Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1214

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-2630 PROGLAMLATIONS, 1926. to- the Almighty for the many andgreat blessings they have received, and seek His guidance that throggh good deeds and brotherly love th6§mY%:deserve`a continuance — His favor. g -— · wl TNESS•‘WHEREOF,,.I have hereunto set. my hand and caused to be affixed the goat seal of the United States. . , 3 Eiat the#Gity·of n,¤this thirtieth day of October, in

    ithe gear.-of Gui- One Thousandrhline Hundred and

[1] t '1‘wenty+six, and.of the Independence of the United States, 2;. ·¤ ._ , _ I V I ·

   » u   A .   ‘ · —, 2 -CA·LVIN Coomnem.

By the President: ’: Josnrn C. Gnnw T a · Actinf Secretary of State.

 By V·rnn` PREBIDENQT on run Umzrnn STATES? cr Aunmca

“ “ A PROCLAMATION. ` ggggg ¤¤¥· M6- ` Whereas nie·11tn·er November, 1918, marked the cessation cf the . most deqtmyétiye, sanguinary, _andii`a'r-reaching war in human annals; Where§§`*$,tj,is_,-fitting that the recurring 'anniversaryof this date should be' commemorated with thanksgiving andpraier and exercises de ' ed to perpetuate peace through goo will an mutual under- st ‘between·na‘tions; and _ A»¢¤.¤.1¤¤¢>- Whereas, by a concurrent resolution, passed? by the Senate on May 25, 1926, and by the House of Representatives on June 4, 1926, the President was requested to issue abproclamation "callinGg upon the oiiicials to displlny the flag of the nited States on all ovem- ment buildings on ovembei·iI1th,' and inviting the people of the - United States tooobserva the dag in schools an , churches or other places, with appropriate ceremonies expressive of our gratitude for peace and our d6811'6 for continuance of friendly relations with all other plea": _ _ aaimang cisvhytqz .Nqw,.t@e,{ore, I,. Calvin Coolidge, President of the _United States EY·i°?$`i¤i¤l;°$'€..$.°£ of Amerie of the sai concurrent resolution, do hereby {gg; ggN°'°¤“’°' “· orcler,tha1?l,he,ilag,of the,United States be displayed on all Govern- ' ment,buildi.n§ on November 11 1926, and_ do invite .the people of the to observe the day in schools and churches, or other suitab, p r ,,,v3th apipropriate ceremonies expressive of our grati- tude for peace an our esire for the continuance of friendly relations with all.oth§· oples- 1 J _, “ , » V INYWIT, WHEREQF, I have hereunto set my hand and ~ caused to be affixed th:} gréeat of the United States. DONE at the city o ashington this 3d daiof November, in the . year of our,Lord onethousand nine undred and twenty- [ssa:.] ,six,and.o£ the Independence of the United States, the one hundred and nity-first. . s. ‘ · ‘ Canvm Coomncn By the President; y V FRANK B Knnnoso . Secretary of State.