Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1219

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PBOCLAMATIONS, 1927. 2633 tection for themselves and their dependents of the insurance afforded by the Government. y L = V Detailed infomation withjreference to such insurance may be obtained from the Central OHice· of the United States Veterans Bureau, Washington, D. C., or from its Regional Offices located thoughoutthecountry. . .. · r ‘ e Wherefore, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States, do h13_€iz¤;{i§,sF°gvr_$;}k herebg designate the period January 31 tolFebruary 7, 1927 as a 1, 1927$oiniorui veal: time uring which special effort should be made to inform all vet- §’g‘;,gf,"§,';§‘§,§§‘§‘§§°u§i erans of the World.War of the right they have to reinstate lapsed gg, égqémgrtdg war risk life insurance, and to convert it into United vStatesG·overn- mamma. ment life insurance; and, that all such veterans may, in some manner, be pro erly informed, I urge all citizens, particularly emplcgyers, the press, lhbor organizations, wornen?s_associations, profession groups and civic and patriotic bodies, to secure full information and use such means of informing the veterans as may be most effective. · IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States w beiaiiixed. DONE at the city of Washington, this 11th day of January, in the ‘ e year of our-Lord one thousand nine himdred and twenty- [sun.] seven, »and of the Iudeggndence of the United States the one hundred and fifty- t.W ‘ t · Canvm Coomnem By the President: A . ‘ Fam: B Kmnnoss Secretary of State. Br rms Pimsrnnwr or ram Umrnn Srarns on AMERICA A. PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, by proclamation of December eighteen, · nineteen ¤;Si1$?Zi?°iv°i`Z ll£i"ii·*Z hundred and nineteen, there were reserved_and;set apart as the ‘*};mmb,°_ Shenandoah National Forest, certain lands within the States of Vir- V¤1.4¤. p. 1180- ginia and West Virginia, acquired or to be acquiredelziy the United tates under authontg of the Act of Congress approv March Bret, "°‘· 3**- P·°°‘· nineteen hundred an eleven (36 Stat., 961) entitled ‘*An Act To enable any State _to coogerate with any other State or States, or with the United States, for t e protection of the watersheds of navi ble streams, and to appoint acommission for the acquisition of, lamgfor th se of conserving the navigability of navigable. nyers"; and EAS, ithas been found on further examination thatacertain of the lands thus setapart are not suitablefocr acquisition under the above mentioned Act, and, therefore, should be. excluded from said reservation; and -. _ A 7 WHEREAS, certain additzonal lands in the vicinity of said national forest have been or may hereafter be acquired by e United·States under said Act { NOW THEREFORE, I, CALVIN COOLIDGE, President of the B°““*’*“’*°S m°d‘“°d- United States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by section eleven of said Act, and by section twenty-four of the Act of ¤’·°°3· March third, eighteen hundred and ninety one (26 Stat., 1103), do °'2°’°°u°3' proclaim that the boundaries of the said Shenandoah National Forest are hereby changed to exclude therefrom the lands found to _be unsuitable for acquisition, and to include other lands whiclr have been or may hereafter be acquired under the said Act of March one, mneteen hundred and eleven, as shown on the diagram attached hereto and made a part hereof, and that all lands within said bound- mes which have been or may hereafter be acquired by the United