Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1350

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2762 INDEX. Foltz, Edward M., Ford, Minerva A. (widow), P•¤¢· pension- - ....... - ................. ` pension increased ................... 1919 Food Administration, United States, Fordney, Louisa (widow), deficiency appropriation for salaries pension __.. _ -----1 ----------.-.----. 1930 and expenses .-.--.-,-.-...... 192 Fore River Shipbuttdmg Company, _ Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administra- Payment cf Hndmlls cf C°u1'1· cf (:1311119 tion, Department of Agriculture, _ tc -----—·— q ---———-~--------—- 1606 appropriation or salaries and general 002 F°"¢W’¤ 0541 ggmgiiug %>;;*n’;;•f;c Bufwui .-.--............-... 1 ¢P m for %;i)i;Il1scgf Adiiriinistration, and 1002 ¤PP¤'0P;,1‘?;_ti0;1n;{>F 101F¤¤*·01`» Mid ¤m§§0 1200 o ce personne ............... S0 ; ----~ — ~-·----- -- i for eeuebereting with other eepert- fcr ccmmcrcml cmchés. clerks. ments in chemical investiga- QW -------------—--——-—--- 350i 1200 time ________________________ 1002 assignment of two for Department for executing pure food law.- ....... 1003 duty--_ -------------——-- -- ~ 350i 1201 revision o hagmacopmig _____ _ _ _ ]()()3 {01* pl‘0!110tilI1g COIIIIDGTCB, Europe and examining foreign tests of American qthef 8!`88»8 ----------—-—--- E350, 1201 food products ________________ 8iBB1gI].1!1G1].t of f0!I' tI'BdB 00HlID1B· allowance for foreign travel ...... 1003 ¤10¤€¤‘8 f01' duty 1¤ D°P¤'t· for extpenses preventing importation ¤{¢¤1{ ----------—---- ; ----- 351. 1201 0 boa otc_ ____________ f0l' 8Dd COOPBTBUVO 0mCB for admimstering Naval Stores Act-- 1003 Service .......... _ ......... 351, 1201 for pmvgging satle,detc., gf fadul- for dgvexloyinglzraglo with South aggl 1202 te ‘ ‘ ‘ · ‘- en r er ca ........... , ci;-|:$___iI:tc_ _(?_?_??___g1i?_ 1003 assignment of two trade commis- examination by Administration, of ¤1°¤¤¤‘¤ for duty iu D°P81't· specimens of foods, drugs, in- ment -----·----- _ ·---·-—~-- 3 51. 1202 pesticides, ete .----.----.-...- 1003 for iilgglhflr Iggveécgéns ccmmcrggl 1202 Food Products, . ° · ········· . * appropriation for examining foreign “°1g11111°11t °1 1°w° t1`%d° °°mm1°' tests, ett.,_ee Antrim ..... tit, 1003 ¤¤¤·=r¤ f¤r_ dm =¤ D¤¤·g·2 Food Products, Agricultural I m°11t ···· B.···:····éi§···T·· 15 · 1202 appropriation for biological investiga- °1` °X§:11°°° ° °1°mg 11* 3g2 1202 ---•---·••·••--·*-•·•••••• I ,0, i§‘§§§g,;;§,;i,§f;D§;ggg ;,;,;,g{°;,g;;;· 2; for investigating export industries-- F . dn; :§`iii.EiYé{i¤ the i.6iiiJ.°j I 111325, iooo for ¤:g&¤¤,g¤gdh<!;;¤ lg; j:w¢*1g_gg§*{¤,¤ 00 T iaith m'°ri°9n’ · and manufnrrtures 352 1203 9pp]10P?;§§gmt;9gtcluv”uph¤g a°dlgi0 1003 for Customs Statisgcs sectien€0.- $$2; 1203 D"`-Ig '‘`°'`'’ ’ or expenses comp' 'ng Dire' c ry o Foggpropriatiozicnior investigating adul- F°”1$11 Buy"' ····· *·`*···’ 353* 1203 · for investigating, etc., foreign trade , terations, etc ...... - ....... 515, 1003 mgmcuom 353 1204 Foods, etc. D. C. · · `''``“ ' appropziation gorofdetecting adultergég 1319 fm. b:;§u,;§,i%;I:%;g;1:1{1 11 ?fiqife§sg3’ 1204 1°11°• ° ‘¤ ‘*'’**‘··‘•• • for transportation of families and Fcc¢-and-llcqth. dc-. Dirmcr ct Animals. eireets of officers, ete ....... ass, 1204 _ ¤PP1’°P£?1g:;1cf°T°m¤T8°¤¤y *15% 1005 attengdglnce at meetings for 12053 1204 -·-----·----------- r 6 ---;-- , usc cf uncxpcndcd b•1¤¤cc¤ ...... ’ 1005 provisigd; ermirriigmigeggigu ccemmeree loans from appropriation for to owners Service in _____________ _ ______ 1394 cf crcps dcstrcycd iw Flcndp Foreign Buyers, Directory ig, 1¤¤'¤¤¤¤¤¤» 8PP¤`0V¤d md credit appropriation for comp ng ....... 353, 1203

 111 WGWUW ·---------· 1251 Foreign Commerce Service,

Forage Crops, A _ _ _ established in Foreign and Domestic appropgation for investigating disease;09 986 u(`i<;:;n:;r2§6m];!;i;;•6°u of 1394 ret i¤veQti`giti£§i§i§éé£e`§&e&tiLiZ 517; sca grades ami titles of esieeriij--Z .... :-2 iam Forage, Marine Corps, duties of oflicers, to promote foreign a propriation for ----.-...-..-... 612, 1294 commerce .................... 1394 Forgacli, Qiristine (widow), 1909 invesggate, gte., commercial con- 1394 pension increased --..........-..... i ions a road- .............. Forbes, Eliza (daughter), ‘ other promotion duties, as directed- 1395 F plensicgi-- - 1 .--... ; ------.-...-..--- 1686 make inspections of the foreign com- 1395 or es, ranew mcrce .... - ................... military recoid corrected- -..-..----.. 1495 appointments by the Secretary in, after Forbes,_ Ida V. (widow), _ ciyil service examinations, etc-- 1395 pension -...--.. - .............-..... 1533 eligibility, without examination, of Force, Margaret (widow), present attaches, etc., of Bureau- 1395 F pgméon--(. -_%;v3 -.-.- ` .-..--.----- . --- ‘ 1523 classification apdtésglgriezhof égicers to 1395 or ora wt ‘ appo n y e oretary- F pehgon -.-- (---;-5 .--.-.---..------ 1513 promotioéns and demotaonstgutgigrized; d nose wtdow' , e ciency recor s con- opeiisiiiili increased ........-.--...--.. 1929 sidered ..........-............ 1395