Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1454

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2866 INDEX. Nantucket, Mass., P•I•· N arcotics—C0ntinued. Pin. preliminary examination, etc., of har- deliver¥_ for medical purposes to any bor to be made ............... 1_017 _ ederal department, etc ....... 99 N apier, Leaner (widow), applicable to seizures from unknown pension increased ........... .. ....... 1893 owners ...................... 99 N apoleone, Francesca (mother), restriction on destruction .......... 99 pension increased ................... 1593 convention with Cuba to suppress Napper, Mary Jane (widow), smuggling of ................. 2402 pension increased ................... 1576 with Great Britain adding smuggling Narcotic Act, of, to extraditable offenses, selling, etc., narcotic drugs in Virgin United States and Canada ..... 2098 Islands, authorized by Executive extradition convention with Great orders, for legitimate medical 1023 pritain as to Canada for traffic 2100 pu es ..................... in ........................... transfer of authority over from Com- Nash, Sarah A. (widow), missioner of Internal Revenue pension increased ................... 1857 to Secretary of the Treasury--- 1382 1,;,,,,;,,,,,9 N_ H9 N¤"¢°H¢$» _ deficiency appropriation for fish hatch- appropriation for expenses, restricting or-yr bugdmgs, ponds, ctc ______ 173 BRIS Of, Etc-, ..... ---- .... - Nason Laura A disseminating infomation on law ’r ‘ ’ pens on increased .... - .............. 1940 observance ..,............. 143, 1034 N h M_ d¤¤°*·¤°y,,:·;;·,·i;P,*;:;*°·;,;°* ·¤¤·=¤·¤· ,8, *3%;:, ttizma tm Mmippi rcs 6 s ----------- i . . . 868, 883 886 1258 Itiver to Vidalia La., from-r-- 392 importers, manufacturers, dealers, etc., I N¤·*°h"·l2_*d¤lW Bmife ’¤’*d T°"""'*¤1 in opium; coca leaves, and prep- b _ vmpggy, _ _ i R_ bet arations hereof, to register with ¤1¤Y ¤d8€ ¤¤¤¤¤§1PP Wei`, _ W¤¢¤ coueciom or inismsi revenue--- cs Natchez. Mui-. wd Vrdalw. Ls- 392 roggotry and groporuomto tax if so acquisition authorized, after comple- oogogod anusry 1 1919 _______ 96 tion, by Mississippi, Louisiana, subsequently engaged ........... 96 etc ·—-——-——--------· · ··--·-·- 393 special tax on designated occupations-- 96 Nathan, Nanny (widow), definition of, importer, manufacturer, pension increased ...... - ............ 1728 ¤·¤d P*’°du°°!' -----·- ` ·--------- 96 National Advisory Committee for Aero- wholesale dealer ...... - ............ 96 najuics, 1‘€1·81l d€8l¢l'- - r .--··------.--.-... 96 appropriation for expenses ........ 314, 1078 Dime 0f busmmi €mP1°Y¤¢¤ ¤!· for printing and b nding for ..... 314, 1079 cepted from registry and tax .... 96 Nommol A,oo,.9ru,,, D_ C_ ¤¤¤mvg;g9;¤ <>f <>¤i¤i¤l¤ mm mtu- we 97 aabuihmsrigd its mtiiiismcs oi, lm . --—--------—--—--*--—----- direc ..................... .r°g°]°h°°°t° b°Pr°°°rib?d ········ 97 transfer for, of land along Anacostia dispcsaigryupersons not registered, un- 97 i 1119,999., north of gaming £gg1g§_ 1422 ---—------——-----—-··-· ddit onal and may acqu' y "person" construed ............... 97 A · to ¤1><>¢i¤1 wx 1¤W¤ ¤;1g>1i<>¤*>¤¤ -------·--- 97 EXEEETSEL Exist i;`°3s iuiil stamp tax on, pr uced or imported-- 97 trio`, _ ________________ 1422 °ddm°““*l l’° imwrt duty ·········· 97 restriction-di; purchase price ....... 1422 diSP°“1 °f· “°°pt in °' from °t°'mp°d amount authorized for acquisition of - 1422 P“k“?°€ ¤¤1ewf¤1 —----···---· 9; no payment until title vested under- - 1422 ¤Vid9¤¢¤ <> V¤>l¤¤¤¤2· -----—--—— 9 ei be umiei- seieiiiiiic direction to stim- obtulriuetdtegy prcscrlp 011. ctc-. P¤1'· 97 plstg research and;:overy.6-9 1422 professional administration, etc., LY °‘dm1ég;g§;ggw?€§?1:grromr€,:$é1 st; regigtiered physicians, etc., - 97 tions ____ _ ___________________ 1422 °W ,··. ·············· : ······· ° t f la d mms v¤>v¤¤2<>¤¤ {yds ·¤>¤¤<=¤¤¤¤ *0 99 “d"i“°’3’e$.§i`3',§‘£§'e§{°.§}.°i-$’Y-'Z-.'{.‘Z‘I- im _ ¤¤S¤‘¤V¤¤8 ° -------——------- isi r ‘ te i d i‘ nal ¤¤¤¤¤~9g;;é;g9·j¤;9gt—;¤Iy9;>;9¤99g;;k¤¤¤ ¤=· 99 ’°"”.$$§..¤i§X&§s iiciiiii i$`f‘.{‘Z -. im · ``````` Nat` nal Bank Currency rcvcxixgriggi_€(2Yi!jli1§;_f!}é(§?_?E): 98 aplpropriation for distinctive paper for- ’°°°’d°£“.I.$I°$‘¤’§c{$‘3é‘r‘§f"lr§fi"$‘}i‘$i.s M ¤¤¤¢p¤¤(;99r¤d¤¤¤i·¤¤ ¤f· ”-‘r·>·;¤,;9 ,99, urer s ce ............... 9egu$§9g%r;9‘r;;éé_':;:;;:::::; for expenses, Office of Comptroller gz, 1033 designated medicines, etc., not subject _ t'h° Cunemj ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘' ' to provisions hereof ........... 98 N ¢1¢wn¢d B¤·¤k8» records to be kept or all sues, ew.; shares <>f,_ may be taxed by Sim i¤ 9 preservation for two years, etc-- 98 whrph 10¤¤l•€d ·-------··-- -—-- 22 rcdstry and tax 1•°qui]·ed___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ §1t;8]'Il8tVB forms allowed- - - - - - - -- - decocaimzed coca leaves, etc., not other than adopted, excluded ..... 22 subject to this Act, ____________ 98 rate of assessment, not to exceed that all opium, etc., seized from persons con— on other money capital ........ 223 victed with exgolations of law to 99 personal mvggrnent not deemed 223 be confiscat ................ m0¤€Y Cal) ----—-----—---—-