Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1141

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Br rim Pnnsmmrr or rim Uurrnn Sums or Armmoa, A BROCLAMATION, WHEREAS, by ia Joint Resolution approved March 3, 1925, E§§§§§§§§}f°,‘§e,Q"?,‘§? “ the President of the United States is authorized to mvite bg procla- 1¤=}_¤$a{:51e mation or in such other manner as he may proper, t e States Vol.43, p:1253. of the Union and all foreign coimtries to Iparticipate in the proposed permanent exhibition to be held by the_ " tematnonal Trade Exhibi- tion at New Orleans, Louisiana, beFm.1nng_September 15, 1925, for the purpose of exhibiting samples of abricatediand raw products of all countries and bringing toget er buyers and sellers for promotion of tm? °°dTil”mi°°"°° in Sdli Pmiztitilyl ri Va it e at WU tea Ium ¤¤**¤m· vm e, resi en -0 e m 0,, in, at Statldswbf Aixlizifidgi pursuance olwliie said Joint; Resolution, Ado gm ‘°'°i§g°E’l'?"‘S;l°sS hereby invite the States of the“Uni0n and all foreign countries to participate in the Exhibition mentioned by exhibxtmg samples of their fabricated and raw roducts. r · ` e ~ ‘ IN TESTIMONY WIIEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be afhxed. ° _‘ Done at the C£_i1gu<;fIY;)VIi::lshingtipi:1 this Cpurth gay ge m the year o _ one ousan mne un an wen y- [sdm.] five and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-nmth. ‘ i ` ” Canvm Coomncm By the President: ` ` A Fmmx B Knmlooe _ Secretary of State. o ` Br rim Pansxnnivr or rm Unrmn Srarns or Amzziuca. A PROCLAMATION; U e,*‘ » WHEREAS it istprovided by the `Act of A Congess aipproyed g;_>6x;s;§1;¤¤·

 4, 1909, &ti edh‘ "AnhAct£1:o   and V nslpli gu->Athe' v0i.a5,pjw75.

cts especting yri t—,t at ecopyngtsecured te ct; exczpt the bene£itsPu1:1¢i€>rhS·f1ction—1(e%};&5tht]¢;mqf. ari t%awh1°%ht;peci2.l con t1onsareimpose·‘s extend ewo xo anau oror proprietorwho is a citizen or subject-of a foreign- state or- nation, only upon certain conditions set forth m Sect1on_.8.of the SB1ds.A;0l’»,‘ V¤*·35·¤>· 1°""· t0Wlt: , ‘ (a) When an alien author or proprietoreshall be domiciled ’witZhin thczb Stgtes at _the timeof the_iirs:s’fp§1‘rl}§icc1:ztiog11iof—hilir,-w0rk;_or; . ‘ l en-‘t e oreagn state ornstioné t. L su =aut oror. ro- prietor, is a ditizenorsubject grants, either ‘w·treaty,lconven1£on, agrlinementqpr law,&1i1o citizens of tgie United States the beneiitgof copy- _ ng t on su stant1 yet e same asisas to itsown citizens, or co y- right protection substantiallly equal to the protection secured to silich foreign author under this ct or by treaty; or whensuchufpreign state or nation is a party to an intemational agreement which pro- " 2571