Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1173

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PROCLAMATIONS, ms. 2591 NOW THEREFORE, I CALVIN COOLIDGE, President of the United seas or America do swim me pmcnam That on and after July 1, 1925, the conditions specified in Section chg,’°fg§§,§°d§‘d“,’g”mg,‘ 1(e) of the Act -0f March 4, 1909, existed and were fulfilled in relslpect grsmniwl ¤¤¤¤¤•1 nw to the citizens of Chile and that citizens of Chile are and since J y 1, °“ 1925, have been entitled to all the benents of Section 1(e) of the Act of Congres approved March 4, 1909, including copyright controlling the parts o instruments serving to reproduce mechanically musical works. i PROVIDED That the enjoyment by any work of the rights and °°°'**“°“’· benefits conferred by Section 1 (e) of the Act of March 4, 1909, shall be conditional upon compliance with the requirements and formalities plrescribed with respect to such works by the copyright laws of the nited States. AND PROVIDED FURTHER that the provisions of Section 1(e) of the Act of March 4, 1909, in so far as they secure copyright controlling the parts of instruments serving to reproduce mechan- ically musical works shall ajgply only to compositions published after July 1, 1925, and registered or copyri ht in the United States which have not been reproduced within the United States Frior to the date of this proclamation on any contrivance by means o which the work mailbe mechanically Erformed. I WITNESS REDF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be afiixed. DONE at the city of Washington this eighteenth day of Novem- ber in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred [SEAL] and twenty—five, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundre and fiftieth. CALVIN Coonmon By the President: FRANK B Knnnooo Secretary of State Br rim Pnnsmsm or rim Usrrnn Srarns or Aimnrca A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, lands of the United States within the area hereinafter M{,·;*u:u:;g¤¤C§u§_¤¤¤¤ described in the State of Califomia contain objects of such historic Preamble: V and scientihc interest as to justify their reservation and protection as a National Monument- NOW THEREFORE, I, CALVIN COOLIDGE, President of the C§§g_<;,¤:_* M¤¤¤¤=·¤¢· United States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by Vol.34»P·26. Section 2 of the Act of Congress approved June 8, 1906 (34 Stat., 225), entitled " An Act For the preservation of American antiquities ", do proclaim that there are herby reserved from all forms of appropri- ation under the public land laws, sulgect to all prior valid adverse claims, and set apart as the Lava eds National Monument, all tracts of land owned by the United States in the State of California lying within the area escribed as follows: Beginning at the quarter section corner on the east side of Section D¤¤h>¤¤¤- thirteen, Township forty-six North, Rang? three East, Mount Diablo Meridian- thence running due east to t e shore line of Tule Lake; thence following the shore line of said Lake in a southerly and easterly direction to its mtersection with the east line of Section seven, Town- ship forty-six North, Range five East; thence running southerly along the section line to the southeast corner Section thirty-one, said Township; thence westerly to the northeast comer of Township