Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1277

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mnnx. 2689 Calkins, Annetta E. (widow), Psse- 1 Camp Lewis, Wash., P¤¤¢- pension increased ................... 1869 appropriation for construction of bar- Callahan, Mabel E. (daughter), racks at, from military post con- pension ............................ 1564 struction fund ............. -- - 264 Callahan, Mary (widow), construction authorizedofhospital- 395, 1235, pension- .......................... 1646 1391 Callam, Oliver H. (son), ofiicers’ quarters ............... .-- 1235 pension ........................ ---- 1569 noncommissioned ofHcers’ quarters- - 1235 Callender, Anna (widow), barracks ......................... , 1391 pension increased ................... 1964 Camp McClellan, Ala., Callender, Sarah E. (widow), amount authorized for constructing nsion ........................ ---- 1925 barracks at- ........ . ......... 1391 Caglzntine, Martha (widow), Camp Marfa, Tex., pension .................. - ......... 1744 acquiring land in connection with mili- Caloosahatchee River, Fla., tary reservation at, authorized- - 1024 survey directed of drainage area, for appropriation for ................. 1115 flood control, etc- ............. 1097 Camp Meade, Md., use of river and harbor improve- amount authorized for constructing hos- ment funds for ............... 1097 pital at ._._.,._.,............ 1390 Calumet River, barracks ................. 396, 1235, 1391 bridge authorized across, at One hun- Camp Sherman, Ohio, dred and sixth street, Chicago, right of way over, granted New York, Ill .......................... 976 Chicaép and Saint Louis Rail- Calvert Street Bnklge, D. C., way mpany ..... - .......... 379 appropriation for highway guards ..... - 427 Camp U pton, N. Y., Calvert Street NW., D. C., sale o , no longer needed for military appropriation for 'Faving, Connecticut purposes ....... . ............ 1417 Avenue to wenty-ninth Street; Campbell, Anthony, and A. Moro, from gasoline tax fund- ..... --- 426 land claims of, confirmed to owners of Cambron, Emily J. (widow), e%uitable titles ....-....--.-.. 1827 pension increased ......-............ 1680 Campbell, essie E. (widow), Camden, Me., pension increased --.-..-..--..-.-..- 1882 preliminary examination, etc., of, har- Campbell, Lieutenant C. W. A., Navy, bor to be made .....- - ........ 1016 may accept the order " Al Mérito’ from Camden, N. J., Chile -...-..... - .-.----..---- 1802 clerk and marshal, of New Jersey district Campbell, Catharine J. (widow), court, to keep offices at ..-..... 561 pension increased -..--...-.--.--.--. 1684 loan of coin stamJping press as an exhibit Campbell, Charles E., alias Ebin Campbell, at South ersey Exposition in- - - 661 pension ----..-..----.----.--------- 1515 Cameron, A. B., Campbell, Cordelia C. (widow), reimbursement to, for delayed regis- pension increased ---.-..........---- 1655 tered letter-- --..--.-......... 1836 Campbell, Emma F. (widow), Cameron, John J., pension increased .-----.-...---...-- 1883 appropriation for assistant reporter, Campbell, Helen M. (widow), House of Representatives ...-- 1153 pension increased --..-------.-..-.-. 1949 Cameron, Julia A. (widow), Campbell, I blia J. (widow), pension .-.-..--..--.-.--...--.--.-. 1543 pension increased .---.--.----------- 1662 Cameroons Mandate, Campbell, Lena (widow), convention with Great Britain respect- pension increased .......-- - -.--.-..- 1542 ing rights in -...-....-........ 2422 Campbell, Mary (widow of Dynes C. Camp- Camp Custer, Army, bell), deficiency appropriation for additional pension increased ...-...-----..--... 1894 land- --.----.--..........--.. 182 Campbell, Mary (widow of Joseph Camp- Camp Devens, Mass., bell), amount authorized for constructing pension increased .-...--...-- L --..-- 1533 hospital at .--..---....-.- 1235, 1391 Campbell, Sarah J. (widow), barracks -..-...-.--.---..-..--..- 1391 pension ..----.--..----..--.-.------ 1738 construction of barracks, from military Campbell, Sarah Jane (widow), post construction fund- .--....... 396 pension increased ...-.-.....-....... 1871 Camp Dix, Army, Campjleld, Ellen C. (widow), deficiency appropriation for additional pension ....--..-.-.----.--..-..---. 1897 land- -..-.-.--.-.-.....-....- 182 Canada, Dominion of, Camp Grant, Army, appropriation for minister to -----..-. 1180 deficiency appropriation for additional for surveying and marking boundary land -.-----. - -----..-.... ---- 182 line between Alaska and -.-- 336, 1185 Camp Grounds in National Forests, Public, for marking boundary -1ine between appropriation for sanitary, etc., facilities United States and --.. - ...-. 336, 1185 in .--.--.. - -..--.-....---.. 513, 990 for executing Boundary Treaty of Caénz Knox, Ky., mu f _" d 6 _ 1925 ---.-. :.6--.{ -..--....-. 1185 e ciency appro on or ac ui ng e ciency appropna on ` or surveying, _ land ..... P .-..---.-..-- ci --..- 1 259 etc., boundary line between fight of wig. across, granted Kentucky Alaska and- -........-.-..--.- 189 for ‘xie Highway ..-..--...-- 4 for marking boundary line, United unexpended balance of appropriation States and -.....-......-.--.- 189 for barracks and quarter 1926, for surveys, etc., in preparing report available for water supply for--- 877 on Rainy Lake reference .-....- 865