Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1398

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2810 INDEX. Indian Commissioners, Board of, -P¤I¢· Indian Reservations—C0ntiuued. PRG- apprpriation for expenses of-------- 459, 940 oil and gas leases, etc.; State and local Indian Gouda, . · __ l l W taxes to be levied on improve- approBziation»f<1rjudges--- ...... - - - 458, 939 ments, output, etc--;.- ........ 1347 Ind»&an_ ppreglazion Claims, l on V Indian royalties, from tribal approgrxsztion for defense in--- .... 342, 1193 funds------- --·._- ..... -----,.; 1347 Indi¢m_ ormers and_,St0ckmen, no lien against i¤di8¤ Pl’0P6X'tY-- - 1347 appropriation for -.---...---- - --.-.. . ,461, 941 boundaries 0f.¤¢¤6¤V8·ti0ns for use of Indian Hospitals, < _ , y Indians permitted only by Con- ‘ » appropriation for maintenance, etc., of gross---, .--.--- _ ---. . ...----- 147 designated-----, ..-- --4- .-..- 472, 951 tempornryi =Wi?·hd1tawals not in- Indian Logzdcq, lf, ds __ i, , , · , clugloed-K., --,- ga., .-.. ----_. 1347

appropna_1on ora vert1sm_ _ g expenses, prospeo rs? vmg 0 speci-

sales of-----» ----- , .--- . -- ..-.- 460, 940 iiedworl: of _dril£gg,-etcéfrior to Indian Matrqns, » » of V January}, 1926, allow __ exten- appropriation for ---.--.--... ,,--.- - - 461, 942 sion of permit for two years-, - - 1347 I ndian Momys, Proceeds ,of_ Labor, r· * lease authorized on discovery of de- miscellaneous, revenues from reserva- , positsin land--..-----.i ...-----. 1348

  • _ , ations, ew, to be depositedoasu 560 area allowlid f¤1f·le$se- -..-....-. - 1348

available for tribes, ‘ agencies,. and selection oi land, if surveyed ..-.... 1348 » schools, for whom collected---- 560 if;unsurveyed.--, .-...- ' --.-.----. 1348 Indian Oasis Hospital, Ariz-, c ‘ . . term, royalty, and rental- -.--...- 1348 appropriation for - maintenance, etc., preferential ri.ght,—t0 lease remainder of .--.- ,-----_ .,-------..---. 472, 951 » ~ of area in isheapplication ---.-. 1348 Im1ianvPolice,· . , , · , . ~ additional royalty; action on bids- 1348 appropriation for P&Y•*Qtc-- --..--.. 458, 939 unallotted irrlgable lands ou, may be Indian, _ upils, ‘ · l leased for farming purposes, with appropriation for support, etc., of, at — · consent of tribal council, etc---- 894 schools-. ............. - ...- 1 468, 947 Indian River, Del., discontinuance of schools with - prelimiw examination, etc., of, to be minimum attendance---.- .... 468, 947 e. ..-. --i -.,-.-..---....-. 1017 tuition in public, eta., schools-.- 468, 947 Indian River, Fla., e for transporting, etc---. .....--... 468, 948 preliminary examination, etc., of, con- obtaining employment; refund- 468, 948 necting channel with Saint Johns native pupils rom Alaska- ....- 469, 948 River at Sanford, to be made--- 1019 Indian Reserévaiirgcs, _ · ‘ t Indian Sciiogts, f l rt d appropna on or expenses, opemng, 0 appropna 1on or re ng prope y e- entry ..-.- ----------;--4.;-- 457, 938 stroyed by fire, etc.; limitation,- 459 for surveying, allotting in severalty, for support, etc .-.......-..----. 468, 947 _ etc., of landain; reimbursable- 459, 940 ’ provision for the deaf and dumb or for timber preservation, etc -.-. --- 461, 941 t blind or mentally deiicient- - - 468, 947 for emer5ency,s1i;•pressingforest fires- 942 amount for Alabama and Cou- for dev oping stock,wate1'I¤$ Plwes shatta Indians in,Texas- -.-.. 468, 947 on; con tion-. .--.- L.- .--.--..· 462, 942 Pueblo and Hopi Indians -...-.-. 468 for irrigation and drainage expenses; full blood »-Choctaws of Missis- t projects speci6ed..--.2.. ..-.-- 462, 943 sippi -......-..-.-..------. 468, 947 deiicieney appropriation for timber pres- discontinuance of schools · ervation, etc -----.- - ...-------- 1252 with less than speciii pupils; game and {ish laws of New York, ex- transfer. of pupils --..- ------- 468, 947 tended to Allegany, Cattarau- discontinuance of day schools with gus, and- 0i[Sprmgq, therein---- 932 less than specified pupils ----- 468, 947 land. to be Eurchased for addition to transfers directed; return of mon- . Cah ,.Calif ,.--.- - ..:. --,-._ 252 eys appropriated-- .----...-- 468, 947 Makah, - Wash.·· lands adjoining, set 1 maintenance in public schools; for- uide for 'Makah and Qmleutes-- 614 mal contracts not required- - - 468, 947 mining leases authorised of lands on, re- not to be used for schools specifi- served for agencies or schools-- - 300 cally agpropriated for ....... 468, 948 metalliferous and nonmetalliferous tribal so ools of Five n Civilized deposits in reserved unallotted Tribes continued- ...... V ....... 9 48 lands in specified States ........ 922 for transporting etc., pupils ...... 468, 948 oil and gas excluded---. .......... 923 employment for pupils; refunding, determination or lands, etc ....... 923 etc ...... J---`s. ............. 468, 948 water lands, etc., not subject to Alaska pupils---- ....... - ..... 469, 948 ent? ........ ----- ........... 923 for constructing, etc., buildings; new Northern heyenne, Mont.-; allotment construction restricted ......... 948 of in severalty to Northern facilities for Pueblo and Hopi Indi- Cheyenne Indians- ............ 690 ans-- - - ...................... 948 oil and gas leases authorized on unallot- for school plant, Pawnee, Okla- ..... 469 ted lands within ...-.- - ..----- 1347 for designated boarding schools- - - 469, 948 proceeds from rentals, royaltiw, etc., deficiency appropriation for support, to be deposited to credit of In- etc ..... - .....-. - --..-.... 187, 1257 ' diaus of the reservation -.----.. 1347 for transportation. -...----..-----. 187 expenses payable from ..--.-..... 1347 amount authorized for improvements, Indians to be consulted as to ex- etc., of Seneca. School, Wyan- penditure of .... - .... - --.....- 1347 dotte, Okla ...-. - .....--....-- 252