d “ “ '*’°°‘“ devlisee, legatee, or person indsnéch estphte,;<§1rect the conversioniof suc interest into money an irect at e money representing the interest of such rsdn be paid to the administrator of estates fth CanlZ xhldby h d `° pec`lfund D b o e a one, to e suc a mimstrator as a s 1a s , distinct and apzrt from all other funds. Such fund, or any part umm or slim by thereof, shall disbursed by such administrator thereafter only °“’°’ °‘°°“"· by order of the court, either to the person entitled thereto, on presentation of claim and satisfactory proof to the court, or to the collector of the Panama Canal pursuant to a proceeding under rm, p.1m4. section 19. _ Approved, December 29, 1926. 1 sm.

:_g;;.·:1; T;>tp;>x;)i<\ipI:;>;8:marging and relocating the United States  

Bc it enacted by Senate and House of Igyrresentatwhyes of the United States of America in Oovzgrcsé asccmb? , That for the. pur- Di’(§_‘““’° G""°“· pose of enlarging and relocating the United States Botanic Garden, P¤·¢·¤- lm- the Joint Committee on the Library 1S authorized and directed-- (1) To acquire on behalf of the United States, by purchase, con- ,,,{,°},‘}f,,§°,‘;m,Q'}*, demnation, or otherwise, in accordance with the provisions of sec- {0 ¤<;¤g¤i;gc¤¤¤¤ M ¤¤- tion 3 of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for B$bl.26, 5.412. sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fisca year ending June 30, 1891, and for other purposes,"-approved August 30, 1890, as amended, all of the privately owned land, buildings, and other _ structures, in square numbered 576 and square numbered 578, in the S"“’"°° d““““‘°°°’ District of Columbia, as such squaresap ar on the records in the oiiice of the surveyor of the District of Cdlumbia as of the date of the passage of this Act. Upon the acquisition of such land, buildings, ,,£“fu,?,Y,‘§§§'£i0§“§,§‘{ and structures, all of the land contained in square numbered 576 “°¤“*'°“ l“°°» °“‘~ and square numbered 578 shall become a part of the United States