Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1528

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2940 INDEX. Pigrheg, Rgcbezt ,:1,., 1;0·4?3 Piney Brancth Rog.:} N W., D. C6, B P¤8¢· ___________,.......... appropna ion or paving an uren Picklegpili; M. A. (widow), th<;1B,nat;e;·nu(1; Streets; from asso- 1306 ‘ d _________________,_ 1968 ` e- un ................. P1;E;¥;S;gLd?cr€wB condemnation proceedings authorized appropriation for distributing, etc., for opening, etc., under high- surplus war, for clearing agricul- ways system between Thirteenth _ tural lands-, ................ 521, 996 _ and_Butternut Streets ......... 675 Pzedras Noyroo, Mmoo, _ Pmavri Svphw (widow). bridge authonzed across Rio Grande _p§¤¤10¤ 1¤¢l‘€8·8Gd ...--....-......... 1920 bctween Eagle Pass, Tex., and- 532 Pinion, George W., time extended for bridgirig Rio Grande pension increased ................... 1588 from Eagle Pass, ex., to ...... 7 Pink B0u‘!{70T]'i| of Cotton, P iiiniared 1589 “p"’°pE»$‘2¥2oi§§o2‘§%?“°°°’ °""°“°§§o iooi O C - - - ·· ·- • ---- - --·-- — - — · - -- -——·-—- y Pigyoo, Columbus- P_, for survbiys and local exterminatiggé, wm ilit d ted- ............ 1768 in Sxico ......-..-....... . P$ce,aéii:i§1c(()1li:id(4;(ivr§?c for control measures, Mexico, etc- 526, 1001 Ppensigg iriorgasgd .,.. ) ............... 1 912 for surgegshfgpfétgancn in Texa5sé6 1001 ` , ' , ' w all C & ........... zglgcgsionziigruxd __,_ I ,............. 1722 for cooperative establishment of ’ Pierce, Mary (widow), f oiziéton free areas, etc ....... 526, 1001 ‘ ‘ oogod _______. - _,,....,,. 1689 or ex rmina ion measures in coop- P5;-coI;?l(;|;ln;·I1;clif, (widow), eration with Mexican authori- pgngign __________ - .,..,........,... 1861 H6! ................. . .... 526, 1001 poo,-oo, Mauro (widow), for reimbursing States for enforced pgngign i¤g;·gg,ggd_ ______,,_,_._._,. - 1933 nonproduction cotton zones- 526, 1001 Pwyoo, Reno, M, (dgughjer), payment for destroyed crops, etc., pgngig¤___h_·}; ______ 3 ___,_______,_,. 1659 P_ k f0S1;l(12;l1A,-?-._---S .,...... 527, 1001 P‘ 5 _ wgjdqqp in ar . w tgecri/siorfigncrmsgd .... Z .............. - 1876 pensioriincrcused ........ 1 .......... 1855 Pierre, ,g_ Dain, . Pinkney, Eva F. (widow), appropriation for Indian school at--- 470, 950 penswn ¤¤¢=r<=¤-wi ................... 1822 P "?"’“,!...w """‘°‘°’· mr P‘£?iii'f#§KJie.£e‘°&““°" 1569 pglgeggx? mc nn--Nun-nun Pipeslonc, Minn., nun-nn"--any proclamation increasing duty on, to _appro£;iation for Indian school at,- 469, 949 equalize differences in costs of Pirce, C rico, . production ............... r - - - 2638 _P¤¤¤1°¤- ----------·--·--------·---- 1778 Pike, 4nn_Elisa (widow), PNWQ. tu ld b P pension in,czre;lse<z,L§,.-.) .............. 1522 ¤!¤l¤¤ ctc _°;1£(;;,,,°nY m0·¤�f¤·¤t¤¤'¤¥'¤. 93 6 llfill . 010 _ ·• -···-••-—-—-··~ tpei¤si9¤_i¤¤r<=•;¤¤d ----- I -----~--·—--- 1571 P”‘°l·’· R°”°‘”°”·.°‘°·· . . . '°‘*‘· t‘”“"‘ ‘“”“*°‘°’· ,8.,8 "°°l“”.‘}i““.i"?.i.*‘$?.'L’,¥°’ ?.‘1.‘}.i°°*Zi2°"L‘5£ii; pension .......... - ................. _ '°"“* ’£‘§i..£‘”"‘°‘°r.Q.....i’· im ‘¤omyH£’§‘}.`Z$3.iat;r;.;.;i;;;:,·,,.·,i·.,·ei:,;,;. ‘°5" n 1 .................. - pgmbzry, ,70,,;, Agkjyg (widow), i for official use to designated xnsign __________________________ __ 1645 odicers, etc .............. o--- 1059 pilot g;m,»;_,, tradeshipments to manufacturers and appropriation for preparation, etgao 1282 ,1;>¤8 ${1;,8 d¢¤·1¢1'¤ allowed �¤d81' 1060 p- A 3,,Q-`X,:;;` ``-` nn -—-_-`- ' punishment for 1060 °Z?proi»rioiio¤ fdr support, etc., or ¤¤¤¤*iv¤ i¤ ¤i¤¤*y dw -------------- 1000 Indians ag _____ 7 ___________ 474, 953 Pitcher, James B., alias James Pritchard, 4 Pima 1»¤1»oo_Ho»pi¢o1, Arjrz., 1>¤¤e¤<>¤ ¤¤<=¤¤¤¤¤<1 ------·--------- 1-- 150 appropriation for maintenance, etc., PW RW"` Pvwef Company. _ of ______, 4 ___________________ 472, 951 deiic1en¢iy_ agproprmuou for paying 191 1>· Ind' are . . ° 0**** —·--·· - ---·-—--------- tggwropriiziidn fin: irrigation system, 1’=**=» Eu" M· (’”°¢h“)v 1826 Gila River Reservation ...... 463, 944 P.p°;,m°;',· ·c;r··. ···· :]:,;,1 ······ ,,2 §·.·· part of Casa Grande Ruins National , Ws W9 in {*10;,71*,12111;,,, CWGW, a amt Monument restored to public b .d"“ L?tt{° C&l°mp':,"¥& . domain for irrigation canal to may ,‘i,*hgf,,,,0n ,I‘?°wm§,!“°DL "' m 933 umu ’1“,;§§§§,y ' { "'·' 'V "{' " Q"; 698 Wabash River at Terre%aute,·Ind-- 973 penf agqc or lmga mg an 8 467 Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rail- · o covere nn ...... - .......... · . .’ . way Company _ P';·g,’,g{0El§,; (“”d°,”’)• 1571 may brédge grand balumet River at 755 · ·················· ary, n ................... Pinder, T. Luther pggob h p P¤·Ym0¤t Wi 701:1**8 of but ----—----- 1501 appiigziiatgn for mining experiment Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak., station, care, etc ........... 367, 1218 appropriation for support, etc., of deficiency appropriation for public Indians at ......... ; ....... 474, 954 building site ..,.... - ........... 873