Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1339

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INDEX. 2751 Evans, Anna (widow), P¤¥¤· Excise Taxes, Title VI, Revenue Act of Pm- pension increased- ......... ....... 1886 1926—Continued. ‘ Evans, Dora (daughter), levied on percentage of sales, etc.; effec- pension ............................ 1638 tive in 30 days ................ 93 Evans, Francis C. (widow), pistols and revolvers; sales excepted- 93 pension increased -.-.---..-..------- 1547 if sold by manufacturer at wholesale Evans, George W., and retail ---................. 93 credit in accounts of .-....--....... -- 1607 in lieu of tax under Act of 1924 ..... 94 Evans, John M., computation if sold, etc., at less than pension .-----.-.-..-.---...-.-...-. 1591 market price to an aiiiliated cor- Evans, John V., poration -------.-............ 94 pension .----.----..--.--.------..-. 1522 through agreement, etc., for per· Evans, Laura E. (widow), sonal beneiit .-.-......-...... 94 pension increased -.---.-.--..-.... -- 1739 monthly returns, payments, etc --.. 94 Evans, Lillie F., penalty tax for nonpayment, etc-- 94 payment to, for death of husband -.--- 1847 vendor to refund difference to vendee, Evans, Margaret E. (widow), if former tax greater than new pension increased ...-.-....-......-. 1859 one, and contract prior to Janu- Evans, Martha A. (widow), ary 1, 1926, docs not permit pension increased -..-..--.- - .-...... 1968 deduction from price -......... 94 Evans, Mary E. (widow), vendor to refund vendee former tax, if pension increased -----.-.....-..--.. 1682 included in price, and none now Evans, Mary J . (widow), imposed, and contract prior to pension increased ....--.-....-... - - - 1641 January 1, 1926, does not allow Evans Mercantile Company, deduction from price ...-----. 94 payment to -..- - ---.-.--...-----..- 1845 refund to be made when sale con- Evans, Sarah A. (widow), summated ..-.--..-.-........ 94 pension increased ---..---..-----...- 1585 treble damages to vendec, on fail- Evansville, Ind., ure of by vendor- ............ 95 bridge authorized across Ohio River Executive and Independent O’Iices Appro- at ---.---. - -------.-.--.. 1337, 1384 priations (see also Independent Evarts Street NE., D. C., Offices Act, 1928), appropriation for grading, Third to appropriation for President ·and Vice Fourth Streets ---.- - --...-..-. 1304 President- .............-..... 305 Everets, Jane (widow), for Executive Oflice .......... - ..... 305 pension increased -.---.--.--.-...-.- 1926 for Executive Mansion and grounds- 305 Everhard, Louisa (widow), for Alien Property Custodian -...... 306 pension increased --... .. .-..-......-. 1819 for American Battle Monuments Everhart, Elisabeth (widow), Commission -........ - ......... 306 pension increased .......--.--....-.- 1659 for Arlington Memorial Bridge Com- Everitt, Mary E. (widow), mission -...-- - ..-...-.. - ..... 307 pension increased- -.-.-..--.-... 1693, 173I for Board of Tax Appeals ...- - --... 307 Everman, Arra E. (widow), for Efficiency Bureau -.-.----.-.... 308 pension increased -......--.-..-. .---- 1960 { for Civil Service Commission --...-- 308 Eversole, Abijah, for Commission of Fine Arts --..-.- 309 pension ---..---.-...-.-.-.-.-.....- 1589 { for Employees’ Compensation Com- Everts, Ellen (widow), l mission ...- - .-.-.-..-.....-.- 309 pension increased .......... _ ......--. 1938 for Federal Board for Vocational Ewing, A. B., Education- 310 credit in postal accounts of ........... 1617 for Federal Oil Conservation Board; Ewing, Benjamin F., reappropriation --......- .. ..-.-. 310 pension ..--.---...-..--.--...-.-.-. 1537 for Federal ower Commission .---- 310 Ex-Service Men, D. C., for Federal Trade Commission ..-.. 310 appropriation for burial of indigent, in for General Accounting Oflice ..--.- 311 Arlington, etc., cemeteries-- 447, 1327 for Housing Cogwgration ...-.-.-.-.- 311 Examining and Retiring Boards, Navy, for Interstate mmerce Commis- appropriation for civilian personnel, sion ...-. - .-......-..-.....- 312 ‘ Navy Department ....-...- 592, 1275 for National Advisory Committee Examining Surgeons for Pensions, for Aeronautics ---- - .-.-----.- 314 appropriation for fees, etc., Escal years for Public Buildings Commission--- 314 1927 and 1928 .............. 478, 956 for Public Buildings and Public deficiency appropriation for fees -..- 174, 192 Parks of National Capital ...-. 315 Excise Taxes, itle VI, Revenue Act of for Railroad Labor Board ........-.. 315 1924, for Smithsonian Institution .-.--..- 315 repealed by Revenue Act of 1926, ex- for National Museum .--.--.-.-.-. 316 cept on automobiles ........... 126 for National Gallery of Art -...-.--. 316 on automobiles in 30 days .......... 126 for TariH Commission -.......--.-.- 317 Excise Taxes, Title VI, Revenue Act of 1926, for United States Geographic Board- 317 levied on percentage of sales, etc., by for United States Shipping Board-- 317 manufacturer, etc., of automo- for Emeggiency Fleet rporation--- 318 bile chassis, etc., except trucks, for Uni States Veterans’ Bureau- 319 wagons, and tractors .......... 93 for Commission on celebration of automobile considered as chassis bicentennial of birth of George and body .................... 93 Washington ...- - ------------- 321 43892°-—27—r·r 3—-83