Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/109

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SIXTIKNINTH GONGREBSQ iSrss;`I. 'Ou. 805. "1926. 1541

 Flon-a=A.’ Oiermireywidow of Albert Overmire, late ”¤**-°'*¤*¤?

of Oompany K,~Fiity~seventh Regiment Ohio {Volunteer Infantry, salpdpay here ’8C`th0*1'lIiG ot $50’per’inonth in lieu of that

 ’L* _', ‘ '·» _`.rl ,._ '_. _ r'
 nameof M A. same, yadewu John M. sums, late or “*’*·“·*·'•**

Company I, Ohio Volunteei*_Gava1ry, and payiher a peqion at therate $50 permontlv in lieu of that she is now 'Hie naafgof Stowqwidgg o%;)1;rmk Sflofwe, late og m"°‘°l°°""

  ‘ '   'o unteer an· an

pay he.i?{_pension at the rate ‘o $50 per month in lieu of thautyshe is _ mghe nameif Clara R. Stutsman, widow of Robert D. Stutsman, °l"'B‘8"'°'“"" late of Company K, First Regiment Ohio Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and pay her a on at the rate of $30 per month. ‘ O . ruwmaum. The name ol Mary E. ·Wentn, widow-of James H. Wentz, late of M" "w"‘°" Com y D, One hundred andvtwentrthird (Regiment Ohio Volun- tee{·1·g:nli;ntt1;··y, iid pay her a pemiomat-the rate' of $50 per month ` ' t ' n recei ` . · · rum. IDT]? (heme of eOliv:wA.L Bflxebaeghlin, widow of James W. ;,?:&*‘ B' “°' Melraughhn late of Captain G1lbert’s C, Benton Missouri rVol;?teer Infantry, andpay her a pension at the rate, o $0 on · K ’ `· 5 -: .  »‘~'r H . J ·· i 3 Tlilgiyne oi ·Edward Jones, late 0f·Comg:1n‘y H, One hundred and ’°°°°‘ ii -sec0nd Regiment Indiana Volimteer j _ antry, andpay him a peu1s1fty'onat—the rate0f$12 ·month  » - = ¥ I •* V VTIIB name or Lydia A.*§;1·ence, évsaewer JnmsfL¤wm¤ee,~1.w ""“‘ * """'°° of Twenty·first unattached company, Massachusetts Volnmteer Infan- “’1r‘2‘}.E§.%sE%'n£”“?“§Z£.¥’°m¤?““Q°£££?!¥.i'ti¥i.*i;¤ maroon *····* B- **·*······~ late of Companyliliy Second-‘ Re ’° _ ent Pennsylvania Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and pa ~her*`a at the-rate. of $30 per month; rumswyu. The name of Anne of Thomas. Davis, alias ‘“"°°“"· Thomas D. Evans, late ordinary seaman, United States Navy Civil mr, gd pay her_a_pension at the rate of `$50‘per month in lieu of snowreceiving, ‘ ‘ I “rum » '1'hi naine of·Cordelia·Kite,~widow of William H. H. of °°""°"‘m‘°· Comgeany I, Thirteentlh Regim;i;3;)I‘ennesseet§iTolunteer Cava ‘ , and a sionatterateo. mon ., p·The lnampglhf Mar;hAllen, widow gin`.] R. Allen, late of Com- M" ‘m°“‘ pany D, Thirteenttih gimznégennessee xlolunteer Cavalry, and pay `onat erateo _ rmon . *, " *i_ _ e'1l`hePii2ihe·of Sallie Cope ·’widgew·of‘ Woodson Cepglate of Oom· “'m•°°°* pany E. Eighlllg gz0!lIlQSB00·3i’iO1 i1€¢l‘ Cava , and pay her ionatt rateo ` rmon .· - — · r . · Kelli: name of William Vlxieodby, helpless and de indent son_of mm°mw°°d°" Hezekiah Woodby late of Compangmlil, Thirteenth %egiment Ten- nessee Valunteer Cavalry, and pay ' a pension at the rate of $0 P°’ll'hI;°iiame of Susan A. Stout, widow of Alfred A. Stoutylate of °°"°A‘°°°°*` Company M, Thirteenth Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rateof $50 [gat month in lieu of that she is now receiving: Prodided *That‘in t e meteor the deathrof ;m..,.h°'°°";...., .,. Ellen Sltioug helpléelss anldhdepenfient dauglliter of said and "’“*°‘°"“‘· . tout e 'tiona pension erein gran i `cease me mhztermine: Lind {wma-= use an me event or me dean .,..".:.'§.°“...‘:.:,“}‘“ °" of Susan A. Stout, t ename of said Ellen Stoutshall be placed on the roll, subject to the provisions and limitations or the pe on laws, at the rate of $20 per month from and after the date of death of said Susan A. Stout. · ·